whens Ray Woodward gonna plan another Jersey shoot

A request

My wife went to the CRRC Ladies' Day this weekend, shot a High Standard 22lr, and not only enjoyed it, was pretty dang good!

So now she's in the market for a 22lr, and would like to try some stuff out, and she'll likely come with me to the TFL shoot!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

So, if you've got some sort of a 22lr pistol at home, and it's no trouble, could you please bring it for her to try out? I'll play Ammo Boy on the .22.

- pdmoderator
What would you like to try?

I have avaiable to me:
Ruger mark I target 6 7/8"
Ruger mark II (STd but with aftermarket adj sights) 6"
Buickmark silh (10" bull barrel)
S&W 422 4" (aftermarget adj sights)
Ruger single six 4 5/8"
Ruger Bearcat
Taurus model 94 4"
H&R 999 6"
Essex 1911 w/22 conversion unit.

Yup. :)

You are a gentleman and a scholar, sir.

I think she'd be most interested in a .22 that's in current production. Prolly something light with open sights (she tried a Ruger with a scope, thought it was too heavy, and didn't like that as well as the High Standard with open sights.)

So that would leave the Ruger Mark II and the Taurus.

Any recos for ammo I should buy?

- pdmoderator
I generally use the federal Wal-mart special

or ANYTHING but remington thunderbolts or winchester wildcats
the ruger mark II and the Taurus it is. The bearcat is in production again as well if she wants to try a SA revolver
I'm going to be down the shore Saturday and I may be able to stop by later in the day or evening. How many of you are going to be there after 5pm?

I'll re-challenge who ever the winner was.:)

I will be bringing my whole collection like I usually do. I have a colt .38 detective special she would fall in love with. As for .22's I have a Beretta Minx .22 short, S&W 22A, and a S&W Model 18 combat Masterpiece. Good to see that you are bringing the wife. Renee will enjoy the company. I think FlyinGn is bringing his beter half also.
Thanks, Ray. I'll also have the targets there for you too (at long last!) I'm not sure she'll go for the .38, but what the heck, it's worth a try.

I've ordered some CCI Minimag 22lr from Natchez for the event. What the heck, full metal jacket, tails, white tie... :D

Now let's just cross our fingers and hope it doesn't rain...

- pdmoderator
I hope the heat goes away also! No air conditioning at the club. This is going to be a great time! An excellent time for your wife to see all of the fine upstanding individuals you hang out with on the boards. Who else is coming? :D
SodaPop, I'll be spending the night if Ray's club will have me. :) I have a sleeping bag ready to go.

pdmoderator, I'll bring my Ruger SP101 4" .22, it's a nice little gun, and I see them used everywhere after buying mine new. :rolleyes:
TFL sleep out..........

No problem David. Any others want to take up on the offer to stay over feel free. Hey K80GEOFF, want to stay in Jersey for the night instead of traveling back to NY? I guess we will have to get a bunch of gun type movies together. SodaPop, Rovert and others, the offer is there for you also just let me know.
I don't know if My Mom will let me stay over. I'm still a bed wetter.:eek:

I have been know to sleep walk and boy do I have stories to tell!

I hope none of you snore? You know what Jesse James once did to a man that wouldn't stop snoring.
Oh goody! A sleepover:D

Last time I slept out in the woods in New Jersey they gassed us:barf:

OK I'll bring my teddy Bear:rolleyes:
I won't be sleeping over but with a lot doing this I guessing this shoot is gonna start early Saturday morning.. What time should I be there?

I'm still trying to arrange my schedule to attend. I have a big deal work thing on Sunday so I can not hang out too terribly late.
Be there by 9:30am. Shooting starts at 10:00am.

1st event, the rope shoot. 2nd event, the pin shoot, 3rd event, police qualification shoot. $5.00 for each event plus $5.00 for food. Each event is a 50/50 split to the winner & gun club. Bring a $20.00 and your set for the day. Bring your own ammo. No hollow points. You will need at least 100 rounds but I would bring more. 60 rounds for the police qual and the rest for the rope & pin shoot.

Any other questions feel free to ask.:D

Forward to the post: "Woody's Shoot and Snore" This thread is ending and the above is the new thread to reference for the New Jersey Shoot on Saturday, August 24th. :cool: