Who's under 30 here?

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Retired Screen Name
The question has been raised as to whether our generation (I'm 21) has been utterly brainwashed. Now, I'm not asking for really personal stuff, just a quick post if you're under 30 and know your rights. If you wanna post more, feel free. I know that a survey of TFL isn't exactly a fair test, but I'm hoping we can make these old codgers feel a little better. We've got one foot in the handbasket, but our generation is pushing back.

I'll start. I'm 21 years old. I'm not only a member of the so-called "brainwashed" generation who isn't, but I'm about 6 months from being certified as a teacher (probably work in 6th grade) so I can start counteracting the process with younger ones too.
Let's hear ya!


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

I'm not UNDER 30, but I am 30.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
im under thirty i must have sliped through the cracks cause i sure as hell have not been brain washed of course i stoped going to public schools in sixth grade and graduated from a military school in 98 btw im only 19

The Rock is 21 and knows the score. (Socialists, et al, 7, Good Guys 2) The Rock agrees that our generation is mostly useless. They don't have a clue and could get one with all the money in the world. (The Rock shakes his head in pseudo-sympathy) The Rock has worked since he was 16 and is now in IS as a Network Technician Level 1 for a major health care network.

The Rock
It doesn't matter!!
20 years old, and was taught in PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!!! I will also be teaching education, well music....maybe a firearm safety course during recess!!!! Hee Hee!!!

"A family that shoots together survives together"
I was under 30 in 1977 !:^)
Gwinnydapooh--Don-- If you want to be a
teacher as I did--- do what I did.
Call NRA at 1-800-nra-3888 Ext1470 or ext.
1481--mon>Fri>9am>4pm and tell them that you want to be a NRA Certified Pistol Safety Instructor. The couse is one week end and only costs around 250.oo
You make this back the first 3 students
you teach. I get 100.oo per student for an 10 hour private course with 1 hour of shooting at the conclusion of class room training.

After that ,its all pure profit.
You teach a 10 hour class from your home,no live ammo, snap cap dry firing only and check all guns, not once, but twice to insure they are empty or only-- non firing-- red plastic snap caps.
Ive even taught in the student's home for their convience and taught their wives & childern for free. Whole families going to the range , kids and all! COOL!!

Yes , little old you can make a big difference in the life of some clueless
DUPE & get paid for it as well.

You need to be 21, have a State Pistol Permit and a revolver and a semi auto pistol, preferably 22lr to keep ammo costs low,
and be an NRA member & take the NRA Pistol Permit Instructors Course. I did this in 1987
and still continue to Certify new shooters
to this day.

I just completed a course last Sunday
& put $200.oo in my pocket.

Glock Girl---Dont you miss out on this either. Make you daddy really proud
of you. In fact, take the course with your daddy. You will both love it and we will have 2 -- new pistol instructors to win more
converts to our side.

There is really nothing to it, but to do it. It starts with just a phone call to NRA.Not hard to do at all.

The hardest thing is to find a range to train your students at. I sometimes tell
them(if anyone even bothers to ask me) which
is rare; that I am teaching some former anti gunners how to shoot. I dont even mention that I am a NRA instructor. This usually gets you every one on their best and friendliest manners as they all want to make a good impression on the antis.
Thanks Ernest2! That's not a bad idea. God knows I could use the money and we could use some more shooters. I'll look into that, but it'll have to wait at least until this summer. Hell, I've already got a really nice Ruger MkI I could use until I made enough money on the course to get a 22/45. Have to see about a revolver, though--all I have is a .44 mag.
Thanks for all the info, it has been written down.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
22 here. Went to Catholic school my whole life. Never even saw the inside of a public school 'til I was 17. Seeing the products of our public school system here, I consider myself very lucky.
I'm 21, Made it through to 10th grade in the public school system before being permanatly expelled for failure to fall in line and obey rules that made no sense to me. Got my GED through night school and now am a gun loving computer geek.

Like an animal locked up in a cage, through my inheritance I was born to rage.
I am 24! :D I do not think I am brainwashed...well...no I don't think I am. :) I admit that for sometime I may have been...by the media as well as all of the anti-gun folks. HOWEVER, not anymore! I am open minded these days and doing my best to get all of the facts on things before making decisions. This includes, but is not limited to, my views on guns! :D

English teacher.

I encourage my students to listen to all sides of an issue, then form their own opinions, using their so-called free public education as a platform for further, independent education--the Jeffersonian approach. Whenever I hear, "What do you think I should do about ______?" I inform that student that he/she is the one with the decision, not me.

It amazes me that such a high level of dependent thinking exists among students, but if I let it discourage me, I'd give up; I don't want to be the one to give up on these youth when others (parents, friends, institutionlized educators) have given up on them. My students are my investment in my future, and you damn well better believe I'm going to arm them with as much knowledge and motivation to be independent thinkers as I can.
I ain't been 30 for a heck of a long time, like John Wayne said in the THE TRAIN ROBBERS "Hell, my saddle's older than that." But, all of you give me more hope for the future. Become firearms instructors, and if you are TEACHERS, teach your students to think. My hat is off to all of you.

Pardon me, whilst I wipe a way a tear.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited December 11, 1999).]
26 and just flamed someone for saying the same thing... As I said then, they can take my guns over my dead body.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
I'm 18 and harbor all the wrong views......I love guns.....hate clinton and don't like dawsons creek.........so when's the intervention ?

Star Trek nerd and proud of it
Now......would that be physically, or mentally? Physically, I just pushed past the 30 barrier a couple of years ago. Mentally, I REFUSE to grow up!! As long as I have my Looney Tunes, Rocko's Modern Life, Animaniacs, and Hysteria, I'm one happy camper. God, I can't wait to get laid off from work, so I can watch Saturday morning cartoons again. Well, provided there's anything good on anymore.
I am 24 and an automotive tech, full time student and gun lover. I have a CCDW and carry everyday. I try to shoot on the weekends however that is messed up by the National Gaurd one weekend a month, but not much longer!! :) I support ALL of the BOR. I would later on like to get involved with Law Enforcement. My friends tell me that when Canada invades, they are coming to my house! :) I take this as a compliment of course.

I am 25 have a ccw permit, hell its not very hard gettting one in here in Indiana. My wife just got her ccw this week, although she isn't too keen on carrying it and probably wont. I told her to get it in case they take it away from us. I alternate carrying to work either my taurus pt-111 or ruger 95 and I WEAR IT OUT! I work in a pawnshop my father own so its no big deal. I would put myself to the right of rush limabaugh. I am a product of both public and private school in my later years. I fineshed my MBA a year ago, kind of an overacheiver. I have only been a gun owner for about 4 months now, after I saw what was happening with the gun laws and our shop getting out of the gun business b/c of the bs lawsuits. Oh and for all those I haven't shocked yet I am an orthodox jew which is hard due to the fact that so many in my religion hate guns so much.

jeffrey e sax
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