why gas is high

Well, the hydrogen car is just an electric car. The hydrogen fuel cells provide the juice instead of a wall outlet.

Advantages is in roadside assistance.. easier to put a kg of H into a car then plugging it into a generator and waiting.
Again, where is the fuel coming from?

I assume they fuel the beast with H2. It can come from:

+by-product from fossil fuels (energy input required).
+hydrolysis of water to separate oxygen and hydrogen molecules (energy input required-electricity)
+some other method of collecting hydrogen (not expert here, but energy input required-H2 does not exist naturally in forms rich enough to just decant and pour, so to speak, into the vehicle).

The H2 needs to be under compression, significant compression, which also takes energy, usually electricity to drive a compressor.

So you have all these steps in the process to get H2 into the vehicle, and then the ineffieciencies of converting the heat content of the H2 to kinetic energy to move the vehicle.

Is it like ethanol, where more energy is used to move a vehicle one mile than if pure gasoline was used? I dunno.

I've ignored the "hydrogen highway" for the last few years after reading about the problems with the vision. IIRC, it made less sense than ethanol did, and that was without factoring in the impact of ethanol on food prices and rain forest conversion in Indonesia and Brazil.

Either way, their car "for mass production" is a prototype you can't buy...only 200 will be built until they figure things out better...like how to sell one to someone other than Algore or his financial equivalent and not lose their shirt.
So, to get DANGEROUSLY back on topic of why gas is so high. . .

This blogsite links to and highlights the interesting findings by the House Committee on Natural Resources.

Basically, there is already enough federal land being leased to oil companies that would double US output (cutting foreign imports by a third). It simply is not being utilized. Go figure.

Here's the analysis from that site:
They are holding those fields back to control the price and keep it high, just as they aren't shedding too many tears over the violence in Iraq or war talk about Iran since that drives up the price of oil too.

In fact, before the Iraq War, OIL & GAS JOURNAL fretted that when the sanctions came off, Saddam would pump too much oil and drive down prices--unless there was a war. We gave them the war, and they rewarded our sacrifice of tax dollars and soldiers lives by gouging us at the pump.

If they didn't charge us less for giving them Iraq, why would they for ANWR?

Pertinent links are via that link.
Danderously back on topic. Wander if Congress will ( AGAIN) deny Pres. Bushs request for offshore drilling while the wealthier of the tree hugging community are jetting solo all over the world aboard their personnal airliners that are big enough to transport a small army of people , burn enough fuel in one trip to supply 50 cars for a month and create more pollution than the same 50 cars:barf:.
Danderously back on topic. Wander if Congress will ( AGAIN) deny Pres. Bushs request for offshore drilling while the wealthier of the tree hugging community are jetting solo all over the world aboard their personnal airliners that are big enough to transport a small army of people , burn enough fuel in one trip to supply 50 cars for a month and create more pollution than the same 50 cars

Why do we need to drill offshore when the drilling on leased land is already not occurring?

Yes, it is the tree huggers that are the largest users.
Good point as to not drilling on already leased land but if we don`t offshore drill you can bet someone else will. As dependant as we are on oil we need all the resources we can get. Didn`t imply all tree huggers were largest user`s but it is hipocritical for some of them(some very well known and wealthy,as previously stated) to preach at people about saving resource`s while burning way more than the average person. How about parking some of those private jets and helicoptors and riding with the rest of us on commercial flights. Maybe take a taxi or bus rather than a limo. MAYBE DRIVE A COMPACT CAR.Sacrifice should be for all!
Didn`t imply all tree huggers were largest user`s but it is hipocritical for some of them(some very well known and wealthy,as previously stated) to preach at people about saving resource`s while burning way more than the average person.

You mean like Ed Begley Jr?

Hypocritical? Why aren't conservatives fiscally responsible? Why are energy companies allowed to dictate US energy policy?
Oil Companies delayed for 23 years

drilling the Point Thompson gas fields. Now the same oil companies promises to do it with another plan if they are give a few more years to get it ready. Thus proving when give the opportunity to drill, oil companies they will hold out for as long as possible while market prices increase to a more profitable level.

Meanwhile Bush dares to blame the Democrats for not allowing drilling while forgetting the six years his own party had control of everything including ANWAR.
SecDef, I made a statement that the wealthier tree huggers fly their big planes around when they should be practicing what they preach. Thats a fact and is hypocritical . Didn`t say there weren`t hypocretical conservative`s also. There are, some will most likely be voting for Obama. Both Rep. and Dem. seem to be willing to drive this country straight down-hill to prove their own points. Meanwhile we`re paying for it.In history both parties are just as guilty of wasting money. Thats another thread. M akes me sick everytime I see one of the tree hugging moviestars that preachs to everyone about saving a tree come out of a restaurant or club and jump in a stretch limo big enough to dance in and drive off into the sunset. If thats not hypocritical what is. You speak of different kinds of energy sources. These same people live in homes and the electric bill from the air conditioner alone is as much as some people make a year. Take a drive out to Hollywood and look at a few huggers homes or take a tour through a few of the gated communities where there are no cars but plenty of airplanes. You`ll find some so called tree huggers living there burning resources I can only imagine. If your going to preach it, live it.
And yet there is an unreasonable expectation to have everyone in a shack living off the land. That's not american ;)

I'm just against the typical republican MO of attacking the messenger, not the message (see scott mcclellan for a recent example.)
And I`m against anyone that blames one certain party for the shape of our country today. Sure, the Reps. are in right now so blame them for high gas prices. If the Dems. were in right now they would be getting the blame. Problem is there has been oil(energy) issues for the last 40 years and both parties have had their chance to do something about it. They didn`t cause politics has turned into big business on both sides. Doesn`t seem to be whats good for the country anymore, just whats best for individual party. Don`t even try to work together.All at publics tax paying exspense. You say " Unreasonable expectation to have everyone living in a shack living off the land (Carefull about the living off land part, thats where our groceries come from). Thats not american." I say "your right". I further say again " Don`t live in(or own 3 or four) 20,000 square foot house`s and fly a big private owned plane around and try to make me feel guilty about driving an SUV or taking a pleasure cruise on my harley. We have an energy situation going on and just because somebody has a few more $`s than someone else does not give them the right to be wastefull any more than someone on welfare.Talk that trash to somebody else. Won`t work here, never will.
The Dems

While both political parties need to shoulder the blame for this problem, I do believe that the democrats have control of Congress. Don't they have the power to make laws?
Yes, but they haven't done jack-chit for a year...they're afraid anything they do will make Bush look good, so I won't hold my breath waiting for them to put the good of the country above politics.:rolleyes:
I don’t get why everyone thinks raising the cost of gas is going to make certain people wealthy. Fuel cost are figured into the cost of everything. If fuel cost go up the cost of everything else goes up. Net gain “0”
I don’t get why everyone thinks raising the cost of gas is going to make certain people wealthy. Fuel cost are figured into the cost of everything. If fuel cost go up the cost of everything else goes up. Net gain “0”

I won't do your homework for you but research recent oil company profits, futures market trading, and the "enron loophole".
Mildly on topic, and pandering to Bush bashing, but this made me laugh today:

From George W Bush in 2000 on oil prices:

THE 2000 CAMPAIGN: THE TEXAS GOVERNOR; Bush Would Use Power of Persuasion to Raise Oil Supply

Published: June 28, 2000

Gov. George W. Bush of Texas said today that if he was president, he would bring down gasoline prices through sheer force of personality, by creating enough political good will with oil-producing nations that they would increase their supply of crude.

''I would work with our friends in OPEC to convince them to open up the spigot, to increase the supply,'' Mr. Bush, the presumptive Republican candidate for president, told reporters here today. ''Use the capital that my administration will earn, with the Kuwaitis or the Saudis, and convince them to open up the spigot.''

Implicit in his comments was a criticism of the Clinton administration as failing to take advantage of the good will that the United States built with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia during the Persian Gulf war in 1991. Also implicit was that as the son of the president who built the coalition that drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait, Mr. Bush would be able to establish ties on a personal level that would persuade oil-producing nations that they owed the United States something in return.

''Ours is a nation that helped Kuwait and the Saudis, and you'd think we'd have the capital necessary to convince them to increase the crude supplies,'' he said.

Asked why the Clinton administration had not been able to use the power of personal persuasion, Mr. Bush said: ''The fundamental question is, 'Will I be a successful president when it comes to foreign policy?' ''

He went on to suggest, as he did in answer to other questions, that voters should simply trust him.

[follow above link for the full article]

yada yada, 9/11, yada yada, I get it. I still don't see the spigots opening up.
I got a few neat pics , the last will really pee you off as China is drilling in our "no no zone"


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