would paulites support fred?

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why is it that the paulites are not interested in Fred Thompson?, he seems to be closley aligned with that of many paulite opinions and doesn't have the "kookyness" that paul has........and thompson has a much greater chance of being elected.

so what's up?.
Fred Thompson is much more aligned with failed Bush policies than a libertarian philosophy. A vote for Thompson is a vote for 4 more years of Bush.
To be honest, I have not looked at Thompson's stances on the issues at all. I only have a very shallow understanding of the man. That said, I do like Thompson's "I don't give a damn" attitude when dealing with the press. He makes me laugh out loud whenever a reporter asks him a question and he fires back a one word answer, then stares at the reporter with that "What, are you stupid?" look on his face.
I like the way he goes straight for the jugular when attacking his opponents in debates. I loved it at the YouTube debate when they showed Fred's video, and afterwards everyone on stage was like "Geez, Fred - take it easy".

Things I don't like about Fred:
There are a few frail old men in the race, Ron Paul included, but Fred really looks like he could kick the bucket at any minute.
While I really like Fred's showmanship, that creates a problem in itself. I can never tell when he is acting. No wait, I take that back. I think Fred's whole campaign is an act. I really don't think he cares if he gets elected or not. Ron Paul on the other hand has always been openly skeptical about his chances in this race, yet he keeps walking right into all the slime pits and booby traps that make up campaign politics - and he doesn't even flinch while doing it. I don't see how anyone could not at least admire a candidate like that.
If Ron Paul were to drop out and Fred Thompson was nominated I would of course support him before any Democrat. Until that happens I will continue to support Ron Paul.
Of the 5 top GOP contenders Paul is my first choice and Thompson my second.
So come the TX primary I will vote for Paul even if he is out of the race as there is a good chance the nominees will be decided before TX has it's primary.
I might could vote for Romney but can't see myself voting for either Guiliani or McCain.
So yes if Thompson gets the nomination I'd support him.

As an aside why are Paul supporters called Paulites yet others supporters aren't called Guilianites or Romnilians or McCainians or Hucabuckanians.
I'm sorry, but Thompson, McCain or Guiliani is just 4 more years of Bush. We don't have money left, we're in a recession now. We need Paul.
Ron Paul's campaign is totally different and is spreading on it's own exponentially! He has the most money left! He can win, he needs to win. I've never voted my whole life until this year and if he drops out for some reason, I won't even vote. At that point it sort of doesn't matter. We need fundamental changes. Everyone is just talking rhetoric and promises that aren't possible to follow through!
Everyone needs to realize in most aspects, Ron Paul is winning! The media ignores him and is making this perception that he's not doing good!! He's got more wide spread support than anyone!! He will win!!
Please visit www.ronpaul2008.com and watch this video!!

As an aside why are Paul supporters called Paulites yet others supporters aren't called Guilianites or Romnilians or McCainians or Hucabuckanians.

Actually I call them Paulestinians, and that is because instead of supporting a candidate they are more like cult members following their leader.
(see the post above as an example)

But since Mark Kloos said no more I will refrain from the term as of now.
Actually I call them Paulestinians, and that is because instead of supporting a candidate they are more like cult members following their leader.

RP is going to eventually lose the primary. In the general eleciton, the republican party will need every vote it can get. Why do you want to call RP supporters names and drive them away from voting Republican in the general election? Are you sure name calling is a good strategy?

My prediction is the Republican nominee, whoever that may be, will lose the general election. Then, they will sit around and wonder why the RP people didnt go to the polls and vote for them. One reason is because there is no attempt by the status quo candidates to bring the "Paulestinians" into the fold.

Oh well, ya live and learn.
No, I would not. As others have said, a vote for any GOP candidate other than Paul is a vote for four more years of Bush. It's also a vote against the Constitution, and a vote for more pointless wars overseas.

I don't think this country will survive if the neocons stay in power for too long -- and frankly, if Americans keep them in power, then it doesn't deserve to survive. Not only will we see the last of our liberties and privacy go down the drain, with illegal wiretapping and general police-state surveillance, but America will also go bankrupt. What's the national debt now? Something around 10 trillion dollars and rising?!

Of the GOP candidates besides Paul, the one I dislike the least is Huckabee. But he's still a neocon who stands for big government at home, military intervention overseas, and generally telling the rabble in the sports bars what they want to hear.

If a Democrat gets elected, then unconstitutional anti-gun legislation may be more likely to pass. If gun owners comply with it, then they don't deserve to have those freedoms anyway. Only brave people can be free.
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I don't think Fred Thompson demands a lawful government.

Without that basic demand, I couldn't support him.
ok, the church of paul has spoken.

a group of paul supporters feel that a vote for anyone but paul is just a vote for four more years of bush, right?.

now even though i don't agree, i can empathsize

lets see if i'm on track here........paul does not get the nomination and let's say thompson, romney, or huckabee are chosen.......you would sit idley by and not support them against the likes of hilary, obama, or edwards?.
Since there's not a scintilla of difference between all of the Republican nominees and the Democrats, why would we care?
Actually I call them Paulestinians, and that is because instead of supporting a candidate they are more like cult members following their leader.
(see the post above as an example)

But since Mark Kloos said no more I will refrain from the term as of now.

Well, since this is a thread about Ron Paul and Fred Thompson, and I am a Paul supporter, I'd just like to say that I think the "Paulestinian" nick name is pretty funny. Also, I have heard of Thompson supporters being refered to as "Fred Heads", and I think that is funny too.

But, I understand Marko's point - not everyone has the same sense of humor as me.
please answer the question.

lets see if i'm on track here........paul does not get the nomination and let's say thompson, romney, or huckabee are chosen.......you would sit idley by and not support them against the likes of hilary, obama, or edwards?.

I will vote for Paul in the primary, but I will vote for whoever the Republican nominee is in the general election, assuming it is not Giuliani, who I would not vote for.
lets see if i'm on track here........paul does not get the nomination and let's say thompson, romney, or huckabee are chosen.......you would sit idley by and not support them against the likes of hilary, obama, or edwards?.

Just speaking for myself - yes, that has been my plan before the candidates were even announced. I was a registered independent and my state has closed primaries, so the plan was just to sit back and watch until the general election and then go vote, leaving the Presidential portion of my ballot blank. But then Paul got in the race (who I actually learned about on this forum a couple of years ago) and I decided that since he was a long shot I could put aside my distaste for two party politics long enough to register as a republican and support him in the primaries. Thankfully, this experience has been a bit of an eye opener and I fully understand why I can't stand the two ruling political parties, and I am getting excited for February 6th to roll around so I can switch back to an independent. If Ron Paul makes it past the primaries to the general election - Fantastic! I'll vote for him. If he doesn't make it that far, well at least there is still plan A.
Since there's not a scintilla of difference between all of the Republican nominees and the Democrats, why would we care?

Because thats just a lie propogated by Paul supporters to get people to support him.

There is a world of difference between Thompson Huckabee and even Romney than Hillary or Obama. People on this board would take you more seriously Pat if you weren't so blatantly dishonest.

If a Democrat gets elected, then unconstitutional anti-gun legislation may be more likely to pass. If gun owners comply with it, then they don't deserve to have those freedoms anyway. Only brave people can be free.

And your alternative is what? A standoff with the ATF? I don't see you building any backyard machine guns or sawing down your shotguns.
Yes, I would sit idley by and not support them against the likes of hilary, obama, or edwards.

I support the Constitution. I can no longer support anyone that I believe does not.
bigshooter said:
lets see if i'm on track here........paul does not get the nomination and let's say thompson, romney, or huckabee are chosen.......you would sit idley by and not support them against the likes of hilary, obama, or edwards?.
Yes, that's correct. Like I said, I am never voting against the Constitution again. I believe that every citizen has a duty to protect the Constitution, and one way to do that is to only vote for candidates who will not violate their oath of office.

Pat H said:
Since there's not a scintilla of difference between all of the Republican nominees and the Democrats, why would we care?
Their positions on certain issues are different, but I agree that all of the "mainstream" candidates are atrocious for this country. They're all enemies of the Constitution, albeit in somewhat different ways.
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