Who are you?

Spats McGee

I found an article entitled "I carry a gun every day." While I can't say that I agree with every word, the sentence that particularly caught my interest was this one:
I’m the guy in the jeans and Under Armour shirt, the guy in the $200 sport coat and $125 shoes, the guy in Nike pants and a hoodie, and some days I’m the guy with dirty hands from working in the yard, but most of all I’m the guy they never see.
Just for kicks and giggles, I thought I'd ask my fellow TFL'ers, "Who are you?" I'll start:

I am the middle-aged guy in a suit during the week, khakis and a blazer on the weekends.
I'm the retired senior, still as active as my body, bent and broken by 42 years in the construction industry, will allow.
I've always felt a suit and tie is only for weddings and funerals. My "uniforms" are and have always been denim and cotton.
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I'm the Jessica Rabbit that no one ever expects to be wearing a gun.. Much less one that has a badge and a job with the fed govt...
I can be found in pants and 5" heels some days and 5.11 Stryke pants and boots other days.
But everyday, I can be found with my gun.... :D
I'm the young professional wearing either a coat and tie on office days or Carhartts and PFG shirts if I'm in the field.

On the weekend I'm dressed by the LadyFriend/sisters when I'm not wearing a uniform.
Just for kicks, I think that guy/girl is a police officer, living in a bad neighborhood, or something like that.
I'm retired, I worked in the ghetto for 29 years, never carried a gun, but was almost held up. Finished working at 3:00 A.M. Driving on my way home a guy stepped out from behind a tree, and aimed at me, but I stepped on the gas pedal, aiming at him, to flatten him out. Suddenly he just ran/flue back out of my way.
Few other things similar to it, sometime some bullets landed at my friends feet inside the factory.
I'm living in a nice place.
Crime is much worst now days than it was few decades ago, so I DO keep a gun handy in my home, and what's more, very sometime I do carry it too, when I go to areas like above mentioned.
I do like to shoot at paper targets. My first 3 guns was Python, Gold Cup, High Standard Trophy.
I'm an old retired has been.

I wear faded jeans, long sleeve shirts, and dirty cap, when I'm home on my hobby ranch.

When I go to town, I wear faded jeans, long sleeve shirt, and dirty cap.

Too old and grumpy to worry about what people think of me.

I'm would be perfectly happy if I never had to leave the place at all, I'm content staying home to with my dogs and granddaughters, who are way too fast out growing grandpa by moving on to college and boys.

I do enjoy scaring the crap out of their boyfriends though.:D
I am, err, was... a lurker. ...and, edited to add, the rest of my post was somehow deleted. So I guess I'm also a man of mystery!

4 years retired NYPD and hopefully former NY resident in the near future.
Kraigwy said:
I do enjoy scaring the crap out of their boyfriends though.

Did anyone else involuntarily shiver when contemplating the poor fellow that is trying to date the granddaughter of a guy with a Distinguished Rifle Badge and use to run sniper schools in the Army? :eek::D
I’m the old bald fat guy in the baggy T-shirt and jeans.
I look like I don’t have 2 cents to rub together.
If I have to dress more professional I’m in Kakki style paints with a a oversize polo shirt.
I am the 54 year old Grease Monkey mechanic, welder, Dickies Wearing fabricator with a hurt back and a little bit of land with some hay burners on it. Oh, and the Son who is finishing up pharmacy school. The day he graduates this old boy is going to the local Dodge dealer and ordering himself a barnd new Challenger R/T with the ScatPack 480hp 392 HEMI! :D
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I’m the slightly out of shape football player in his late forties. I wear a combination of Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, Orvis and a little Carhartt tossed in. I almost never wear lettered clothing or graphics and always wear a collared shirt. I live in the burbs, but spend a lot of time in the city. I’m a member of two local museums and love to read everything from techno-thrillers to poetry. I love outdoor actives although I’m not a hunter and consider myself sort of a rational environmentalist.

I believe strongly in personal freedom for myself and others. This means the freedom to be myself and to respect others right to do the same even when I don’t understand their choices. As Jefferson said, “It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg”. I wonder sometimes if, as firearms enthusiast, we would be better served if we focused more on the personal freedom aspect of things as opposed to primarily focusing on the self defense element.
Well let's see.....

I'm a Senior "semi-retired professional business owner", I spend 20 hrs/week in office, I'm in Levi's and Eddie Bauer sport shirts 99.9% of the time...

I'm the "Old Guy" at the range 3 or 4 times a week ...with 1911's & S&W revolvers...and once a week out shooting Skeet or Sporting Clays with a Browning Over Under ( in the same Levi's and Eddie Bauer Sport shirt )...

and I'm way past the point where I care what people think I am...or don't think I am...:D
I have some expensive suits, wing tips, shirts and ties...but its been 10+ yrs since I've worn any of them...they are there, just in case...
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I am the clean cut 50 year old with the white-wall haricut wearing khaki cargo pants, Morley 1000 mile boots and some manner of black t-shirt. In the summer I pocket carry a knife on one side and a LCP in the other. In the winter I OWB a full size pistol and wear mid length black fleece jacket. I am quiet and unassuming, dont talk much but would likely hold a door open for a stranger.
Most of the time, I look like I should be working on someone's computer. I don't wear clothing with gun logos or political slogans. I lost the need to be the center of attention well before I graduated high school.
I'm the medical professional (doctor) who prefers comfortable khakis and casual shoes. And whatever shirt I'm wearing, for some reason, is always untucked ;)

Great thread idea, Spats. Thanks.
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Who am I?
More importantly,
Where am I?
And what am I doing here?

I, too, am likely to hold a door open for a stranger.
Although, these days it's more likely they will hold it open for me.
I'm a middle-aged, overweight (fat) guy with a responsible position who routinely carries a gun but, outside of family, almost nobody knows I even own a gun.
I'm the gray man.. blue jeans and a t-shirt. Or blue jeans with a button down shirt.

Always carry a gun. Glock 19 or SIG P229 elite dark. Either with a spare mag. Sometimes two guns. The second being a Glock 42 in the pocket as well.

I'm the gray man. Unnoticed. Unseen.
Did anyone else involuntarily shiver when contemplating the poor fellow that is trying to date the granddaughter of a guy with a Distinguished Rifle Badge and use to run sniper schools in the Army?

ha Personally I think it would be awesome. ;) I mean you get the girl and she has a cool interesting dad that shares your hobbies? Thats a win win! Terrifying sure. But cmon it would have its perks. :D
Yes I hold the door open for strangers too.
I'm thinking. Is it possible that the crime rate isn't much worse, but 24 hours news channels, and internet connections lets us hear about it instantly?
And sometimes we can watch things happening live.
Editing.....Decades ago we red the news Sunday, in the paper that was printed Saturday (before), about the things that happened days before.:D
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