why conceal in an open carry state?

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But I have to particularly admire your patience in continuing to try to reach, with a logical, cogent argument, someone who will probably never "get it", and who chooses to take it personally.

I'd like to say that this is the first time that I've seen proof by repeated assertion and personal opinions masquerading as evidence called "logical, cogent argument." I'd like to say it, but that would be wrong.

And when someone calls everyone who disagrees with him a "poser," a "wannabe," and an "attention hog" what's not to take personally?

Oh, yes, we can also add name calling as something being put forward as "logical, cogent argument."

Well, whatever works for you.
Amen Brother!

"It should be done in a polite manner, in the right environment, with the right motives.
And dont fling any more crap about who am I to say whats polite, where is the right environment and who picks the motives - We're all American's with the same basic standards of decency and common sense - find a better argument, to pick that nit puts you on the fringe.

OC is not a public enlightenment tool, the gun is the tool, its your tool to defend yourself with, if you think showing it off will sway people into thinking its all A-OK then your probably the tool.

I think OC is silly in a suburban/urban environment, is tactically dumbfounding and fails all critical self-defense scrutiny as far as I'm concerned.
I can imagine many reasons to OC including hiking, riding, working, sweating, or patrolling just to name a few... but none of them involve going out to dinner or to a kids recital"
I would not open carry because if I am in a place where someone is going to rob it with a firearm and sees me with a gun I just became a priority target. On the other hand the guy may decide to leave. Some of the criminals today are pretty bold folks so if the guy decided to stay I would be a priority target and it would nullify any advantage I might have if he does not know who is carrying a concealed weapon.
Reiterating an earlier point: I generally have no use for Open Carry. I have even less for laws that make OC illegal. Call me a Libertarian, but I'd really prefer the government do a lot less telling people what to do, in every facet of life.
Okay... there is a very convoluted argument going on here between dburkhead and lawnboy. I hesitate to "take a side" but would like to offer maybe some new perspective. From what I've read, you both believe the same thing: Open Carry by self-indulgent weiners in inappropriate and intentionally provocative areas is a bad thing. Responsible gun owners who sometimes Open Carry due to convenience, time constraints, or comfort in an appropriate environment are just fine, as long as you accept that you may have to deal (patiently and politely) with the occasional inquiry about the legality of your actions from gun-rights-ignorant civillians.

I think we can all agree on this.

The argument comes when dburkhead took offense to lawnboy's (admittedly brash) generalization about those self-indulgent weiners in a fashion reminiscent of the Supreme Court's: "I know it when I see it." The offense that was taken is the root of the argument. You agree on the central issue. I have to lean more toward lawnboy for the simple fact that he seems more prone to calm, self-representative introspection and checks his emotion at the door. Emotion and reason aren't allies. I think if the "offended" tone were dropped, we can all just sit and agree about what we agree about...

#1 Open Carrier...


D-Bags? Probably. Looking for attention? Most likely. Most likely response to inquiries about why he's carrying a gun? "It's legal! I have a permit! Accomodate me or suffer penalty of LAW!"

We can agree that these suck; and certainly aren't who we'd like representing our community as a whole.

#2 Open Carrier...


Outside at a barbecue. Nice weapon in a nice holster. I'm not worried about any of these guys. Seems appropriate. Also hiking, camping, hunting, going shopping for ammo/supplies/food beforehand.

Personally, I feel that the greatest benefit that the legalization of open carry has, is specifically erasing the discretionary lines of "brandishing" laws and cases. As long as the gun doesn't leave the holster, it's not brandishing. No matter if you slipped and exposed it or not. No more horror stories about reaching for something on the Wal-Mart shelf and having the cops called.

And argue as you will about tactics, statistics, and practicality of open carry; but open carriers and open carry advocates have done a whole heck of a lot for all of our gun rights over the last several years in terms of getting the numbers, being relevant and present, and getting the message out in a respectful manner (mostly). The guys over at OpenCarry.org are awesome.

OC is a subject that's been beat to death here over the years, and for whatever reason, almost all of them descended into bickering and name-calling.

This one's no exception, and at 186 posts, it's outlived its usefulness anyhow.

Closed, but my thanks to those of you that tried to keep this civil and on target.
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