Who carries a "Mouse Gun" for CCW?

I met a gent that works nights a local store and he showed me his new G43 that he pocket carries. I always judged pocket carry by my body size but he made me realize that was wrong. he is my height but at least 100 pounds heavier, and because of his girth his pants far more generously cut than most others. this allows him to actually conceal a G43 in his front pocket even when seated. and when I say concealed I don't mean it looks like the Gideon's bible is in his pocket, I mean unless you manipulate his pocket you don't see any bulge.
Even a justified shooting will have very serious consequences.
I'm not saying that a self defence shooting won't have any consequences there jar, what I am saying is that when lives and safety are in peril from an attacking assailant/perpetrator, an proper investigation will prove it was justifiable there jar, and that was what JERRYS was infering.
Think how much nicer the world would be if everyone had a Beretta 950 in their pocket.
It's seldom a 950 but quite often a Beretta 1919 (later became the 418) or my FN 1906.

