I spent a whole lot of time writing specs for DoD, though not for guns, and can only answer maybe, maybe not. If the requirement is for a minimum 20 round magazine, then 19 doesn't cut it. If the requirement is for ease of disassembly, then there is some subjective "wiggle room". They will usually write the requirements to be as objective as possible, though, and as easily quantified and qualified as they can be.
For example, I would not require that a grip be "usable for women with small hands." I would write that "the circumference of the grip shall not exceed x.x centimeters at any point." I would not require "ease of disassembly" but that the gun must be "disassembled as much as the manufacturer deems necessary for adequate cleaning, and reassembled, in not more than 10 minutes after not more than 20 minutes instruction and without tools other than parts of the pistol that are normally removed in the field disassembly procedure" or words like that.