Why would you use rubber buckshot for home defense?

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Why would you use rubber buckshot for home defense?

When Gumby attacks, Pokeys gotta die also..... He's a witness
I wouldn't.

"Why would you use rubber buckshot for home defense? " I never would.

There is no good reason to. If you need to brandish a firearm in your home, then something real serious is going on. Why take the chance that "rubber" will stop "whomever" from killing you? Does anyone think robbers, home invaders or other criminals are loading THEIR weapons with "rubber" bullets???
I would like to make several points in regards to using "Non-Lethal" ammo for the purpose of Personal protection of self, family and personal property.

1. Threats to your property or to your life don't always come from other humans. It also comes from wildlife. Now those living in major cities probably won't have this issue. Those living in the backcountry of say Texas, Alaska, Colorado, etc... DO have issues with wild animals, Rattle Snakes, Bears, Moose, Wolves, Coyotes, the list can go on. Actual studies have shown that various forms of non-lethal ammo can be & are effective in scaring away wild animals with little to no physical harm to the animal. Preventing a death of much needed and animal. Besides rubber bullets, Rubber shot, & there is pepper spray ammo, as well as flash bang ammo that creates a very very loud noise and bright flash of light. The Pepper spray ammo and Flash Bang Ammo have been shown to be really effective in scaring away bears. Especially when used in combination. I have personally used Rubber shot & Pepper Spray ammo to scare away Deer, and Coyotes here in Texas. I do have a problem with wild animals on my property in Texas.

2. In regards to potential lawsuits, (being sued) by a criminal whom you shot with non-lethal ammo. At least here in Texas, You could & can still be sued by the criminal even if you used lethal ammo and ended up only injuring him. In fact even if you did manage to kill the criminal, You could still be sued by the surviving family. Even if your successful in winning the case, It will still cost a big chunk of change to defend yourself in court. However, personally I would much rather be alive, and well in court defending myself, then be dead, or have my wife &/or kids killed or raped.

3. Long story short.... I have been shot with rubber shot before. It is NOT a fun experience. It's a very painful one. So yes, I suppose if I was a criminal, and got shot with rubber shot/bullets... I could just shoot to kill you anyways. However, I would suspect that MOST criminals, would flee and run after being shot with rubber shot/bullets. Especially if you fired off in quick succession 2-4 rounds of rubber shots/bullets. Being hit by Rubber shot, will stun the criminal long enough for you to reach for another weapon with lethal ammo if needed.
In addition rubber shot/bullets CAN be lethal at a close range. If I end up needing to actually use lethal force.... Then I would use it at close range right to the face. Problem solved.

I did a little research... I was unable to find any actual case accounts where a home defender used rubber shot/bullets against a criminal and the home defender was then killed by the invading criminal. All of the ones I found in Texas where someone defending themselves with rubber shot/bullets successfully subdued the criminal and as a result, the criminal was arrested.


So is using non-lethal ammo a good idea or bad? IMHO that's like asking the question which is the best gun to use for self/home protection.

YOU as a gun owner should decide on your own, if for YOU in your situation if non-lethal ammo is right for you, and which type of non-lethal ammo to use.

Just like the best gun to use for home protection depends on the person using the gun, and what purpose & how they wish to use a gun. Why else do we have so many different guns to choose from as well as caliber of bullets etc...

I have a 12 gage pump action shotgun, magazine loaded with alternating flash bang & pepper spray shells, and the last shell in the mag a rubber shot.
Another 12 gage semi-auto shotgun magazine loaded slugs when I am in Bear country. Otherwise it loaded with Rock Salt Buckshot.
I don't use rubber bullets in any of my pistols.

Anyways this is just my personal opinion... I still believe that ever situation is different. Non-Lethal Ammo ISN'T for everyone or for every situation either, as there is always an exception to every rule.

Zombie thread, 4 years dead.
Old school: performs Voodoo exorcism
Night of the Living Dead school: shoots zombie in brain
either way, this one is done, back in the box, zombie.


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