Why can't Obama break away from McCain?

Unregistered -

Because of the incredible sacrifice Americans made in WWI and WWII. We did not tell Clemenseau or Churchill that their wars were “folly,” we expended American blood and American treasure keeping those countries free. When we asked for their involvement in Iraq, there should have been no hesitation, but there was. I just hope when France is invaded again, we think twice, then rescue them again, because that is what we do.
Because of the incredible sacrifice Americans made in WWI and WWII. We did not tell Clemenseau or Churchill that their wars were “folly,” we expended American blood and American treasure keeping those countries free. When we asked for their involvement in Iraq, there should have been no hesitation, but there was. I just hope when France is invaded again, we think twice, then rescue them again, because that is what we do.
Just because someone helps you does not mean you are required to involve yourselves in their questionable activities. If someone saves your life you are not obligated to help them rob a bank.
The fact that B. Hussein decided not to put an American flag on the dais with him in Germany and to insist it be displayed next the French and European flags, speaks volumes to me, and many patriotic Americans. I do not want a president that can make nice-nice in Europe, I want a president that will fight for what is best for America.

Sometimes the two are not only not mutually exclusive, but one is necessary for the other.

So why do people that feel the way you do complain when our allies (whom we routinely **** off) decide not to join in our folly in Iraq?

Case in point.
The fact that B. Hussein decided not to put an American flag on the dais with him in Germany

Who said it was up to him not to have a flag on the stage. Unlike Regan, and JFK who were US Presidents thus heads of state who are afforded certain procedures, Obama was not their on official US Government business. He was there on his own dime so to speak, and was asked to make a speech at a concert in Berlin. To demand to have a flag on the stage would be arrogant. We have enough arrogant Americans try to bully Europeans.
When we asked for their involvement in Iraq, there should have been no hesitation,

Welcome to the world of intentional politics. It might come as a shock to you but countries, including the USA do what is best for themselves. And not to get involved in someone else s fight is their right. And they were right you know. :D You do know France bailed us out during the Revolution. If it was not for them we would still be part of the Commonwealth.
Going after states that harbor or support terrorists was in the bill that was passed by congress. Iraq was certainly one. Syria and Iran were too. I would argue that not enough was done!
Because McCain is just four more years of Bush.

And Obama is likely to be four more years of a Carter type presidency. Whooaaa. Hold on there. I don't want to go back to that future. The Carter years stunk. Sweet home with no Obama, Lord I'm comin' home to you. :D
It's not even the Democratic convention yet. But I detect flop sweat. Obama is starting to smell like a loser to me. It's a subjective impression, I'll admit.

I've always said I thought Obama's trajectory was parabolic. I think he jumped the shark a month ago. If so, he's on the downward arc now. How far down will he go by November? Don't know. Maybe far enough for even McCain to take him.

Would McCain be glad he won? He'd have a trainload of problems to deal with (not including the riots and burned out Korean grocery stores). 9.5 trillion national debt, ~500 billion yearly deficit, $100+ per barrel oil, retiring Boomers. Still, I rather have an old Vet at the helm than a teenage wonderboy.
And Obama is likely to be four more years of a Carter type presidency.

No that is not right. Obama would be a much worse president than Carter. Obama is much more liberal. But that is exactly why I raise the question... given that Obama holds so many unpopular ideas, why is McCain not able to break away from Obama?

Oh, also, nobody (ie, Bruxley) ever got back to me with the poll that shows McCain to be ahead in... Can anyone enlighten me?
But that is exactly why I raise the question... given that Obama holds so many unpopular ideas, why is McCain not able to break away from Obama?

1. Guilt over slavery and racism has many whites favoring a vote for a black to asuage their own guilt.

2. The mainstream media is in the tank for Obama. He gets very positive press while McCain get's little press at all, positive or negative.

3. McCain is perceived by many as too old, while Obama is a fresh new face.

4. People are tired of Bush and the republicans. McCain is a republican.

5. McCain doesn't do well across the board with traditional republican voters.

6. Obama is getting 95% or more of the black vote, as well as the majority of other minority votes.

7. McCain tries to be too nice to get more people to like him. He is of the perception that he needs a broad swath of voters to get elected. This makes his campaign seem dull and somewhat boring.

8. Obama doesn't much care if rich people, gun owners, and religious folks really like him. He is of the perception that he doesn't need them.

7. Barack is a much better schmoozer than is McCain. Barack has much better speaking skills and brings youthful energy to the stump. McCain is not a good speech maker for the most part, and seems dry and somewhat unenergetic. This amplifies his age issue.

8. The democrats and anti war folks have sold many in the public that McCain wants to keep as many troops as we now have in Iraq, there forever. The media downplays the fact that Obama also says we will need to keep troops in Iraq. They focus only on his statements that he wants to bring the troops home in 16 months. But he's not talking about all of the troops. That fact gets conveniently left out of media reports about Obama. See #2 above.

Notice that with the possible exception of #8, none of the items I listed have to do with policy issues or other issues of leadership, CIC capability, etc. It's a darn popularity contest for the most part, at this time. Obama comes off as a "popular" guy due to some of the issues mentioned above. McCain is not disliked, but I doubt many people feel he is "popular".
why is McCain not able to break away from Obama?

Only a few people pay attention at this point in the election cycle. After the conventions, more people will notice there's a presidential election coming. They're watching TeleTubbies right now.
UnReg said:
Oh, also, nobody (ie, Bruxley) ever got back to me with the poll that shows McCain to be ahead in... Can anyone enlighten me?

Others keep beating me to it. It's a Gallup poll for USA Today. It's of likely voters rather then just registered voters. I didn't play it up because as I said when I mentioned it, it's also a statistical tie.

.....sorry if I haven't been giving you the attention I usually do. Miss me just a little?:p
Only a few people pay attention at this point in the election cycle. After the conventions, more people will notice there's a presidential election coming. They're watching TeleTubbies right now.
That is ridiculous...as well as insulting. We are not watching teletubbies. We are watching Squidbillies and The Venture Bros. Get with the times. :p :D ;)
I think there's a couple of reasons:

1) Obama started out as the Anti-War candidate, but the war is no longer the same issue - violence is down, Bush's surge had an effect few predicted - it at least helped or seems to have.

2) Obama was the recipient of months of coverage because of length of the Dems nomination fight - and there's nothing new there - there can't be - he has no record. People are getting sick of him and "the talk".

That said, the Republicans now carry the weight of a bad economy, the new "big" issue, and historically the in-power party doesn't do well in such circumstances. (Look at Bush #1 and his sinking when the economy went sour).

So, that on top of the same party in power for 8 years which always makes some ripe for change (especially with problems afoot) - I believe will make Obama president. (Ugh! - just having to listen to it for 4 or 8 years! Lord help me.....he's so arrogant)
Why can't Obama break away from McCain?

Talk about asking the wrong question. The question we should be asking is ...

"Why can't McCain break away from Obama?"

Why are we concerned with why Obama isn't doing better when we should be concerned with why McCain isn't doing better?
Maybe it will help McCain if it ever gets any public attention that Obama says we can save enough oil by properly inflating our tires as they are talking about drilling for. I heard it on Hugh Hewitt's radio show. Hugh has the tape with the audio. He will probably have this in his website,


Barack continues to make bad decisions and statements. Declining to visit wounded troops in Germany because he was told it would be unwise to bring cameras in there. His campaigns excuses were rather lame as well.

The break Obama will get is that the MSM won't publicize stupid statements he makes like the one about properly inflated tires saving as much oil as we are talking about drilling for. What a dweeb.

Here's Obama's quote from Hugh Hewitt's website:

There's things that you can do individually though to save energy. Making sure your tires are properly inflated. Simple thing. But we could save all the oil they are talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires. And getting regular tune-ups. You could actually save just as much.

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This too from Hugh Hewitt's website:

Barack Obama:
"There's no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country, we've got some very sad and difficult things to account for," Obama told hundreds of attendees of UNITY '08, a convention of four minority journalism associations....

"I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged," the Democratic presidential hopeful said.

"I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."

So what does he mean by saying that the US government needs to "not just offer words, but offer deeds"? What does he mean by "deeds"? Cash payments? Reparations? Why hasn't the MSM asked that question?

This makes the question of this thread very relevant. Despite all of the accolades and help the MSM is providing for Obama, including covering up his misstatements and other statements he's made that probably wouldn't be very popular if made public, he doesn't seem to be able to break away from McCain. McCain, so far, has not generated wild enthusiasm.

The reporters where Obama made the above statement gave him a raucus standing ovation, despite being told not to. They climbed on stage to get their pictures taken with him and to get his autograph. Objective reporting on Obama? Don't hold your breath unless you want to be called "Pappa Smurf". It's all covered quite well by Hugh. He's allowed to be biased because he doesn't claim to be an "objective" member of the media, as reporters do.