Who do you support for President?

Your favorite cadidate is......

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I don't even HAVE a vote in your Presidential election, but I think Fred Thompson is probably the best candidate overall; although I like SOME of Ron Paul's planks, he's allied himself with some pretty squirrelly people in the "9/11 truth" and "white power" camps, and has a totally unrealistic stance on the US becoming an isolationist power.
I don't even HAVE a vote in your Presidential election, but I think Fred Thompson is probably the best candidate overall

Thompson is going no where fast. A vote for him is a waste. He's doing worse than Ron Paul.
he's allied himself with some pretty squirrelly people in the "9/11 truth" and "white power" camps, and has a totally unrealistic stance on the US becoming an isolationist power
I'm not going to ask where you received the idea about these two groups.

I'll just inform you that Ron Paul has not and is not affiliated with those two groups, or any similar groups, in any way and has no plans to do so in the future.

Those that do have votes in the upcoming primaries need to decide whether they want a Republican in the White House or not. Many voting in this poll have obviously decided that they do not want a Democrat, and some have decided that Ron Paul is the best candidate running. Either reason is a good one.
But the 9/11 troofers have latched onto Paul like a magnet, and he hasn't told them to get lost, or publically disassociated himself with them.

Which is a mistake.
Manedwolf, what you fail to see, is that Ron Paul appeals to a variety of people, whatever their reasons are, even if he doesn't support their particular views.
I'd say that makes him a "uniter", wouldn't you?
I've just noticed that the small r was left out from behind Sen. McCain's name.

Innocent mistake or purposeful ommision?

I've notified the truth squad and this insult to the great war hero will be resolved!
Ron Paul. He has the qualities and qualifications I never expected to see in a politician. This might be the last time I get to vote for someone other than the same ol', same ol' that the Rs and Ds offer up.

You know what I like about this forum. There are people here that think and do pay attention. It is also fairly polite.
You must be new here. :)
Like taxes, for example.

Or foreign policy.

Or Welfare/Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security

If you are voting strictly on the gun issue, you are not paying attention as the country falls apart around you.
"he's allied himself with some pretty squirrelly people in the "9/11 truth" and "white power" camps, and has a totally unrealistic stance on the US becoming an isolationist power "

I'm not going to ask where you received the idea about these two groups.

I'll just inform you that Ron Paul has not and is not affiliated with those two groups, or any similar groups, in any way and has no plans to do so in the future.

If he doesn't hold these views HIMSELF, he certainly had people writing his newsletters for him that did, which worries me just as much. If he wants to disassociate himself from the white supremacists and the "George Bush and the CIA attacked the Twin Towers" crowd, it would be a simple matter for him to come out and say so, but he hasn't.
Ron Paul!!!!
#1: Most conservative choice there is. He's a devout constitutionalist, is honest has integrity and is brilliant with social and economic issues. He's served 5 years military, 50 years married, 40 years as a doctor. 10 terms in congress.
#2: He's fair to all, see no groups and allows anyone to join and support his cause., Why should he turn away "truthers" or anyone??? Beliefs are beliefs, most have no evidence. It'd be like a candidate denouncing people that believe in a certain religion... Ron Paul, despite what the media would lead you to believe!! is most likely the least racist of all that are running! He's fair and values individual rights and liberties!
#3: He is the uniter, yes, he can win. Candidates need 1191 delgates to win GOP!! Romney has the lead with 59!! It's only getting started! At this point he likely has the most money left and has a money bomb tomorrow!! He has a campaign that is spreading continually...On it's own!!!!! He's beat Guiliani a few times, Thompson a few times! He's electable and may be the only Republican with a chance to beat Hillary!!
If you are voting strictly on the gun issue, you are not paying attention as the country falls apart around you.

If you are not voting strictly on the gun issue, all you can do is watch as the country falls apart around you.
I support Ron Paul. I'll say up front that I don't think he is the "Savior". If, by some miracle he did become President, I don't think there is a hell of a lot he could do to save the country. All he can be is the perpetual monkey wrench that continues to jam up Congress, and that is good enough for me. I look at Ron Paul as if he were the "emergency brake".

The Reality:
-No matter what he wants, it could take Ron Paul years to end the Iraq war.
- It will take even longer to get the military out of all the other countries in the world
- It will take years to get rid of all the wasteful government bureaus that he wants to eliminate.
- It will take years to implement competing currencies.

I look at the poet Flavor Flav and say "don't believe the hype". But that same policy applies to all the candidates. Looking at the other candidates, I don't think any of them will trigger the apocalypse, but they certainly won't stop things from getting any worse.

I'll say up front that I don't think he is the "Savior".

I don't believe I've read one post from people who really know what hes about who think he is the end all be all.

He is however the only candidate talking about issues that matter to a whole lot of people.
Thompson... but he has no chance.

Thus, I'll go for McCain since he seems to be the best of what remains--which I admit doesn't say a lot.

The only Democrat that I can live with is Edwards (he's at least fairly moderate compared to Obama and Hillary), but he has no chance.
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are the only two I trust or have any respect for (I also like Alan Keyes, but I don't think he's really running.)

I think Huckabee is tolerable, as was Bill Richardson.

However if the Republicans can hold onto at least 2/5 of the Senate, Hillary for president might actually be a *good* thing. She is such a polarizing figure it will galvanize the opposition, and the Republicans in the Senate can block *everything*. Total gridlock. (we would still have to worry about her Supreme Court nominations)

Worst case IMHO is for the Democrats to hold onto control of the Congress, and a Republican anti like Guiliani gets the presidency. That would bring a new era of bipartisanship -- stripping of all of our remaining civil rights.