When will the decline of America reach the point of no return?

At what point?

  • Already too late

    Votes: 80 55.6%
  • 10 years

    Votes: 21 14.6%
  • 20 years

    Votes: 16 11.1%
  • 50 years

    Votes: 4 2.8%
  • Longer

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 18 12.5%

  • Total voters
doom and gloom or not
You simply just cant continue on this path not having a care about illegal and legal immigration. The federal govt (with some state govts) and now judges are displaying a complete disreguard to the concept of a legal "tax paying citizens"
Now clinton wants every baby to have $5000....she has not said Legal baby by the way.
At what point does the ballot box no longer work?

If the union will split, illegal immigration will be the cause.
Actually, I think that fiscal irresponsibility will result in the collapse of the economy, and that will cause the fedgov to take drastic measures to keep the Union alive.
I don't think that the fed and wall street would allow the govt to be too irresponsible. The people who hold the real power in the country are pretty tolerant of most things and stay out of politics for the most part, but screw around with their money and risk a biblical level "slap down".
In case you haven't checked lately, we have a $9 trillion debt, and it is currently growing by $1.4 Billion a day. What happens when the financiers of this spending party decide that the US is no longer a good credit risk?
In case you haven't checked lately, we have a $9 trillion debt, and it is currently growing by $1.4 Billion a day. What happens when the financiers of this spending party decide that the US is no longer a good credit risk?
That's already starting, one indicator is the fact that the Canadian dollar is above parity with the US dollar. Seems to me the last time that happened was about 30 years ago, or longer. Iran is now taking Euros for 65% of it's oil sales, 20% in other currencies, with only 15% sold in dollars. I expect a few other countries to slide over to the Euro for as least part of their oil sales within the next year or two.
I think this thread reached the point of no return ... when it started!

This is as bad as the secession thread. Do you people not have enough to do with your time that you sit around dreaming of rebellion, civil insurrection, and how you think the sky is falling and it's time to head to the hills for whatever reason? :barf:
W'ere almost their....

Blackwater, Triple Canopy, Dynacorp...won't be long before they assume virtually all military duties, returning young soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines back to their roots...diggin' fox holes, KP duty, fire watches, gate sentry, O Club & E Club bartenders, police call, scrubbing floors and heads,...all the professional "soldiering" will be done by $1500+ a day professional civilians...yep...w'ere on our way....:rolleyes:
I think this thread reached the point of no return ... when it started!

This is as bad as the secession thread

how you think the sky is falling and it's time to head to the hills for whatever reason

1. Posting on this thread, that you apparently think has no merit, merely adds to its persistency. You’d be doing yourself a favor if you’d just ignore it.
2. Some of us are concerned with the direction this country appears to be heading, some apparently are not. However, this thread was never intended to be a secession thread, nor was it a call for rebellion, civil insurrection or a run to the hills.
3. I do however, appreciate your opinion. :)
grymster2007, do you have any idea how worn out this topic is? Seriously, do a search. If I had a dollar for every time the end has been predicted here alone, I'd be a rather wealthy man. I just don't understand the obsession with it on gun boards.

Just because people are posting, doesn't mean the topic has any merit. Look at the previous post - the tribulations of Blackwater are a signal of the decline of the US? I might agree that some (many) bad decisions were made, but it hardly counts as a sign of doom.

These threads are so much hot air for people to vent on their pet issue and how they think that it signals the end. They're a silly, vacuous exercise in self-indulgence, nothing more.
You’d be doing yourself a favor if you’d just ignore it.

I try, really I do....but its like a big red volcano zit on your schnozz...you just cant stop looking at it as annoying and horrific as it may be :)

WildwhydoesntsomeonejustdotheulitmatedoomandgloomthreadandbedonewithitAlaska TM

It appears that at least 83% of respondents think the country is in decline. They have every right to be concerned and this forum is an appropriate venue to express such concerns.

Again, I appreciate your comments. If everyone were of like mind, this wouldn’t be any fun at all. Although a bit more difficult to stomach, I even appreciate WA equating my thread to “a big red volcano zit on your schnozz...”.:D
North Carolina driver's licenses are already being made with the north american union logo on them, and the North Carolina DMV admits that they got the logo from the national association of motor vehicle administrators for the purpose of making an I.D. that can be used in Canada, here, and Me-he-co. The "patriot" act got renewed and the congress keeps giving giant blank checks to a president to waste in iraq (which has caused inflation to the point that everyday food has gone up in price). We're so far past the point of no return it's almost funny until we look at our kids in the eye and think about what our kids are going to have strapped to their backs.
Although a bit more difficult to stomach, I even appreciate WA equating my thread to “a big red volcano zit on your schnozz...”.

ya did giggle just a bit, didn't you? :)

WildyougetpointsfornottakingstufftooseriouslyinthisworldAlaska TM
Well, that depends on your definition of decline, doesn't it? It's the worst of times; it's the best of times. Take care of yourself and yours. Understand what's going on in the world and take appropriate action. Don't be caught wrong-footed. Analyze risk, maximize the probability of success, minimize the probability of failure, position yourself to come out on top as the situation develops.
basic Macro E

Now clinton wants every baby to have $5000....she has not said Legal baby by the way.

We are a nation of economic illiterates if she can sell this bill of goods! Ever hear of the macroeconomic concept called the fallacy of composition?:eek:

If I give my kid $5k and invest it, he'll have a ton o' cash in 18 years. If the lesser Clinton gives every kid $5k and invests it, they'll have a ton 'o cash on paper, but prices will simply adjust to the collective unearned increase in buying power; essentially it will help those kids not a whit.:rolleyes:

(It was a wise accredidation society that made a curriculum requirement for engineers to take one econ course, or I'd be in the ranks of the illiterate!):D
We are a nation of economic illiterates if she can sell this bill of goods! Ever hear of the macroeconomic concept called the fallacy of composition?

If I give my kid $5k and invest it, he'll have a ton o' cash in 18 years. If the lesser Clinton gives every kid $5k and invests it, they'll have a ton 'o cash on paper, but prices will simply adjust to the collective unearned increase in buying power; essentially it will help those kids not a whit
Gordo, Hillary Clinton will ask for and sign a bill to suspend the laws of economics when she's elected. Remember, this is the woman who made a lot of money in cattle futures.