Who's most likely to try to take your gun away'?

Who is most kikely to take your gun away?

  • Hillary

    Votes: 103 60.6%
  • Rudy

    Votes: 24 14.1%
  • Mitt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 41 24.1%
  • Fred

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ron

    Votes: 1 0.6%

  • Total voters
The fires of hell won't burn as hot as the "gun meltin" cauldrons if Hillary gets anywhere near the drivers seat of our great nation.
Obama has said outright that he would ban all semiautomatics, and he's foolish and naive enough to do it.

Hillary may be an evil ice queen, but she's also shrewd, and knows it'd be political suicide to do so in the long term. She'd get to it eventually, and probably push for AWB II, but Obama is naive and inexperienced enough to actually call for confiscation of all semiautomatic weapons, rifles and handguns, even if it resulted in armed revolt.

He doesn't know better.
I don't see how you figure Thompson and Paul are as likely to support guncontrol as the others in your poll.
I voted before I realized this was the whole politic thing..

I thought it was just based on names..I said Fred..being Fred sounds like a crazy cracker who I'm sure would do anything to be a Fred good or bad

If Hillary or Obama was to propose a gun ban, the NRA would mobilize in a fashion never seen before, and would put up extreme opposition.

If a Republican proposed the same bill, the NRA might fight it some, but ultimately wouldn't put up the same fight, and the bill would pass.
Ghouliani's post-debate interview last night was telling. He basically defended his record on banning guns as having lowered crime, and credited the Brady bill as well.
What I find truly disturbing is that sites like LGF are all rah-rah for Rudy because he'll "be tough on terrorists".

HELLO! He wants to disarm us all and leave us defenseless before them!
I think they are all equally willing and likely to make an attempt

Really? Based on what?!? Why would you state that, for example, Ron Paul is just as likely as Hillbama to support legislation to take your gun away?

Ron Paul has a considerably different opinion about the 2nd Amendment than Hillbama. Perhaps you could provide a basis for your statement?
I say they are all as likely to try and grab your gun because I’ve been around the block a few times and have developed an innate distrust of all politicians. Just how many times does one need to touch the stove? I think the tables are turning and those who oppose our right to bear arms are gaining power, and I don’t see any politician that wouldn’t sell us out for a handful of votes. These people are motivated by political expediency, not by a set of beliefs… I don’t see any exceptions in the current crop, on my list or not.
Assuming each of them was president and a bill went before them calling for confiscation and meltdown who would be most willing to sign it?....

Hillary and Obama are probably tied here with a slight lead to Obama being from Chicago. Neither has concern #1 about the NRA opposing them. Obama will depend less on white gun owning southerners to carry him than Hillary so he is less likely to be worried about lost votes there. Hillary may pull some Blue Dog Democrats who would waver if she banned their duck or deer gun. Neither though counts on the Republican vote.

Rudy MIGHT sign such a bill in a second term, never in a first. It would be political suicide for any republican.