Who do you support for President?

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Vote and write a short post why your candidate should be President and feel free to wite in one not listed.
I like Ron Paul, he is a man of honesty, integrity, and stands for upholding the constitution.

He would get the country back on the right course and inform people of the truth about our present corrupt system.
Definitely Ron Paul. If he doesn't get the nod, then I'm voting Libertarian, though I'm at odds with the L party over the issue of the border and a few other things.

If I had to choose from the remainder of the GOP candidates, I'd hold my nose and vote for Huckabee. He's pro-gun and seems to be less of a warmonger than the others. McCain would be the next choice. I like his opposition to torture, and I guess he's pro-gun enough.

You couldn't make me pull the lever for Romney or Giuliani if you put a gun to my head. :barf:
I'd like to see Paul's influence on the country for four or more years, but its not going to happen.

Out of the possibles, I'd like to see Edwards then. GWB makes me truly fear the Republicans as much as I fear Clinton or Obama.
I like Ron Paul because of things he's said in the many debates I've watched. He's against wars of Imperialism that aren't really for self-defense; against torture and holding people forever without charge; for citizens' rights to privacy and self-determination; against a huge intrusive federal government and convoluted tax laws, etc.

As to who might actually get elected President: I'm afraid the Republicans will end up going with Romney, as he seems to be the choice of big business and the party power-brokers (who dislike both McCain and Huckabee). And heaven help us if we end up with Rudy G! I just plain don't think Hillary is electable, no matter which Republican goes against her--but perhaps McCain would have the best chance of defeating her resoundingly.
I voted for Huckabee, but only because the best conservative in the race is probably going to drop out momentarily (Fred Thompson). I think that facing the threat of Islamic terrorism (and I truly believe that the roots of this terrorism are not just the beliefs of a small minority, but are intrinsically a part of this religion) is the most important consideration for our next President. Guliani is the one who most impresses me on this issue, but I would have a hard time voting to someone who likely would give up the 2A without a second thought. McCain is strong on national security, but on about everything else, especially illegal immigration, he doesn't seem to accept what most Americans clearly want: truly secure borders. Romney is just too slick for me, and I don't believe he has any really core beliefs that would guide his leadership. He would just be a more competent version of Bill Clinton. So Huckabee, despite his fundamentalist belief in "intelligent design" rather than evolution, despite his seeming support for some "nanny state" government intrusions into citizen's lives, and despite his possibly naive belief in how to deal with the rest of the world, is probably the best remaining candidate that has a chance to beat Obama or (God help us) Clinton.
Of course, I voted for the only candidate running that can beat either Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama, Ron Paul.

The primary is compete in my state, South Carolina, with unpredicted results. I suppose I shouldn't be shocked at Lindsey Graham's vote getting ability and organization, but I was. We can see the results of that.

Still, there's lots of ground still to be covered in this primary season, so to those that live in states yet to vote, I'd strongly suggest you vote for the candidate that can beat the Democrats in November of this year.

Hey, pretty neat use of a feature that identifies voters. I've never seen it used before, all the polls on this forum ought to use this option!
I'm voting for Paul in my primary after that it depends. Here's what I won't do; I won't vote for more of the same people that seemingly spend their lives ignoring the Constitution they swore to uphold. In the last few years I have started to write my congress critters at both the state and federal levels and let them know I am voting for 2nd amendment absolutists. If they don't trust me to buy, own and carry whatever my greedy little heart desires without jumping through a bunch of hoops then they don't deserve and won't get my vote. We gun owners have spent 40 years getting the short end from both parties sure we may have been smooched a little by the Republicans while they took more away but that doesn't make it right and it doesn't mean I have to vote for them. I would like to own something with a happy switch before I'm to old to enjoy it and that means I and a few million other gun owners need to vote Libertarian every where we can.
I put in for McCain. I really like Huck though too, but gotta support the military.

I'd like to know who the ...ehem.... put in votes for Billary.... it's not funny. You may as well through your guns in a fire.
You know what I like about this forum. There are people here that think and do pay attention. It is also fairly polite. Ron Paul, of course.:)