Which gun/carry combo when visiting VERY anti-gun family in Asheville

Or, nobody has any business knowing what I'm carrying discreetly on my person. If I am not harming anyone and not breaking any laws, then it is my right to carry a weapon for self protection.
Exactly! The point of concealed carry is concealed. Meaning nobody knows you have a gun.
If these relatives are so paranoid as to be looking for a suspicious bulge in my pants I would have no interest in being around them in the first place.
I am staying in a hotel, partly because my uncle and his wife have a small place, but also so I can carry without their rights getting in the way (they hate guns, they have a right to say no guns in their home).

This is much to-do about nothing. You are respecting their rights and not carrying in their home, they should respect your rights to legally carry anywhere outside of that.

You are trying to be discrete and not flaunt that right in their face. If they are family, they should know your stand on firearms and respect your choice. They should also recognize how much you are trying to avoid a family conflict. If they can't, it's their problem, not yours.
I vote for the LCP pocket carry in a holster. I do it all the time. I also been known to carry the LCR 22mag in a holster. Nobody knows. Just don't make a big deal out of carrying and don't bring the subject up. If the family brings up the evils of guns just deflect the question or subject. Tell them you are there to visit family not talk politics.
I completely agree with Buck (post 22). I was trying to express: Discretion is good, deception isn't.

Buck says "If they are family, they should know your stand on firearms and respect your choice."

I'd only add that if you are not sure they know your stand, gently help them understand your position.

You own an LCP- how is this not your obvious choice?
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DMK said:
I used to have an estate membership about 4 years ago and have carried my CZ PCR IWB all over Biltmore, including the mansion and restaurant. I've never seen a metal detector there except once during admission to a ZZ Top concert on the grounds.
Irrespective of metal detectors, the venue's published policy is No Weapons.


[Please note that the following are prohibited in Biltmore House:

Food and drink
Pets (except service animals)
Video recording and sketching
Photography and cell phone use that interferes with the enjoyment of other guests. See full photo policy.

For your safety and the protection of this historic home, all guests must enter through a security scanner for each entry to the building. In some circumstances, bags, packages, and boxes will also be inspected by security personnel. We reserve the right to refuse admission for any bag, parcel, or other item. Weapons are prohibited*.

*Law enforcement officers are not exempt unless coordinated and approved in advance by Biltmore’s Director of Security & Police Operations.

And according to www.handgunlaw.us North Carolina state law makes it unlawful to ignore a property's policy:

On any private premises where notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited by the posting of a conspicuous notice or statement by the person in legal possession or control of the premises. §14-415.11(c)
My wife's sister is anti-gun and lives in a state where our permits are invalid.
Last get together with them they met us in a neighboring state and we split the rent on a vacation house for a few days.
I avoided discussions of guns & politics, so did they, we all know we disagree.
They know we are never going to their home because our permits are invalid there and we aint going unarmed.

I wouldn't worry about whether they knew I was carrying, its up to them whether to ignore it or make a thing of it.
Getting together with people who expect to dictate my actions, no thanks.
I was in Asheville recently, get ready to be overwhelmed by the smells of clove cigarettes, weed, and pachouli oil. Beautiful area, and the town itself felt pretty safe despite a high homeless population. It seemed like the Austin of NC to me. I stayed in a nice Hampton Inn that was a couple of miles outside of downtown, there was no security at all.

Good advice here. Their house, their rules. I'd respect that and avoid gun talk if possible. That area has some decent mountain driving for the east coast, and it'll be hot. Make sure your vehicle can handle that.
My choice would be a belly band or shoulder holster. I understand that clothing would be a consideration for the shoulder holster. I don't have anyone who is anti-carry in my family. I usually pocket carry a Bodyguard. I have carried it in a Fannie pack, a belly band, an ankle holster and OWB and IWB.
You can't have too many holsters.
But if this is too much of an issue you can always lock it in the trunk in a vault.
It's nice to see that you are trying to accommodate your relatives.
I suppose you could waste time during your visit telling them how wrong they are and why but that's counter productive.
I'm glad you aren't making this a "rights" issue. My house my rules is how I determine who's rights are more important.
Wait until you are leaving and remind them that you respected their wishes.
I must be really old school or something. When I am with family or friends, the subject of guns almost never comes up. I don't know whether most are pro or anti gun. I choose whether I am going to carry or not and it's nobody's business. I never bring up guns and if someone else does, I normally keep quiet. To me, concealed carry is a personal thing and I want to keep it personal.
LCP would be the easiest to carry.

The 856 is a good carry gun but with the 6 round cylinder makes it a little fat to pocket carry, I have a Taurus 85 (5 shot version of the 856) and any bigger or thicker it wouldn't be pocket carry worthy. The stock Taurus grips are very chunky.
What to carry when visiting anti-gun relatives?

Sounds to me like you're just looking to poke the bear, and want some agreement on what is best to poke the bear, with! :rolleyes:
(or least likely to be spotted and poke the bear?? Either way, same answer)

That being the case, I have no suggestion, other than "why do it???"
Then again statistically speaking the place you may most need a firearm for self defense is going to be among family/extended family, lol.
Regardless of what you choose to do, enjoy Asheville. It's a beautiful city surrounded by beautiful country.

If you must carry - carry discreetly and avoid family strife. There's no point in poking the bear, and you don't benefit others that conceal carry by doing so.

But since you are in Asheville, you should be checking out some of the awesome breweries (Catawba, Green Man, Hi-Wire, Highland, and Sierra Nevada are some of the best), where you can't carry by law anyway.

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I would ordinarily say to ignore his feelings and carry a ten gauge coach gun. Then I considered the fact that my in laws wouldn't smoke in my car. Then I thought that smoking in my car isn't the same thing as dying in a gas station because I was too considerate of their unreasonable expectations. I eventually came to the conclusion that deep cover was a fair compromise. No matter what you choose, if it remains hidden under almost any circumstances, you've done your part for family harmony. If a person flaunts the thing he's being a jerk. If a person sees a concealed weapon and raises a fuss about it, that person is being a jerk. You are doing something legal that simply doesn't involve them in any way. if you lit up a joint in that person's presence, violating laws and moral issues, and hence putting them at risk for legal problems at well, you would be the jerk.

No matter how much they object they have no right to demand that you endanger your own safety. You have a responsibility to accept their concerns. You must balance them.

my thoughts? Don't take the gun into their home. Respect that. Take a super concealable weapon as well as your other carry weapon. Carry this in your luggage at the hotel room and never reveal it to your brother. When you check in, the hotel will probably have a safety deposit locker that you can use. Dual keyed, just like a bank box. Ask ahead. It's none of their business what you put in there, so don't let them see that it is a pistol. Or just bury it deep in your luggage in the room.

I can't make your decisions. I don't know everything. good luck and I hope that it all happens without anyone throwing a fit.
I don't visit people who are anti freedom.

Unless you want to antagonize them by exercising that which you're free to do under the law.

Supposedly these people are 'family,' and of course every family has 'that guy' who enjoys doing or saying things that make the rest go nutso.

Could be sorta fun, actually. ;)
If anyone feels that they absolutely must be armed at all times without exception, then that person must also accept the limitations such a position imposes. I think having a secure lock- box bolted down in the trunk could be a viable compromise for those situations where personally carry is out of the question.
Myself, I am rarely armed as I possibly live in a safer part of the country than some folks.
Anybody here have a shower-gun in case trouble comes while you are bathing?
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