Who do you support for President?

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I looked at the records and statements of the various candidates a long time ago and decided I'd rather vote for an honest man than a politician. Since then I've been assaulted by claims he flip-flopped here or he lied there but each and every claim has been discounted as fabrications or outright lies.

I'll still vote for Ron Paul as long as he is on the Republican ballot. If he does go third-party (which he said he wouldn't) I may have to reassess my decision.

I will not vote for a socialist, whether it be a Democrat or a RINO. Romney :barf:, McCain :barf: and Guliani :barf: are all RINOs. Huckabee :eek: is a resounding "maybe."
Dr Paul seems to be on track but there are a few things that scare the crap out of me about his campaign...

Think back to the early 90's..

Candidate comes out of nowhere, says everything right, things people want to hear..

He makes record donation and poll advances like we are seeing today.. Grass roots popularity is astounding...

He does not get the nomination for the GOP, Goes 3rd party, gains momentum.......

THEN PULLS OUT ! Swaying the vote base so badly from GOP runner that it HANDS OVER the election to Clinton....


I am seeing the same pattern again, a shill to really screw the vote base?

He may be legit but if you see him go 3rd party I would seriously think about who in the GOP you would support if push came to shove or you can guarantee a win for either Obama or Hitlary....