why conceal in an open carry state?

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I remember when I was stationed in Arizona, we were getting breakfast at this place and two guys came in wearing six guns on their hips. It seemed pretty simple. I don't think it made anyone uncomfortable. I know me and my buddies didn't care. Probably in Chicago or NYC people would freak but that's another story. When I had to tote around the M1911 (the actual M1911), having a side holster was never a problem, sitting down or getting in and out of vehicles.

I have read on this forum some people live in a state where open carry is legal but they still carry concealed.

I'm just wondering what the reasoning behind it is.

For me, except for in winter, if I carry concealed, I am looking at something like a Kahr PM9 / CM9, Kimber, SIG P290 or something similar, something small. If I can, I'd rather just carry a full sized something or other.

But I'd like to hear other people's thoughts.

WA is an open carry state. There are a number of reasons that people still carry concealed here.

1) Element of surprise. Although open provides the element of deterrance.
2) Some places do not allow firearms. What they don't know might just save their life.
3) Firearms make some people uncomfortable. Even when holstered.
4) Avoid problems with law enforcement. You get stopped even in open carry states.

If you are interested in open carry, check out www.opencarry.org. Great bunch of people.
I OC when I'm on my farm, when I leave my it, I CC,


I have to go to places where I don't want people to know.
The reason is.... "I don't want people to know"

Bucks Gun Shop

WA is an open carry state. There are a number of reasons that people still carry concealed here.

1) Element of surprise. Although open provides the element of deterrance.
2) Some places do not allow firearms. What they don't know might just save their life.
3) Firearms make some people uncomfortable. Even when holstered.
4) Avoid problems with law enforcement. You get stopped even in open carry states.


Having reached the age where my "parts" are malfunctioning or even wearing out, I am frequently in some doctor's office and - as said, the sight of a Colt Government Model 45 does make some people uncomfortable and there's no need for this old (nearly 85) surgeon to do that -

Surgeons themselves sometimes make some people in medical circles uncomfortable enough as it is - ;)
Agree with previous posts - open carry gets unwanted attention from fellow civilians and law enforcement. For non-LEOs, carrying a gun should be for one reason - to defend against an attacker in a potentially lethal situation, not to advertise you have a gun. IMO, it should only be carried concealed. I have never seen someone open carry; and suspect that if I did, at least in a business establishment, the owner/manager would ask the person to leave.
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At this time, my state does not allow concealed license holders to "open carry" but that may soon change. :)

As for regular carry of a firearm, I'd prefer to keep my handgun(s) concealed in the public. I like the concept of discreet carry & being able to draw on a violent or armed felon if I need it.
Most criminals like "easy marks" or places where they won't face a serious threat. Open carry may discourage criminals but I like the element of surprise. The more you can distort or unbalance a violent subject, the better.
Weapon retention & being able to prevent any kind of snatch/theft are important too but those are training/equipment concerns.

Agree with previous posts - open carry gets unwanted attention from fellow civilians and law enforcement. For non-LEOs, carrying a gun should be for one reason - to defend against an attacker in a potentially lethal situation, not to advertise you have a gun. IMO, it should only be carried concealed. I have never seen someone open carry; and suspect that if I did, at least in a business establishment, the owner/manager would ask the person to leave.

Very well said.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tablet using Tapatalk Pro.
Alaska is an anyhting goes state. 99% of folks conceal in the city. the other 1% who walk around open carrying on city streets are probably dysfunctional

WildandilookaskanceatthemAlaska ™©2002-2011
Michigan is an OC state but I conceal 99.999% of the time 'cuz it's none of their business that I'm carrying, plus I just don't want the hassle.
Having said that I have OC'd a couple of times just to see what it's like. It's nice to have the option though!
WA is an open carry state. There are a number of reasons that people still carry concealed here.

1) Element of surprise. Although open provides the element of deterrance.
2) Some places do not allow firearms. What they don't know might just save their life.
3) Firearms make some people uncomfortable. Even when holstered.
4) Avoid problems with law enforcement. You get stopped even in open carry states.

+1. Kentucky is open carry as well and points 3 and 4 are equally true here. Generally if you open carry, legal or not, you will hassled. With that said, I prefer to be part of the back ground and not draw attention.
I live in Az, and have all of my life. I can attest to the OP's statement that nobody really cares if I open carry here...mostly.

But there are a few places/people that might. I open carry for the most part, but will often stick a leather western vest on as a cover garment when I go into a bank or some such. Wally-mart greeters are somewhat known to freak out at the sight of a gun, so I wear a vest, or simply conceal a smaller gun in such places.

Yeah, I've heard all the "shoot me first vest" comments, but when you've open carried as much as I have, you learn to take such things as the nonsense that they are. A leather vest goes well with the western attire I normally wear, and if folks don't mind open carry, they sure aren't going to notice a vest.


Michigan is an OC state but I conceal 99.999% of the time 'cuz it's none of their business that I'm carrying, plus I just don't want the hassle.
Having said that I have OC'd a couple of times just to see what it's like. It's nice to have the option though!
It is legal YZR, but where I live in northern MI, it would create quite an uproar. I CCW 100% of the time.
My thoughts on open carry:

I don't need to be seen with a gun to be non-selected by a BG. Attitude and how you carry yourself goes a longer way toward not having to use a gun than OC. In my AO, in my experience, concealed carry is a better tactic than OC. For myself. YMMV.

Really, I don't see the need to have a gun hanging off my belt for the whole world to see anymore. There is a reason I don't and it has nothing to do with being hassled by the police. I don't want ANYONE to know I'm armed. Not the neighborhood gossip, not the thugs, not the everyday folks going about their business.

I would only OC if that were the only legal way to carry.

I am sure that some of the criminal element will just pick another target, but some is not all. The visible gun will not make you the bane of criminals and solve all your problems. And most people are not as tuned in as they think they are.

Weapon retention is more of an issue with open carry. If you have had at least academy-level retention classes or a comparable private class, all the better. How many OC'ers have? Now how many do you see OCing in a $5 holster from the bargain gun show table?

There are a multitude of reasons for and against open carry. If that's your thing go for it. I simply prefer not to.
Why conceal in an open carry state?

1) Because I'd hate to ruin the surprise for the BGs.

2) Because it's nobody's business but my own.

3) Because I don't want the BGs to know about any valuables that I have on my person, whether it be cash or a firearm.
I don't need to be seen with a gun to be non-selected by a BG. Attitude and how you carry yourself goes a longer way toward not having to use a gun than OC. In my AO, in my experience, concealed carry is a better tactic than OC. For myself. YMMV.

Believe it or not, my reason for open carry has absolutely nothing to do with scaring bad guys into submission. It's for comfort in the Arizona heat; plain and simple.

Even a light vest gets warm on a hot summer day in Az, and an IWB holster that causes and/or holds sweat will get shed pretty quick when temps reach 105*-120* F.

And after close to 30 years of open carry, I don't much care what the neighbors gossip about.

I am with most of the others. I would only go for open carry in a great outdoors (hunting/riding) setting, or a firearms related event.

That said, I am in favor of legal open carry.
Having left one open carry state (NM) to another (AZ), my reasoning is slightly different in not carrying openly. Being old and in not so good health, gives some "young punks" an advantage if they had thoughts about strong-arming me for my piece or property. They'd have a little time to plan the attack. Being concealed gives me a slight advantage if they are not so sure if I'm carrying something they want...BTW, when I'm out and about, always in Condition Yellow-Orange...:)

no reason to spook the general population
going around like wyatt earp...no harm in
open carry for me personally, but are those
it spooks up and we ( gun people) do not need
to kick up any more dust around the issue needlessly.
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