Who's under 30 here?

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I am 29 and I am not brainwashed. There is only one real problem that is the root of all others in America. No one wants to take responsibility for their own actions and future. It is not just our generation, but our parents generation that have let this get out of hand. I personally left home for boot camp at 17 and at 29, I have seen alot of the world. I was active duty for 4 1/2 years and Nat. Guard for 3 more. I've also been a cop for 6 years. I don't expect anybody else to do anything for me or my family. We rely on ourselves and our close family and friends. The governement/society owes me nothing and all I owe society is what is required of me by law and my duty as a peace officer. I don't owe anyone a free abortion, housing, food, drugs, condoms or any other damn thing. I could go on and on but what is the point, I am probably preaching to the choir. Whatever you do, vote. Even if you disagree with everything I say, I still want you to let your voice be heard.
Too young to be President, and too old to participate in this thread


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
In one of my posts I used the term brainwashed to describe the younger crowd. That was too much of a generalization.
My son is 29 and damn did I do a good job of raising a strong-minded Constituionalist. I'm just sorry that we (older farts) let the anti-Bill of Rights type get so far down the road on us.
I'm going to the gun show Sunday with two men that are under 30 and I think they would do well covering my back. Thank God for the youngsters who made it thru the brainwashing. It must reflect on the good side of parenting!!!!!
I'm 23. In May, knock on wood, I'll graduate with my RN. I'm married to a wonderful woman who tolerates my habits, good and bad. I too went to public school, but thankfully I've always had a critical view of the curriculum and a healthy skepticism for things printed in history books.
So, I drew together the info I was presented and made my own decisions.
I admit I don't know the Constitution by heart, but I think I have a good grasp of my Rights as a human and American.
I think I have a fair amount of common sense and I pay attention to my instincts and "gut-feelings". If something seems hinky or out-of-whack, it probably is and I will tailor my actions accordingly.
Fourdiamonds, My parents don't agree with me on my pro-gun stance, but they always taught me to fight for what I believe in. And DC, even if you are an older then me, I still like you.

Like an animal locked up in a cage, through my inheritance I was born to rage.
25 here. I'm a member of the NRA, GOA, and TSRA. I grew up in a gun store. My CHL should be here in 30 days. No liberal can crack my mind! :)
I am well under 30.

I was brought up in private schools though, if that matters (and no, that does not mean in any way that I grew up in a wealthy home, just one that made a lot of sacrifices).

I have at least a half dozen friends, most that went to PRIVATE schools and we all are not brainwashed.

I have a couple friends that grew up in public schools and they are not brainwashed either, but that is almost %100 due to my influence in opening their minds.

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited December 11, 1999).]
My theory at this point is that the brainwashing is more a product of the size of the community we are socialized in. Of course theories are like opinions are like ____ ,if you know what I mean. I'm 30 and had a very rural upbringing.


[This message has been edited by Rotorhead (edited December 12, 1999).]
Under 30 for another year and a half. I even grew up in the People's Republic of California, LA no less, does that give me extra resistance points? I think I was born 50 years late.
Guys, I'm hearing a lot of pent-up anger at public schools. Just let it flow!
BTW, whoever mentioned the size of the community has it right. I went to public school in a small coalmine/soybean town in Illinois. We had "deer day" in high school biology--a day devoted to all aspects of deer hunting. In two of the counties a bit farther West of here, there's an official school holiday for the first day of first shotgun season every year. They just accepted the fact that during first season, kids WILL be gone. Just a little note. Keep 'em coming--I can hear the old farts* getting optimistic again!

*This should be taken as a compliment if at all possible. If not, then . . . umm. . . Coinneach said it, not me. I tried to tell him not to . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Umm., if I was brainwashed would I know that I was brainwashed? Naw., probably think I was a free thinking soul and that everyone else was against me… Wait maybe that would just mean I'm paranoid. Hold on, I am paranoid. O.k., I haven't slept in so long I don't remember what the word 'sleep' means but the questions is a bit misleading.
According to the anti-gun crowd I've been brainwashed into being a trigger-happy death fiend by the pro-gun crowd. According to my mother I have left the binding flock of her religion to run with the wolves and have dulled my senses into nonexistence so that I do not know right from wrong. According to my teachers I was not smart enough to be bothered with and to close minded to listen to reason. According to my husband I am a intelligent free thinker trying to change things for the better, and according to myself I think I am tolerant and open minded when the situation permits it and I defend myself and my beliefs strongly if it does not.
A lot of rambling for a 22 year-old customer service agent that can't find a spot in the field of computer repair where I think I belong, but I just wanted to let on not only what I think of myself but also what others think of me. Maybe somewhere in between the truth will be found, if there is any more truth out there today.

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
DC I feel your pain and age.
The pepsi generation is definitly slipping but there are always exceptions. I'm right in the middle between young and old and out here in kali all I see are older guys involved in the shooting sports. As I once heard, the generation after X is covered in a spiritual malaise. A lot of these kids [I'm at schools every day] just dont give a sh.
Maybe I turned out ok because I ditched so many days in high school.
We carried radios on campus, wore fatigues, had gun rags in our bags and everything seemed just honky dory, but then again we had the REDS just waiting to crush us and the whole cold war thing going. I liked it better then, we a least knew who was after us.
We have seen the enemy and it is us.
Under 30 in Los Angeles, California. Buying guns as fast as I can. Things are being banned faster than I can buy them.

Most of the people I know (including most of my family) are socialist liberals. It's scary.
Im 26 born and raised in Minnesota. The first handgun i shot was a colt trooper .357 magnum at the age of 13. Ive been hooked ever since, Im also an NRA member.
ip extend your visa credit, maybe take out a couple of new cards and get those guns before they disappear.They are a good investment and
will only go up in value. Look for the price of most guns to double in 2000.Ruger has just added 75.oo to the wholesale cost of their entire line to pay for defense lawyers fees
as most of the gun mfg. have been notified by their insurance compamies that the insurane
will not pay for defense lawyers.In case you
dont already know, 24 cities are suing the firearms manufacturers and Klinton has threatened to sue through HUD for violence in public housing.
Blame the criminals doing the shooting and not the companies legally manufacturing the guns.

If I ever get hit by a car,
should I sue General Motors? Or the drunk driving the car? His Billness would sue
general motors and toyota too, just for good measure.

IP -buy more guns ,if worst comes to worst,
you can always sell them outside of

Better yet, move to VERMONT.
the only thing you said that shocked me was that you were closing your gun shop.
That of course, plays right into the hands of our enimies domestic.
Remind your religious leaders of the
night of broken glass in 1938 in
germany and of the holicost which
followed as a direct consequence
of disarming Jews.
This has already happened here in the USA
What is in store for us next?
Remember too, that the US Gun Control Act of 1968 was taken almost word for word from the Nazi Gun Control Act of 1938 which helped to pave the way for the Holocost.
You have other Jewish friends at http://www.jpfo.org/

If you religious leaders stick their
heads in the sand, dont be suprised if history repeats itself.

There may well be another night of broken glass, through out the US, only this
time ,there may be WOLVARINES!!!!!
I'm uh........, looking at a sign on my ceiling that says, wait a sec, let me put on my bifocals, that's better, the sign says 30!

Ah, to be young and full of wisdom!

Seriously, It's good to see the ute's of America stand up for our rights,and while you're standing, take a bow.

Under thirty, public schooling, and I obviously know my rights.

My father is an excellent anti-brainwashing device, as were a few of my high school teachers (thanks!).
Saved the best for last....

Brainwashed ? Hmm, open minded I guess. I realize that firearms have a legititmate place right NOW, but if there were a way to rid the entire planet of all guns with some sort of wave of a magic wand, I would be all for it. There are too many scared, paranoid people that hide behind guns, and if there are laws to ferret them out, I'm all for it.

P.S. 21 here ....
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