By Rimrock
Ask the folks on the South Coast (Katrina victims or as Laura Bush calls it "Corina") if GWB/KRove have the moral high ground.
No mention of the decades of Democrat control of this area? No mention of the misappropriation of levy funds by these Democrat regimes? As always no blame where blame is due.
Ask the population of Africa witnessing the slaughter of tens of thousands of the innocent daily while the "GWB Men" get comfy on the couch for Fox News and obsess over Iraqi "freedom"
Seems to me the genocide in Africa started during the Clinton terms. Then came Somalia, Clinton limp wristed it, took some casualties, ran away, and totally emboldened our enemies around the World. Keep bringing DU mis-information.
Ask the woman working under a phony "Made In USA" label thanks to crooked Republican politicians and lobbyists in slave conditions in Guam and Saipan who are forced into mandatory abortions when they become pregnant. Now there's some family values!
Did this just happen in the last 6 years? Didn't BC sign GATT? Didn't BC have 8 years to work on this problem?
Ask the thousands of children whose parents are maimed for life or worse lost to this "war" under false pretenses.
No false pretenses, killing/replacing the enemies of the US. If this is Nation Building, I Love IT. Ask the children when they are adults if the price for living in a free country was worth it. Freedom is never free.
Ask the private citizens who have been abused by his misguided spy caper and paranoia.
Who? Names? Details?
Ask the taxpayers who have been fleeced out of billions for nonsensical projects which benefit only the rich in the name of democracy. Ask the victims of Jack Abramoff or Hot Tub Tom Delay.
Who? Names? Details? Dems should probably be careful with the Abramoff stuff. Tom Delay....wait and see.
What about our gun rights? When will there ever be another total Republican control of the "whole nine" to enhance our gun status....Never? Yahtzee!....
They have been pretty busy undoing the damage done by the previous Admin. You can buy hi cap mags and "assault rifles" again against the cries and gnashing of teeth by your mentors.
Or would you compare any of the aforementioned to a bad "hummer" in the Oval Office by a puggie intern.
Maybe if Clinton wasn't spending so much time soiling dresses then trying to hide from his wife...he could have fixed all the problems which this administration inherited.
The Iraq move is sure to go down in history as one of the biggest bonehead moves in modern history.
Wishful thinking...we'll wait and see. I think the Somalia move will actually go down in history of the biggest military blunder in centuries.
GWHB 41 knew better but he read books and stuff!
Iraq would have been liberated at the time of Gulf War 1 if it were not for Dem pressure...big mistake. In fact wasn't the terms of the cease fire agreement between US and Saddam violated like 10 times prior to the US enforcing these terms. Didn't Clinton say unseating Saddam was inevitable if he continues to disregard UN resolutions?
You must have missed Mrs King's Funeral....Elvis was in the auditorium!
Nope, didn't miss that or the Wellstone that was class.
I know the Clinton years were tough ...all that peace and prosperity!
A paper castle built on lax accounting practices, perceived peace, ignoring problems, all while humming a happy tune.
It seems even though GWB's approval rating is in free fall to 34% the real "likeability" number is supposedly(NBC) 18%. Yikes! The dogcatcher's got 20%
People, for the first time, setting aside the blatant incompetence, just don't like the guy any longer! How do you have confidence in someone who states they want to "restore chaos", "putting food on your family", establishing prescriptions as an "engrenable" part of medicare.
to say nothing of making "the pie higher and growding the economy"
You don't seem to understand, sometimes the right thing is not the popular thing. This administration has never bent to the polls, even prior to the election. BC's high
approval ratings when he left office did his party a lot of good didn't it?
Keep trying....ignorance is on your side.