why gas is high

Gas is expensive because our government wants it to be. Our government makes more profit, due to tax, than the oil companies make.
The buses in LA could go 80 MPH if there weren't so many cars in the way. Create enough routes and have the buses come by every 10 minutes like in Seoul and elsewhere.

But as for the high prices and for people who have the oil not being willing to increase production and sell more at a lower price, it's simple logic. They'd have to be business morons to do anything different from what they're doing.

Say you owned a finite 100 barrels of oil and could sell 10 barrels a day for $1 per barrel or you could sell 1 barrel a day for $5 a barrel. Well, you'd make less money per day with the lower production, but you've got a finite amount of oil, so lowering production and raising the price makes sense. That's what I'd do.
Well said Eghad on post #136. Makes point that both parties are guilty of high gas prices today since both have held office since Reagan era. Just think, 10-12 years down the road, if we start drilling today, what a gallon of gas is going to cost. Then the trickle down effect. Hate to think what a gallon of milk will be . Yet it still amazes me that people will keep defending those responsible for not drilling our own oil:confused:. Lets keep defending and keep paying. Let the government(Rep. or Dem.) keep the public brainwashed and argueing so they can make their money(gotta have roads ya know and can`t do without the EPA regulations:rolleyes:) and let the oil companies get fat also. Obama`s campaign slogun"time for a change", (although I`m not clear on what changes he`s talking about, don`t think he`s said:p) I hope includes using his political clout to clean out congress and drilling for some oil if elected. If McCain, hope he does the same. Gotta headache now. Think I`ll give YukonKid a call and see if he`d like to go for a bike ride and pick up some chicks on our "chick-magnets":D. P.S. I wander when gas rationing starts if chick-magnet runs will be declared by government as non-essential trips:eek:
Gas is expensive because our government wants it to be. Our government makes more profit, due to tax, than the oil companies make.

Well, like most stuff posted here, that makes ZERO sense. If gas is expensive, then less of it is sold. Doesn't it make sense that the government would like to see more sold, rather than less, if it collects a flat tax per gallon?
Well, like most stuff posted here, that makes ZERO sense. If gas is expensive, then less of it is sold. Doesn't it make sense that the government would like to see more sold, rather than less, if it collects a flat tax per gallon?

That argument only works when we actually see a decrease in consumption, which is only just now occurring to some extent. There best case situation looks to be around $4/gal

Now if gas weren't something that we needed. . .