whens Ray Woodward gonna plan another Jersey shoot

I think it should just be shotguns. Everyone was so washed out last time (after wasting the day on pistols) that nobody really was up to shooting shotgun. ;)

PS. PM cleaned out K80.
I think it should just be full auto. Everyone was so washed out last time that nobody was really up to shooting more than one round at a time. :D

- pdmoderator
Why don't we play a game where "Whomever can bring their 30rd mags and assault rifles to the TFL gathering in NJ without getting busted" wins a door prize. I joined the "TIPS" program and I'll let the feds all know your coming.:p

That's not even funny! I think we will switch things around a little bit. We will do the rope shoot first, then bowling pins, and finally the police qual. That way nobody has any excuses and they are all warmed up. Sound good? I will post other pertinant info later on. K80GEOFF, just pistols. I have targets but if you want to bring some be my guest. :D
Ammoeater and others..........................

the pistol course, timed.

Here is the site for the course requirements.


We are going to shoot the 60 round course of fire starting out at 25 yards and working our way in to 1 yard. Page
# 9-62 will give you the rundown on the course for those of you who want to practice. It is Qualification "IS R HQC
1" ($5.00 each, 50/50)

We are going to have a rope shoot and a pin shoot.
Bring a holster for the police qual if you have one. You can put your mags in
your pockets if you want but you should have some sort of holster to draw from.
You must bring your own ammo. Bring targets for later but I have the targets
for the police qual. If you bring your significant other there is a living room with a fireplace, radio T.V., indoor plumbing etc. for them
to relax while you go postal on the range. My wife will be there and it looks like two other TFLers will be bringing
theirs also so don't be shy. My 15 year old son and 13 year old daughter will be there shooting also so if you have a teenager who would like to come
and try some shooting they are more than welcome.
more info....

From the State Police Firearms site...

All firearms transported into the State of New Jersey:

Shall be carried unloaded and contained in a closed and fastened case, gunbox, securely tied package, or
locked in the trunk of the automobile in which it is being transported, and in the course of travel, shall include
only such deviations as are reasonably necessary under the circumstances.
The firearm should not be directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle. If the vehicle does
not have a compartment separate from the passenger compartment, the firearm and ammunition must be in a
locked container other than the vehicle's glove compartment or console.
New Jersey's view of interstate transportation..

State of New Jersey
Department of Law and Public Safety
25 Market Street
Trenton, New Jersey


FROM: Robert T Winter
Director of the Division of Criminal Justice

DATE: January 4, 1991

SUBJECT: Interstate Transport of Firearms

The following guidelines are provided in order to assist law enforcement officers in applying New
Jersey's firearms laws to persons who are transporting firearms through the State of New Jersey

I. New Jersey laws governing firearms permits, purchaser identification cards, registration an licenses do
not apply to a person who is transporting a firearm through this State it that person is transporting the
firearm in a manner permitted by federal law 18 U.S.C.A. 926A.

II. This federal law permitting interstate transportation of a firearm applies only if all of the following
requirements are met:
A. The person's possession of the firearm was lawful in the state in which the journey began;
B. The person's possession of the firearm will be lawful in the state in which the journey will end;
C. The person is transporting the firearm for a lawful purpose;
D. The firearm is unloaded;
E. The firearm is not directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle;
F. The ammunition is not directly accessible from the passenger compartment of the vehicle;
G. If the vehicle does not have a compartment separate from the passenger compartment, the firearm
must be in a locked container other than the vehicle's glove compartment or console;

H. The person is not
1. a convicted felon
2. a fugitive from justice
3. an addict or unlawful user of drugs, or
4. an illegal alien

I. The person has not
1. been adjudicated to be a mental defective
2. been committed to a mental institution
3. been dishonorably discharged from the armed forces, or
4. renounced his United States citizenship

III. A person who is transporting a firearm through the State of New Jersey in the manner permitted by 18
U.S.C.A. 926A, see Section II above, need not give notice.

IV. Procedure for Investigation of Conduct Involving the Possession or Transportation of Firearms.

1. An officer who reasonably suspects that a person transporting a firearm in violation of New Jersey law
should make reasonable inquiries in order to confirm or dispel that suspicion

2. In a case where circumstances reasonably indicate that the person's possession and transportation of
the firearm may be permitted by U.S.C.A. 926A, the officer should make reasonable inquiries in order to
determine whether the person's possession is permitted by the federal law.

3. If reasonable inquires lead the officer to conclude that the person's possession is lawful under either
New Jersey law or U.S.C.A. 926A, as described above in Section II., the officer should promptly allow the
person to proceed.

4. Whenever an officer has probable cause to believe that a person's possession of a firearm is in violation
of New Jersey law and not permitted by U.S.C.A. 926A,as described above in Section II, then the officer
should make an arrest.
Just to let you guys know too.. I have never been in any type of shoot like this and last time I did REALLY well/ Don't be overwhelmed by the competition.. Its really fun and not really hard.. Its a FUN time..


Thanks for the invite. I don't think I can make it due to work but I'm gonna see if I can get out there.

Just to let you guys know too.. I have never been in any type of shoot like this and last time I did REALLY well/ Don't be overwhelmed by the competition.. Its really fun and not really hard.. Its a FUN time..

Considering that this will probably be the fifth time I've ever gone shooting, it's kinda hard NOT to be overwhelmed.....I honestly don't care much for the 'competition' part.....I'm only focusing on having fun and picking up some pointers!

How many Franks do we have coming to this thing? Two so far, at least.....
Extended invitation..........

David Park & others:

If you are coming from another state or would like to come from another state but the drive is too far, let me extend a further invitation to you. The club has the capability to sleep over 36 individuals. If you guys want, you can stay over until Sunday morning. There is plenty of space. Just bring a sleeping bag. Showers are at the club also. For those who want to tent camp, we have an area for that also. Just some food for thought.

Any takers?
Ray . . .

Thanks for your just-received invitation and also for all your excellent work in setting this up. Unfortunately, my family will be on vacation in South Carolina that weekend. Have a great time and PLEASE post an "after action" report.

Best regards -- Roy
Ray, what time is the meet going to be? If it's going to be a long day, I might sleep over. (TFL slumber party!)

I just read the pistol course requirements. That's pretty tough! (Do NJ cops routinely attempt 25-yard shots one-handed?) At least the Q targets are pretty big.

I'll try to remember to bring my digital camera.
Ok. I'll do my best to make it there this time. I'll give it a %90 chance, because you just never know. The only thing that stinks is that everyone seems to have a new gun but me :mad:

Darn it, 5 guns and still one only one I can use for this. Oh well the CZ 75 will just have to keep up. BTW how many rounds do you expect to need? I'm trying to figure out if I need to order a new case of if the stuff I have is enough.

See ya there

PS: lets hope that if it rains again, TFL wont be down at the same time and I'll be able to find out if we are on :)