Who do you support for President?

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Ron Paul..while he may not turn the tide of statism that has overtaken our republic...he most certainly will not enable those who constantly seek greater powers on behalf of themselves or the government. He is the only candidate that that can be said of.

We can be assured that ALL the other Republican and Democratic candidates will enable the federal governent to get yet more power. I am 100% convinced of this.
It appears as if RP found a poll he can lead in, TFL's Presidential poll...:rolleyes:

Nah, just kidding RP supporters

I am actually pulling for Huckabee, first it was Duncan Hunter, knew he would not get far, then when he dropped I am pulling for Huckabee.

Reasons - His views and stances are most aligned with what I find important.

Great thread btw
I'd like to know who the ...ehem.... put in votes for Billary.... it's not funny. You may as well through your guns in a fire.

Two people who have a total of zero posts to their name! They came here to vote for hillary.
The politician who offers me the lowest taxes and the least interferance in how I should live my life, that's my candidate.

The Dems are offering me too high taxes, and the Reps are offering me too much Christian crap.

Ron Paul has zero chance of winning in reality and Thompson will likely be dropping out pretty soon, he has no traction at all. Are you folks going to just sit home and allow Hillary to walk into the White House, since the rest of the field pretty much sucks?:eek:
Ron Paul has zero chance of winning in reality and Thompson will likely be dropping out pretty soon, he has no traction at all. Are you folks going to just sit home and allow Hillary to walk into the White House, since the rest of the field pretty much sucks?

:confused: No, I plan to vote.
Ron Paul has zero chance of winning in reality and Thompson will likely be dropping out pretty soon, he has no traction at all. Are you folks going to just sit home and allow Hillary to walk into the White House, since the rest of the field pretty much sucks?


I'm not going to vote for Hillary, but I'll be damned if I vote for Giuliani. So I'll pick some 3rd or 4th party and vote for them.

I will vote for Huckabee if he's at the top of the Republican ticket, but I won't vote for Rudy McRomney. (do you think they are entitled to my vote?)

Fred won't last beyond Super Tuesday. He doesn't want the job bad enough. And hopefully Rudy will run out of money about then.
Tell you what, I support RP like most on here.

However, Super Tuesday I plan to carefully watch who will be in the lead and vote at the last second. If RP isn't even a contender, the highest ranking repub will get my vote simply because I can't stand to think of either dems being in office, mainly because they have a majority already and there'll be nothing substantial getting in the way of the US becoming more of a socialist country.

This is like a tense episode of Millionaire!:eek:
Ron Paul seems to be the most in line with most of my core beliefs. However, a few of his ideas disturb me a little bit.

If RP doesn't make it, I don't really know. They ALL have some ideas that just totally, completely SUCK, including RP. Its troubling for my future, and my children's, when we continually have such limited choices for leadership.

At least I don't think we have to worry as much about hillary or obama, with them bickering and fighting with each other like school kids lately, they are killing their own credibility, showing total lack of character or decency. They've been getting very personal with the attacks on each other, even starting to bring race and sex into the issue.
However, Super Tuesday I plan to carefully watch who will be in the lead and vote at the last second. If RP isn't even a contender, the highest ranking repub will get my vote simply because I can't stand to think of either dems being in office, mainly because they have a majority already and there'll be nothing substantial getting in

I don't understand your logic. How does voting for whomever The Media tells you is in front in the primary affect the Democrats at all?

If you want to mess with the Dems, vote in their primary for Gravel.
However, Super Tuesday I plan to carefully watch who will be in the lead and vote at the last second. If RP isn't even a contender, the highest ranking repub will get my vote simply because I can't stand to think of either dems being in office, mainly because they have a majority already and there'll be nothing substantial getting in

I agree that there is some flawed logic there...
My vote for Hillary

I'd like to know who the ...ehem.... put in votes for Billary.... it's not funny. You may as well through your guns in a fire.

Two people who have a total of zero posts to their name! They came here to vote for hillary.

It wasn't a joke. I'm a Democrat, and she seems to be the most electable Dem running. I don't think gun control is the most important issue facing America today, but I would like to know more about where she stands on it. From what I can tell, she hasn't said much about gun control since 2000. Anybody have references to her more recent statements?
Ron Paul. Because of his beliefs regarding the role of government, the responsibility of the individual and the importance of following the constitution.
Not a big fan of anyone running against the Dems, but whomever has the best chance of defeating Hildabeast or Barack Hussein will get my vote.