Who has actually had to "draw" on a potential BG?

All of this talk reminds me of the Ohio case called Terry vs the State of Ohio where a cop notices three would-be perpetrators where long wool trenchcoats in the middle of July out front of a liquor store.

He stopped them, quetsioned them, patted them down and found firearms. Now we have the stop and frisk law.

POINT: Be alert to how other people are acting.

The folks recently killed in the Albertsons in Salt Lake City may have made that mistake by not noticing a bald flack jacket wearing man in the middle of a hot summer's morning. Unfortuneately he had a firearm and was on a death quest - marine washout.

Tell your wife and kids to get away from or seek cover from people acting or doing things out of place so we can handle it.


The Seattle Shooter
I've pondered this question myself many times, only I believe arming the perp (who is no longer breathing, of course) with a knife instead of a gun would be a better option. This, of course, would be ONLY if he was unarmed and ONLY if he was inside my house and ONLY after he was most assuredly dead. I hope a situation like this never occurs, but shooting an unarmed perp inside your house would be hard to justify to a bleeding-heart liberal jury. Better for him to at least have a knife in his cold, dead hand. Am I wrong?

Sic semper tyrannis

Not to mention, if you do get caught using a "throwdown", it makes the whole thing look premeditated. Why would you provide a throwdown, if you weren't expecting them?

Even Manslaughter is better that Murder 1.
Planting evidence is just never a good idea, imo. You become the crook, and what do they say, there are just too many things you'll screw up under examination.

However, check your state's laws about self-defense. As I posted from the North Carolina law, above:

"if the occupant reasonably believes that the intruder intends to commit a felony in the home or residence."

If the perp is breaking and entering, and you think he's trying to steal stuff, or possibly harm you, you can use deadly force.

No need to plant evidence, which may put your sweet l'il a** in jail!
Ok here goes the first time draw on a BG.
Was down in the cities for a baptism. I went down on a Saturday night and was going to stay over at my brothers house. He and his new wife had just moved in and even thou he told me where to find the key I didn't want to let myself in. So I went to pick some stuff in the cities and drove thru the middle. About 11pm tried to call them "they were out for a work party" still not home. Went in a bad area so didn't want to stop "this is before cell phones were common" Found Northern Bible college looked like a nice place and payphone by gals dorm. The street was a T intersection with a open mall above the T. Gals dorm on the right and phone on left.
I was enjoying all the college kids dropping of their dates with the "dorm mom" watching to make sure they didn't go too far.
A guy came into the mall area at a dead run looking over his shoulder. I saw him and thought he has just played a trick on a friend and the friend will be right behind him. Sure enough here he comes. They are both running toward me, I am on phone leaving message on brothers maching, they reach the street and #2 pulls out a gun and shoots #1. He falls on the edge of the street. Cars slam on brakes gals/guys scream/yell, people hit the deck and my jaw bounces off pavement.... I draw over phone, "not a booth just outside phone on short post" I decide to let BG go in order to try to save #1s life. BUT #2 walks up to #1 cool as can be and with arm fully extended lowere the revolver down toward #1. I KNOW when I challange #2 he will turn toward me with the gun and I will have to shoot him. Well no choice I give standard challange and he dosen't move. #1 "the guy on the ground" yells "DON'T SHOOT, IT'S JUST A JOKE, PLEASE DON'T SHOOT" I darn near pulled the trigger the last few pounds. "yes I had prestaged the trigger" :( :( I darn near killed a "dumb" college student for a stupid prank!!! I learned that I needed more training. What I got wasn't enough I had to shell out my own $$ for training. I had nightmares for a long time that I had killed him and what I had to go thru.
Long as I am putting this out might as well get your opinions on what all you think I did wrong.
I never did report it. Was to darn shook up and just wanted to get away from there. :( Yes I know but really what would be the point. I know the papers would get my name and report it as a crazy person with gun shoots college students.

[This message has been edited by larry_minn (edited December 20, 1999).]
Larry, I would have done the exact same thing under those circumstances.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
I saw this thread earlier and didn't have time to reply. I did have an occasion to draw on someone. I was camping in the Mt. Hood National Fforest with my then 7 year old son (this was 10 years ago). It was about midnight or so, and my son was asleep in our tent. I was outside the tent reading by the light of our Coleman lantern when and very intoxicated guy with a long knife approached and demanded that I extinguish the lantern. Although, I didn't have a concealed carry permit at the time, I was carrying a Colt King Cobra which I promptly drew, cocking the hammer. I then screamed at the invader to "Get the F&*$%#@K out of my camp now!" He beat hasty retreat. My son slept right through the whole thing. I stayed up the whole night, revolver in hand, nto knowing if the guy would return or not. This incident, even though it happened 10 years ago, is one big reason why I carry (with a permit) concealed now. I hate to think how things might have turned out if I hadn't been armed. I'm glad I didn't have to shoot this individual and I'm thankful that there was enough time and space for me to display the gun and warn him off. I most certainly would have shot him if he had closed quickly.
Larry, Your story reminded me of a time when I was in the military...

I had just left the dorm and was walking across the parking lot, when a guy on a motorcycle pulled up, parked, got off the bike, glanced at me, and started to walk toward the dorm. A bit odd, so I looked closer... he had a bag under his arm... with the butt of a shotgun or short rifle sticking out. I didn't recognize him..

Holy Sh*t! I wasn't armed at the time, so I casually walked over to the building next door, glancing back, I saw him walking into the dorm. Sh*t, I thought... hostage situation... I was on the team that would have to respond if that was the case...

So I called the calvary... when two units got there, I was telling them what I saw when the guy came running out waving a sawed off shotgun in the air...

Not being armed, I quickly walked off to the side to put myself out of the line of fire...

The other guys started yelling at the guy with the shotgun... it was tense for a few moments until we found out that it was a toy shotgun and he was just "joking around"...

Lesson? One of the guys that I was talking to told the "joker" that if he had pointed the shotgun at him, that he would be dead right now... Bottom line? Treat anything or any situation that APPEARS to be a deadly force situation as the REAL thing. A lot of people have been killed by "toy" guns that turned out to be real...

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...