Why can't Obama break away from McCain?

We get bombarded with Obama. The media saturation has some people thinking Obama is inevitable and get discouraged. Don't let them discourage you, instead start commenting "I'm sure getting tired of seeing Obama's face plastered everywhere. What do they think we are, robots?"

That will get a conversation going on about how "this Obama thing is like a Pepsi commercial that plays 15 times an hour trying to get you to memorize the song. After a while it gets nauseating. OK, he's running for President, we know already, But what's up with the bouncy positions? Why won't he finally say what his FIRM positions are? GEEEZ Talk and talk and STILL not know where he stands except for CHANGE. Change is inevitable. It happens all by it's self. Pretty easy promise to make eh. HA HA HA."

"If Obama mania were real he would have more of a lead then a statistical tie.... I'm tired of being force fed Obama all the time. People tell you he's a shu-in when he can't pull away from 'old boring McCain' that actually influenced the President to CHANGE his ways and do it right in Iraq, replace Rumsfeld, and to get a NEW General that will get the job DONE which he HAS quite well despite Obama saying that in his judgement the surge not only wouldn't work but would INCREASE violence. Yeah, looks like his judgement and his experience need some ripening. Can't blame him though with only 147 days experience before deciding he was qualified to be President. You've seen those guys that don't even know enough to realize they don't know! Ha HA HA."

That will get em' thinking even if they don't admit it. People's talk tends to be a 'go with the flow' but when they see it's OK not to regurgitate what they keep hearing then they will be more open about thier Obama doubts.
Obama is coming across like a packaged item. I believe people are smarter than the media , and the media doesn't respect the people inasmuch it treats the people according to the dumbest common commodity denominator.
The media will not in depth confront 'political correctness' as an issue.

McCain is a a poor candidate. McCain is Bush's 3rd term, and people are tired of it. McCain is coming across as a 70 yr.old moderate version of Bush.

Obama's ahead by 3-9 points, but I think a lot of Americans are sick of gender/race/identity politics - and Obama and the Democrat Party come across as political correctness personified. It's hard to get enthusiastic about 4 more years of empowered ,hypocritical double-standard,political correctness. Already a lot of Americans are beginning to worry that 'political correctness' will dominate an Obama administration and that actual policy reforms will get pushed to an ineffectual back burner.

I would have preferred Hillary to Obama ie. I think Hillary has the leadership skills to at least get her agenda off the desk and into practice. I think it comes down to 'race' ie. a lot of people feel like Obama is riding a wave of political correctness instead of true merit. If Obama was white, bald, and saying the same things, I don't believe he could have even beaten Christopher Dodd for the nomination.

McCain is a horrible candidate. As bad as Obama is - he's not the same ol' ugly problem represented by McCain/Bush. The Repubs. deserve to lose the election. Unfortunately, the Dems. don't seem to deserve to really win it. Choose your poison and hold your nose. I don't like either candidate.
There is a conventional wisdom in politics. That is there is a word for candidates that depend on the youth vote, that word is 'loser'.
Very true. During the primaries, I pushed an early release from work on Election Day so everyone could have time to make it to the polls. Two people out of 60 under the age of 30 managed to drag their butts to the polls. Neither were voting Democrat.

Remember Obama Girl from YouTube? She just couldn't find the energy to drag herself to a polling place due to some mystery sickness, but she did manage to make it to a party that night. The Republicans could sweep the elections by sponsoring some parties offering free beer and pizza on Election Night in strategically important cities. The college students Obama is counting on would flock there.
The youth factor is mirrored in other interest groups as well, ethnic minorities are famous for not voting for whatever reason. Plus, there is the Obama disconnect between polling numbers and actual voting results. In the primaries, he consistently polled anywhere from 5 to 30% more than the votes. Part of this is probably due to the youth factor, but there may also be another factor at play.

Most polls are face to face or over the phone, requiring the voter being polled to declare their choice to the person doing the polling. When the voter goes into the booth, there is no interaction with another person. This changes the dynamics, and voters obviously use different criteria in the voting booth. We saw this work in 2000 and 2004, when exit polls showed Gore and Kerry ahead of Bush, sometimes significantly so. Both lost the elections. So, I would not worry too much about the polls now, or the exit polling on Election Day. Wait for the actual results.
You mean there are actually 17,000 people under 25 in Iowa???

With 3Mil+ plus of us cornfed folk, there's some younguns running amuck...

If the cell/land line were an issue, it would have been addressed as major news by now. Your major poll groups wouldn't put out their numbers without taking factors such as this into consideration....not that polls are all that accurate anyway...

Funny that nobody is talking about Gallup's poll yesterday......McCain is 4 points AHEAD. Maybe I'm smoking somethin' I shouldn't have....
"He hasn't pulled away because he is an ultra-liberal, has no experience, has a questionably Muslim past, has a preacher who is anti-American, want to take away guns, wants to raise taxes, is black, etc etc."

THis explains it perfectly!
I think many will look closely and decide that they can't vote for Obama because of the content of his character. Look at his positions, which are hard to decode, but frightening when you do the background work. Look at all of his radical, anti-American associations. Some media is beginning to write about some of this:


Obama also talks about "restoring fairness to the economy," code for soaking the "rich" — a segment of society he fails to understand that includes mom-and-pop businesses filing individual tax returns.

It's clear from a close reading of his two books that he's a firm believer in class envy. He assumes the economy is a fixed pie, whereby the successful only get rich at the expense of the poor.

Following this discredited Marxist model, he believes government must step in and redistribute pieces of the pie. That requires massive transfers of wealth through government taxing and spending, a return to the entitlement days of old.

Of course, Obama is too smart to try to smuggle such hoary collectivist garbage through the front door. He's disguising the wealth transfers as "investments" — "to make America more competitive," he says, or "that give us a fighting chance," whatever that means.
Because he's an out-of-the-closet Marxist, a confirmed racist, an aspiring tyrant, a documented flip-flopper, wrongheaded, unpatriotic, pro-muslim, anti-American, and a no-experience loudmouth with delusions of godhood.
Because he's an out-of-the-closet Marxist, a confirmed racist, an aspiring tyrant, a documented flip-flopper, wrongheaded, unpatriotic, pro-muslim, anti-American, and a no-experience loudmouth with delusions of godhood.

You are asking the wrong question...

If Obama is all the things listed above, why is that McCain can't break away from him?
McCain needs to drink more coffee and get more active. If he does not, he will go down like Rudy and then Hillary. They waited too long to kick butt. He needs to be on his game from now till the election.

Obama is an empty suit, big phoney, empty promises, has the young unaware people all excited.

He is capitalizing on Bush unpopularity, otherwise he has nothing.

Races with no incumbant historically are quite close (except for Bush trouncing Dukakis), so this shouldn't come as a suprise.

Listening to Rush on streaming audio now. He had an interesting take on this.

Witness the arrogance of liberalism. Why on EARTH should Obama be pulling ahead?

Based on what criteria? His paper thin resume both in the private sector and in government service?

His lack of experience?

Just exactly what is it about Obama that should be putting him 10 points ahead?
If Obama is all the things listed above, why is that McCain can't break away from him?
Maybe a lot of people find what Obama is offering less offensive than the oligarchy that the republican party has come to represent.
The question that should be asked is why is McCain behind Obama in every poll. In addition to being 75 electoral vote behind. If Obama is such a terrible candidate then why isn't McCain twenty points ahead? I believe Obama's problem is he is having a hard time selling himself as a NEW type of candidate. In addition to being a unknown quantity. People are still not sure about him yet. That will probably change after the first debate. McCain's problem is the reverse. He is a know quantity. Too well known. People don't trust him to be any different than GWB. Someone else put it aptly that he is Bush's third term. Very true. People don't want that either. This is on top of his problem of being a cranky old man who seems to have anger issues. At times he remind me too much of my father. I believe the voters will make up their minds on who they will vote during the first few debates. Right now polls do not matter. At least not until the debates.
Obama Can't Break Away..Because

Obama's latest is that he is a citizen of the world. That really plays well with the French & Germans, but last time I looked they don't vote for President of US. I don't want to elect a citizen of the world, I want to elect a President that has the interest of this country first. Who cares if the French aren't impressed.
Who cares if the French aren't impressed.

I basically agree with that, but remember it is a two edged sword. The present administration has made a lot of our European allies unhappy, and has done nothing to strengthen relations with them; then this administration complains when they won't help us with the war effort.

There should be no surprise why they won't help.
Who cares what the Europeans think? Since WWII, they have had a free ride, with complete US military protection, through the Cold War and to today, for FREE! Absolutely no cost. And, what happens? Every chance they get, they stab America in the back. They should kiss our grits every single day for keeping them alive and free, and not having to pay a red cent for the privilege.

Then, the Germans in Afghanistan don't want to go where they might get hurt? To heck with all of them. All we have to do is leave Europe and let social Darwinism work its magic. Would save our economy, and they wouldn't have to hate us.

By, the way. Did I miss something? When B. Hussein Obama gave the speech in Germany and the press conference in France, I didn't see a single American flag. In fact, in France, there was an EU flag and the French flag, but where was the American flag.
By, the way. Did I miss something? When B. Hussein Obama gave the speech in Germany and the press conference in France, I didn't see a single American flag. In fact, in France, there was an EU flag and the French flag, but where was the American flag.
You do realize you only help Obama and hurt McCain when you do childish things like emphasize someone's middle name simply because it sounds foreign. That type of a finish just invalidates anything you might say before hand and makes people dismiss you and your opinion and garners sympathy for the person towards whom you are directing you attack. :barf: :rolleyes: