Who's under 30 here?

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MMG, I used to agree with you about that wave of the magic wand. That used to be my argument too--"Get the criminals to hand in theirs and I'll hand in mine."

I have since decided it just isn't a good idea even if it were possible (I'd say you and I agree that it isn't possible.)

See, if you get rid of every gun there ever was, violent people will still exist. There will still be criminals, thugs, dictators, usurpers, etc. If all the guns are gone, then they pick up machetes and chainsaws, molotov cocktails, pipe bombs, bottles of bleach and tires full of gasoline. Then I have to pick up those things too, and we're right back where we started. The real pipe dream for me is that all the criminals' guns disappear and I keep mine. See, I don't want a fighting chance against someone who attacks me with a knife. I don't want an equalizer against someone who attacks me with a broomstick. I want a massive advantage and I feel I'm entitled to it--after all, he attacked me, not the other way around. That means even if the guy coming at me "only" has a knife, I still want the option of drawing a gun. We can agree to disagree; some people just have a more strongly conditioned sense of fair play than I do.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I am 21 and was wondering if I could get a date Gwinnydapooh.

No brainwashed, but most of our generation is. but the easiest way to unbrainwash I have found it to take them to the range and let them shoot. sure its cost me a little bit (I let them shoot for free the first couple time. Chicks always shoot for free) but its great fun when they say "wow this is fun, when are we gonna do it again" or "wow this is fun. how much does an AR-15 cost?"
In CA, its hard to find people who don't own gun and are pro shooting. But I've converted 3 or 4 people so far, and have several people I will take once they have time.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
If you'll allow a comment from an "older" person ;)

Consider this, please...Its not the criminal in the street who is seeking to disarm you.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
chink, I almost hate to point this out



But I think Gwinnydapoo is a guy
named Don.

But if you are a gal,.......

Some times, handles can be misleading ! !:^o)

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 12, 1999).]
Beat this-I'm 15. I go to a wacked public school, but I live in Alabama and most of the teachers here aren't liberal. I'm not even supposed to own a pistol yet, but who cares? I've written numerous letters to my senators, and I reckon it's a good thing they haven't figured out yet that I can't vote. I am a member of the NRA, and fight vehemenently for my rights. I argue with just about anybody. ;>
I'm pretty sure Chink is a guy too, but I'm engaged anyway. Otherwise, look out . . . I'm about 6'2", 300 lbs, with a beard. Chink, if that's your style, I'm gonna send you an email address for a guy named "Vampire Gerbil."
Do I really sound that feminine? And does my butt look big in these jeans?
Actually, if I could shoot like my newbie fiancee it might be worth the switch . . . .

DC--believe me, I get what you're saying. I was just giving an example of why it's not even enough to get rid of all guns. I think I mentioned dictators and tyrants, actually. If I didn't, my bad. I certainly should have. I also think MMG is buying his gun mostly because of a couple of run-ins with thugs, so I kinda tailored the argument to his case.
I'm 20.

If I listened to most of the crap that surrounds me at school, I would probably be brainwashed.
My bad

for some reason I remember reading a post that state that He was a chick. meybe I'm confusing him with something else.

anyway, for any of the 18-25, i'm a single, chinese man thats... wait, this isn't the right place is it. anyway, sorry about the mix up. I didn't mean to cause any waves

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Chink, do what I do, and make sure the name girl is in the title and you should be ok, I hope!

Gwinny is a little on the light side if you ladies are looking for a super heavyweight, hey but I can incline press my weight if that counts for something? Now everyone knows why I want a five ton marine corp truck.heh heh
As if age over 21 means anything...
Okay - maybe im a bit nervous - in a few months I will be 30! AARRGGHHH!
Not big on the idea that its time to grow up now...
I am told that I am a Generation X Senior.
What ever. Age doesn't matter. It's Wisdom.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
I'm 30, with a MA in German Literature. History is another love of mine, as well as my relationship to God.

I don't know about being brainwashed (Naw, it's being RENEWED ;) ). I've always been leery of the latest fads and trends. So, to answer your question--"Do I buy everything anyone tells me?" Not at all.

"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
I am 24 and my brain is filthy. It is just too hard to get the q tip through my ear to wash my brain. I know the rights I am supposed to have. Political Science Degree from a fine University. I also which rights seem to have been forgotten
29 years old with degrees in Theology and Literature. I went to public schools and actually was turned in a pro-gunner by my teachers. Never learned a thing I couldn't use there. Very pro-bill of rights, etc etc. Have my teachers carried on a daily basis. Then went to a private school the last 2 years of HS and got kicked out for rappelling off the roof and shoe-polishing all the windows on all three floors. Oh well.
29. High school history teacher. MS in History. Conservative, right-wing, small-government, pro-gun, pro-Constitution, with a slight Libertarian bent. Think Thomas Jefferson had a lot of good ideas (and a few bad ones). Working hard to overcome the brainwashing imposed upon "Generation X" by our liberal media. Disappointed by how many of my students are incapable of independent thought, much less independent action. Teaching them is an uphill struggle, but (I believe) a worthwhile expenditure of time/effort. I'll be 30 in 6 months.; I'm amazed at some of the differences between my generation and the kids I teach. We're going downhill fast--but that's no excuse for giving up.
As I tell my students: Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.(George Santayana)

Sic semper tyrannis

Ok I'm a little old at 32 to answer this but I COULD point out that generation X is now in their mid thirties (the damn book was written in 1990 or so about nihilistic cold war slackers in palm beach) We aren't the pepsi generation. We still remember vinyl records but burn our own cd's. We make more money than our parents did at the same time. We were the first wave of entrpenures on-line.

Its Generation Y (the pepsi generation as some of you have put it) who have grown up post-cold war and don't recall Carter was ever president or that there were any hostages anywhere that don't have much sense of history, gonverment, civic pride, ethics and the responsibilities of being a citizen.

Its nice to hear that so many of my fellow TFL mambers are teaching that generation to think for themselves and re-discover an america they don't know enough about.


Art Director,
free thinking vagabond
free spirit
gun owner
OK, I'll chime in. I turned 30 this summer, which frankly surprised me. I never expected to live this long. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I'm 26 years old. Assistant Director of Security for a Retail Corporation and p/t Private Investigator. NRA certified Pistol,Personal Protection, and Home Firearm Safety Instructor. Also a Certified Refuse to be a Victim Instructor. Brainwashed, No Way. Looked at differently because of my views Sure, but do I care, Heck no! :)

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
20 here. When I was in 4th grade I routinely used to bring a knife so I could cut my apple at lunch (I was really picky about peals, and I didn't want a brown apple). Christ, try that today! I'd probably be in jail and be in counseling.

My first rifle was a Bushmaster AR-15. Since then I now have 5 long arms and when I turn 21 there is going to be some handguns in the gun safe too :)

It was only recently that I became politically active (18). Wish I had gotten involved sooner…

Member of the NRA and GOA, libertarian at heart!
I now have 5 long arms

Doesn't that make buying shirts a serious PITA?

Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
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