When was your last visit to the range?

Wednesday. 50 rounds of 40, 50 of 357 and a few hundred 22.

I try to go every Wednesday that I am off due to the lunch there being BBQ beef brisket )
Even with the shortage, i go to the range a minimum of once a month.

I have burned through way to much of my cushion, in terms of surplus ammo, but as others have said, none of it does me any good if I am not proficient with it.

What I have implimented is that every single time I go to the range, I go with a plan. I know what skill I am going to focus on, and exactly how many rounds I plan to expend. If I am not getting the results I want, and I am at the end of my "game plan", I still pack up and go home.

I do a LOT more dry fire practice (and I did a fair amount before), and I have one of those Laserlyte trainers (I didn't get the target). I also have a BB firing replica of my carry gun, and I practice moving and shooting in the garage with it. Using all of those tools more, means I stay just as proficient without burning as much ammo. Frankly, I think I will carry this plan through after the shortage is over - who knows, maybe I will save enough to buy another gun;)
American citizen living in Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central America:

I go once a month, on a regular basis. I put one box through each of my three handguns so as to reach the initial 500 rounds. The DP-51 just hit its 8th box last Sunday.
Range Tripa


My last range trip was 11-01-12 It was raining cats and dogs South Carolina. So no long walks or fishing trips at the lake. So I packed up the Ruger LC9 and a Beretta PX4 Storm. I wanted to see how the Ruger faired in comparison to the Beretta. I also packed up a Colt Walther Government 1911 22 LR.

I put 50 rounds through the Beretta and it’s a great shooting pistol. I ran 50 more through the Ruger LC9. The Beretta handles better overall and recoil is better managed than the LC9. But for concealed carry the Ruger LC9 is a better tool.

I put 60 rounds of 22LR down range with the Colt Walther and it’s a rather accurate weapon that could become a real habit forming range gun. It’s made solid, handles great and is a piece of work.

I stocked up on ammunition before the last presidential election results were in. I’d been through the last drought and figured it was going to be rough. I bought some old green military boxes and added to the stash.

But when Feinstein and the gun grabbers started trying to bring back the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 it was bad enough. We gun owners had better stick together and stand our ground.
I used to go to the range every Friday evening, and every Sunday, plus one Saturday a month. That was my routine for a number of years. Then I got married, bought a house, etc., and now, ten years later, I go to the range once or twice a month. I hope, when the kids are out of school, that I'll go back to more range trips. I was last at the range on October 19th, and will go again on November 16th.
Yesterday ....( 5 boxes of 9mm )....with one of my favorite 1911's.../ I continue to go to the range at least twice a week...

Ammo / and reloading components in my area is readily available....easy to buy in case lots at the bigger gunshows in my area...and most all of my local ranges, gun stores ....have all the common calibers in inventory.

Depends on how much you want to shoot ...but I can see keeping 2 - 3 months of ammo on hand ....either retail / or in reloading components. Maybe build it up to 6 months( if you buy in case lots )....shoot some ....and when it gets down to 2 - 3 months ...build it back up.
I try to get to the range at least every other week. Trying to go more often now because I finally got my wife into shooting and she needs a lot of practice.
I go to the range every Wednesday like clockwork. Or, at least I try to these days. Only one day off every week so sometimes I have something else I need to do. I shoot 22lr, 9mm, .45acp, 38sp, .357m, and 7.62x39. Finding ammo isn't as big a problem for me as some of you guys as I get lucky at Walmart a lot, but I have almost ran out of 38, 357 though.
Was there just last Sunday. Going again this weekend. But after saying this, last week was my first range trip in almost 2 months. Just not enough time these days. Will have less soon as I shoot at a semi out door range (shoot from inside at targets outside,part of our noise mitigation for the club). Had to go last week to see what I could use for USPSA next year. Going this week to finally shoot my new SIG X5E. Newest of the new X5s.
Last Saturday, I burned through about 100 rounds of .380 out of my Bersa Thunder CC. Visiting the range about once a week with various firearms. The great craziness seems to have died down for now. Plenty of ammo saved for a rainy day. I usually buy a new box or two before practice.
I'm not shooting the 150-250/week I was running through before Sandy Hook, but I'm still out for 50 every second week or more (never less). The past 3 weeks, I've shot 100/week, including 100 this morning before work. More importantly, I do a LOT more dry fire and practice at home than I did before. My shooting, draw, reloads, transitions, etc have all dramatically improved, even as I've shot less.
My last match was in September, although I got in a little recreational shooting in October. Since deer season is on me, all my spare time is in the woods, so I haven't had any trigger time since then. The grandkids are agitating for a little recoil therapy, so I may take them to our personal range on Sunday.
Thats great that most of you guys haven't really missed a beat. Life events, like some of you mentioned, had a big impact on my shooting time. Just this last month I got married and it has been great. Right after I had proposed, I decided to have the mindset to devote most of the finances to saving for the celebration. Yet every time I went to a Walmart or Cabelas or something, I just "had to" go visit the gun counters/ammunition shelves. Just kept thinking to myself "stay the course". Now that things have settled down, I am eager to get back to it. I too want to get into reloading. I have the press and a few dies, just need components and a good bench to get started.
About a month ago ... I've cut back from every week or so to once a month, simply because I can't find enough ammo -- or afford it when I do find it -- to go more often. I take only the guns I carry, along with my nightstand gun. Fun guns will have to wait until supplies return to more normal levels.
Last weekend and I have been shooting just about every other weekend. I have a good full time job but it’s the great wife I have that makes it possible to leave on weekends for a full day.
The ammo shortage has not affected my shooting in the least. You can call me a hoarder if you want I don’t care. I purchased several years ago when the prices were still down and at the same time loaded up on reloading supplies.
I hear a lot of people complaining about the lack of ammunition. Last year at the start of the craze a local store had green boxes with 4000 rounds of Rem 22 LR for 130$. I told friends and told them and told them but nobody listened. They had over 100 boxes and were gone in two days.
I saw some num nut on arms list recently wanted 800$ for the same box.
I am sorry but the craze hit after the first election and I bought a lot of 9mm and 45 ACP then. I did it again this time.
Those of you that would call me a hoarder, I’m ok with that but anyone that couldn’t see what was coming after the numerous horrible events that took place this year and last are blind.
Me I’m shooting.
Way too long. Tried to get out 5 of the last 7 weeks and no go. :( Each time the light was gone before the work was done. Worst of all, it was even on my own property! Two times there were just to many people up there riding toys to shoot but the others were just way too busy.

Bummer because ammo was never a problem. I'd rather buy usually but I can reload enough to keep shooting. And I have a massive pile of cans to 'recycle'. And now ... a 3 week blackout for hunting season. :( (Maybe I can get a trip in to the indoor range)
Hey Ozzie, anyone buying up when the supply is good is not a hoarder. They are just being smart and in reality we help everyone out. Those who fill the carts and clear the shelves when the panic starts, they are the problem. It's because of that selfish thinking that we have shortages. Always buy at a steady pace when supply is good.
I am with Ozzie. I loaded up years ago. Shortage has not affected me either. I was not a hoarder by far. I just ( starting 3 years ago) everytime I went to Walmart or Scheels ,I would pick up a few boxes here and there. Well over 20,000 rounds of 22 lr and more than enough primers,powder and bullets to last. I have sold some 22 to a few guys at work and the range to help them out as well. I sell for what I bought it for- No mark up from me.
As for me "the range" is self constructed, and a short walk out the back door - the last time was last Friday.
I would have gone since, but I don't go out during hunting season in the vain hope that the deer will forget that I have guns. But finding practice ammo is a non issue for me at this point. They don't have anything I want/need every time I go, but I never need to go more than a couple time to find something in stock.
.22 is the only thing I'm still having a hard time finding. I'm down to my last couple bricks, and starting to conserve at this point.
I'm pretty sure I have less .22 than I do 9mm or .38/.357.
I've been shooting for years, but tapered off a great deal for some time. But September last year, I decided to get back into shooting heavy like I used to. So I started stocking up on supplies just before the shortages hit. I'm really glad I got a few month's head start on the stockpiling, or I really would have been behind the 8-ball.

My range is only 3 miles away, and I visited it frequently throughout this past year. All the while, standing in line on Thursday mornings at my local Sportsmen's Warehouse - along with 200 of my new friends - to purchase any components that may suit my needs. It wasn't ideal (a previous post stated that it's counterproductive to stock up during times of scarcity), but I did what I had to do and it payed off. I have a very nice stockpile of components (and I'll maintain it from now on); and I did it all while shooting a lot of rounds at the range (and IDPA events) quite frequently.