Who's under 30 here?

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Chink, no big deal. I don't mind that you apparently THINK I SOUND LIKE A WOMAN, you son of a . . . .
Just kidding. :)

George Hill, until recently I thought you were much older, maybe closing in on retirement. Take that as a compliment. You've obviously had a pretty full and varied life so far and you write like a man with 25 more years of experience, give or take.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
DC is Too young to be President, and too old to participate in this thread

Well, let us know what your plans are in 2004. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
28...Well 29 this week. My wife just got herself her very own stalker. Guy went to jail last Wed. night. As of Thurs. night he was back out. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO GLAD THAT I CARRY A GUN AND KNOW HOW TO USE IT...Her too!!! Anyway another topic for another post.

Sorry for the aside. I'll start a new post in the morning. Got to go soon.

Glad to know there are so many of us MTV types on TFL.
27, educated in public school,US Army Infantry school,USA jump school,and a local college and am now a Clinical Engineer at a major healthcare system in the south east.It's looking like our generation is a little less worthless with each post to this thead.
Well... I was going to try and sneak in here on this post, but my sweet 20 year old, glockgirl79, posted earlier and well, I guess the numbers just wouldn't have added up right! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading all the posts and am excited about the educators out there. And just to let you know... I was brain washed but my husband, Karanas, has managed to get it all dirty again!!! ;)
Oh boy, I was 30 about 17 years ago!
I am glad to see the under 30 generation still has some fight left in them!
Go and shake your friends and let them know they are losing their country and their kid's futures by allowing the media and the liberals to nonchalantly destroy over 200 yrs of traditions and freedoms.
Fight for your rights!
120K, time for part 2

Kinda like Mom saying "go wash your hands" or "bedtime"; huh kids? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
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