Who are you voting for?

Who are you voting for?

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Just curious to who everyone is planning to vote for?

Obama, McCain, or other. Feel free to explain your reason.:D
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I'm voting AGAINST Obama and McPain is the only viable choice. God how I wish we had a better choice... :barf:
In before the lock.

This should be in the L&P not the General Discussion section. Well I am not voting for McCain that if for sure. I might vote for Obama as a protest vote or not at all. I will decide in Nov.
I know the mods have there work cut out for them, so I apologize if the is not the perfect section for this topic. If not I hope they move it for me.

Personally I like what Barack is preaching.
I'll probably hold my nose and vote McCain because, as I see it, he's the lesser of two evils. God I wish there was a strong independant/3rd party candidate (i.e. one who has a chance of winning). Where's Ross Perot when you need him?
Depending on who McCain picks as his VP, if its a solid conservative, then he has my vote. If he picks some liberal, jackass hack, on the other hand, then I am staying home.:p

As far as economic plans go, how is Obama any better than McCain? How does nationalizing every sector of our economy accomplish anything? Other than costing trillions of dollars in federal programs, it won't do a damn thing. The answer.....govt needs to get the hell out of the way. This country thrives on individualism, entrepreneurship, and business innovation. We the people can solve this oil "crisis", the govt can only make it worse.

Yeah I am voting for Obama. Well no actually I am not, but I would if it mattered. I am still registered in California so my vote does not matter at all. I could change it to AK but then I would be auto voting for McCain. Hahaha our election process sucks. Tell me why again why we can't just all vote for somebody and then majority wins?

Oh and I am voting for Obi 'cause you if you have no damn money then you can't buy a gun anyways.

Oh and to reply to the guys question above me about how Obama's plan is better and where we are going to get a few TRILLION dollars:
Cancel the damn war. That BS is fairly expensive I have heard. Wow, the only time in history that we can simultainiously (hmm) fight a war and collape an national economy. Thanks you neocon idiots.
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cxg231 said:
Nothing personal, but can you add a "none of your business" selection on there?

Nothing personal, for forums I take the, if you don't like it change the channel view.:D
Cancel the war, let Iran take-over Iraq.....pay $200/barrel for oil, which translates to $6 or $7/gallon, then we can all say....good job genius!:p Liberal idiots.

Then we get to go back to Iraq, to try and save it again, spending another trillion dollars....great plan!

It also came out today that the democrat's response to Bush promoting more oil drilling/refining was.....nationalize the oil companies! WTF? Lol at these communist idiots.
For me it's going to be either third party (probably Bob Barr) or not at all.

There's no way in hell I'm voting for an anti-gun Marxist or a neocon warmonger. A vote for Obama is a vote against the most important freedom Americans still have: our gun rights. A vote for McCain is a vote for more needless death, human suffering, and a skyrocketing US national debt as the US attacks yet another country for Israel's benefit. I won't have any of it on my conscience.

I can understand how it's very tempting to vote for what one sees as the "lesser of two evils." I thought I was doing the right thing when I held my nose and voted for Bush back in the 2000 race. But in this election I really can't see a lesser evil. Both major candidates are atrocious, just in different ways.
Well, if we drill for the oil we have here, pursue turning our coal into oil (of which we have plenty), and start honestly looking at alternative energy sources, we can let the middle-east keep their oil and quit spending and borrowing so much money. I think many would be suprised at what wonders that would do the economy. I agree that the current administration has helped get us into this economic pickle (by throwing financial conservatism right out the window), but I see Obama's plans to be a lateral move at best (we'll quit the costly war and spend it elsewhere). Between Obama's robbing Peter to pay Paul economic plans and his less than appealing social agenda (which to my mind always trumps financial issues), I definately see McCain as the lesser of two evils. Look at it this way: he can't be any worse than our "misunderestimated" current president.:rolleyes:
I can't recall ever voting for one candidate in particular because I wanted to but because they were the only choice among so few choices. The lesser of two evils so to speak. So it's McCain and I'm not happy about his platform on things like immigration and health care and so much more but there it is.
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I can understand how it's very tempting to vote for what one sees as the "lesser of two evils." I thought I was doing the right thing when I held my nose and voted for Bush back in the 2000 race. But in this election I really can't see a lesser evil. Both major candidates are atrocious, just in different ways.

I agree with you 100%.