Why do you have a 10mm?


New member
Walking today I had this thought of is my 9mm enough? If you have a 10mm, please share what kind it is and why you got it.
for the possible confrontation with a four or two legged predator while walking(hiking); also, mostly curious as my thoughts tried to justify buying another gun:rolleyes:.
Gotcha. I ask because sometimes it can matter. As for justifying a new gun, well I don't imagine too many here will say no ;). But if you are interested in that, do you have a rough size of pistol you're thinking of? Might help with suggestions.

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Because I didn't have one, and didn't have a Glock......
So I bought a Glock 20SF.:D

My IWB carry at the time was a 40 S&W. Springfield XD40 Sub Compact to be exact. No bears, no large cats to fear in the woods, and a 40 caliber hole or two is plenty for two legged cats that misbehave. Even when put there by something from a 9MM length case.
Situations, and potential threats have changed in my mind enough to give up a little diameter to gain some volume. Now my IWB carry is a 17+1 9MM, being a Sig P320 Carry.
Because I didn't have one, and didn't have a Glock.....

Really I just wanted one and also wanted a GLOCK. I've purchased a number of guns for no other reason than because I just wanted it.
I camp in the backcountry off a motorcycle. Sleeping inside nylon I want something a little more powerful than a 9mm by the sleeping bag. Picked up the XDM last year. I've only put a couple magazines through it though.
Before I was old enough and had the money to begin my life’s handgun journey, I was an avid reader of Guns & Ammo magazine and Jeff Cooper had the last 1-2 pages of each issue. Cooper was an advocate of the 10mm cartridge and I was a very impressionable young man, so I fell for the 10mm round long before I owned one.

Fast forward to 1992 and now I’m a 19-yr old college kid with more handgun experience than a typical guy of this age. I own four handguns and my older roommate, (23 and out of the Army) starts picking my brain for his first handgun.

A .22 pistol or a .38 revolver, I suggest. But nope, he wants something more powerful. A 4-inch .357 Magnum, I tell him but nope, he wants a semi-automatic. Maybe a 9mm or .45 I think? No, he really wants some power.

Well, how bout a 10mm?! I warn him, it’ll be expensive and the ammo will be expensive too. BUT... that I’d be happy to handload the ammo for him.

Done deal, off he goes and buys the S&W 1006 that I suggest. We both have a blast with it. And two or three years later, after he gets married and his wife “isn’t comfortable with that gun in the house” (bwahahaha) he sells it to me. Four boxes of factory ammo had been through it and then 8 or 10 boxes of my handloads.

That 1006 was my first 10mm and my only 10mm until 2008 when I got my license to carry and I bought a Glock 29. Carried that for 6 or 7 years before I moved to a 9mm for carry.
There was a story in the Wall Street Journal, I think, about twenty years ago, that Colt was no longer going to sell guns to the public.
I went to the local gun store and bought the only Colt they had.
Because they don't make a 44 ACP. Have had a Colt Delta Elite the longest. Got a Glock long slide when they came out, and it's a nice pistol if you like striker type triggers. Also have an Iver Johnson 1911 long slide, just cause it looked cool and got a long slide 1911 for just over $500. It only has about 100 rounds through it but works great.
A number of years ago I went to a gun show in Houston with a buddy of mine. I brought some old S&W semi-auto that I hadn't shot in years. At the time, much like Cheapshooter wrote, I didn't own any Glocks. Long story short, I traded my old S&W for a new Glock 29. Having read about 10mm and Jeff Cooper and the FBI's experiments, I wanted to play with 10mm. Plus, I already reloaded for 40 S&W and you can use the same dies to reload 10mm.
I have been wanting a 10mm 1911. I have never fired the 10mm so I decided to rent one yesterday. I realized a couple of things, one is that I liked the round and the other is that even though I really like the compact and subcompact Glocks I did not like the Glock 20 at all (It was the only gun chambered for 10mm to rent.). The thing felt comically large for the 10mm.
I'd been to Gunsite and was aware of Col. Coopers input into Dornaus & Dixon's pistol project. Later met D&D, toured the plant, worked the '84 SHOT show with them, etc. I thought at the time that introducing not only a new pistol, but also a new cartridge, with a metric designation to boot, was going to be challenging. In any case, I had to have a Bren Ten and obtained an early one, sans magazine. I Liked the cartridge, and later had a succession of 10MM pistols and revolvers. The S&W 10MMs became my favorite, and still have one of those, just because;)
Back in 1993, I saw an article in Guns and Ammo featuring the S&W 1006. Being young and foolish I went to the LGS and bought one. Never could really afford enough ammo to get good at shooting it until recently. A couple years ago, I shot a Glock 20 and liked it so much I bought one. Now I have two 10mms.
Glock 20

I bought my only 10mm (still have it), a G20, in the mid 90's. I was intrigued with the 10mm cartridge and the concept of a hard shooting auto pistol round, offering magnum like performance. I was finding that magnum revolvers were somewhat bulky and heavy items to wander about with afoot for any real distance. My interest was down the lines of a powerful woods pistol and handgun hunting, and not so much personal defense, as I thought the .45 acp offered all I need for SD and LE work. I too had read my fair share of Cooper and followed the D&D Bren Ten project.

I answered an add for a used Colt Delta only to discover it had sold. But the seller offered the G20 and five hi-cap magazines for the same price. The hi-cap magazines were a real bonus, as by law at the time, handgun mags were limited to 10 rds. I sold several of the hi-cap mags for the going rate to another shooter that also had a G20 and came away from the deal with a very affordable G20.

I was not a Glock fanboy, but the pistol's reliability and durability impressed me. The safe action trigger took some getting used to, but a ghost kit helped that some. I found that the fully loaded G20 carried much easier than my mag revolvers, held more ammo, and was no less reliable. The G20 also required far less attention care wise than my blue steel revolvers. The G20 is still my main "heavy" woods pistol, and has largely retired my magnum revolvers.
I decided in my 20's that I would own handguns in all the major calibers. Almost there 30 years later. I never really warmed up to the 40 but the 10mm was intriguing especially if you reload. I've had my Kimber 1911 stainless for over 10 years and its a fun gun to shot, super accurate and reliable