Who's most likely to try to take your gun away'?

Who is most kikely to take your gun away?

  • Hillary

    Votes: 103 60.6%
  • Rudy

    Votes: 24 14.1%
  • Mitt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 41 24.1%
  • Fred

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ron

    Votes: 1 0.6%

  • Total voters
Ron Paul is the only one I know that will not take away our guns. The other may or might not depending on the political winds.
The Democrats

cause problems and more problems for everything and every one. Still half of the Americans love them. Scary... I'm new to America and I will lose faith in the Americans if that Hillary xxxxx makes it to President. Maybe America wasn't as good as I thought it would be. To where can a sane person move these days?
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The problem with presidents is that there's little threat of recall. Hitlary may tone it down to get in, but if she gets in then the gloves will likely come off. With the congress stacked the way it is now with who is running it, and more importantly they get to bend over for them at the drop of the hat, she will try her worst. Then what recourse do we have?
I voted for Obama, mostly because I don't think he has the experience with the gun issue that Hillary got in '94. He probably thinks that if elected president he has the mandate to gun grab whereas Hillary learned the hard way that being elected President doesn't necessarily mean it's that easy.

Nevertheless I am now assuming that all Democratic candidates and any Republican candidates named Giuliani, Romney, or McCain are also gun grabbers. The three Republicans named will be awful shocked to discover that the rank and file Republican is unable to distinguish between them and a Democrat on election day. I won't however.
Rudy and Obama would be bad.
But Miz CLinton has a few things "Going for her"...
She has Bill as a husband. If he "Rallies the people" and speaks for the bill that will help (AND I don't get it. That guy was a slick con-man and 80% of the world loves him for it).
Plus I think she is a more aggressive about this... All-in-all I am scared of her more than the others (Although they do too)>
Basically, Rudy is a bully, Barack is a naive n00b, and Hillary is an icy, power-hungry (term for female canine). Those would be their approaches to attempted disarmament of the populace.

No Republican candidate is going to be just as likely (or more likely) than Hillbama to "take your gun away". Come on. The Democrats (especially the libs, including MoveOn and the Demo Underground) will support Hillbama's gun control aspirations. The Republicans won't. Sorry, but the two parties are so far apart on gun control that to state otherwise is simply not rational.

Put it this way: the backlash from the conservative Republican base that would follow a Republican's support of gun control is completely different reaction than the cheering from the liberal base if (and when) Hillbama proposes additional gun control.

The theme music from the twilight zone ought to be playing in this thread....:D
Most likely to take your gun?

The ones most likely to take my guns is the SWAT team and the coroner. I'll not give them up peacefully. Not politiction is getting them. :mad:

Take them at your peril!!! :mad:
There's probably a bigger real threat at the state and local level than there is at the national right now.
Now matter how the elections turn out, the result is likely going to be gridlock.
Hillary, by far IMHO.

Rudy and Obama, yes, but they are rank amateurs compared to Hillary IMHO.

Rudy has some serious explaining to do before he gets my vote. He was rabidly anti-gun while mayor of New York city.

I'd never vote for Hillary or Obama, although, if I had to choose between those two, I'd take Obama over Hillary in a heartbeat.

Hilliary is a dishonest, indecent person IMHO.

Obama appears to be a honest, decent man. If he just wasn't so anti-gun. Geez!!
If a Republican proposed the same bill, the NRA might fight it some, but ultimately wouldn't put up the same fight, and the bill would pass.

The NRA fights for our gun rights, not for or against any political party per se. Yes, it may seem that they are pro Republican, but only because that party is more pro gun.

Fred Thompson is the least likely to take your guns.

" Fred Thompson on Gun Control.

* Allowing concealed carry could have limited VA Tech massacre. (Apr 2007)
* Voted NO on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
* Voted NO on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999)
* Voted YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
* Voted YES on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998)

Rudy has some serious explaining to do before he gets my vote. He was rabidly anti-gun while mayor of New York city.

He still is. In his post-debate interview, he still credits his anti-gun laws with lowering crime in NYC. He said so in his typical belligerent how-dare-you-question-me-shut-up bullying style.
Every time someone says "vote for Ron Paul and it will solve all X problems", it makes me want to not vote for Ron Paul. ;)