What's the worst-tasting game animal you've eaten?

Here is some info for you hunters planning on a pronghorn antelope hunt:

1- Don't chase 'em. Get 'em hot, they won't eat very well.

2- When you kill it, skin it and bone it, or quarter it on the spot! No need to gut the animal, leave those nasty entails in the rib cage!

3- Carry a jug of clean water, clean ALL the hair off the boned meat.

4- Put the meat in a cheese cloth game bag, then in the cooler with lots of block ice.

5- If you quartered you goat, hang it for a few days (I like a small amount of mold on mine!) Makes it melt in your mouth tender.

Between my family, we have killed over 100 antelope. Taken care of in the field, there is nothing better!

BTW, a mature pronghorn should yield around 35# to 40# of boned meat!

The worst game meat I've eaten was an old Bighorn ram. Just horrible. Others have been wonderful!

Also, when the old timers talk about eatin' beaver tail, it isn't the actual tail, but the meaty part just above the tail, where it connects to the back. Not too bad, a bit "swampy" for my taste!
Not that I agree with him, but my father always used to say regarding venison, " if I wanted to taste acorns I'd just walk out and pick up a handful of them". Always made me smile.
Worst ever were some local Canadian geese that I tried my hand at. Bought a half dozen shells and half dozen floaters and a call, then set up on the pond behind the house. After harvesting six birds, breasting them out, and trying six different ways to cook them, I gave the decoys and call to my BIL who is an avid waterfowl hunter. Yuck, no matter how you season it and prepare it, crap tastes like crap!
I have watched a few "Outdoor" shows and some have cooking involved. With all the junk added to the recipes on these shows, I am not sure my dog would eat it. If a piece of game has to be covered with spices and marinated for 3 days in booze to cover the taste, it is nasty tasting. Some people get a bad piece of game "Given" to them. A lot of that has to do with hunters that do not take care of their game after taking it and then graciously "Giving" it to someone. I guess it is like going to a butcher shop and ordering something you never had before. Some people like it, some don't. I had lamb once, never again.
If you soak it is rum and coke for a few (at least 4) days then deep fry it, it will taste good.... doesn't matter what kind of meat it is.

"Deja vu - If you soak it is rum and coke for a few (at least 4) days then deep fry it, it will taste good.... doesn't matter what kind of meat it is. "

And if the meat still doesn't taste good - throw the meat away and drink the gravy! :D
I believe the worst venison I ever ate was my first kill. My dad drove around with it on the roof of his car for a week in the rain. I think incorrect processing the meat can make it tender but taste like puke. It will be a time of starvation before I will eat a Merganser or a Mud Hen. Some critters aren't good table fair. Canvasback and Goose are fine. If you have some one that knows how to handle and cook them. Prairie Goat are fine in sauce and chili. They eat lots of sage so don't add that to the sauce. Tough beat can be brazed to fall apart. I love squid properly cooked it should melt in your mouth. I hate it if it is not cooked right. It would be tough. Hay then some people are picky eaters and there may be a reason for it. It could be the cook or the processer.
I don't condone this but

I once had a hunting pardoner that had an elaborate goose recipe, it involved stuffing the goose with a long list of ingredients then slow cooking it for hours. When it was done you took the stuffing out and ate it and threw the goose away. I consider that waist of game myself if I can't or won't eat it I'm not going to kill it.
Squid. Like spoiled fish flavored latex.

All those who dislike deer neck roasts: the answer is "Slow cooked in a Crock Pot submerged in tomato juice." The acid in the tomato juce and extended (8 hours or so) low heat will tenderize the very toughest rutting buck. Add carrots, potatoes, some onion and your favorite seasonings with about 3 hours to go ....... Make a rich gravy of butter, flour, beef stock and ladle or two from the pot (Liquified in a blender) ....... mmmmmmmmmm!
TheGolden Rule of Tool Use: "If you don't know what you are doing, DON'T."
Your calimari was obviously overcooked--done right it is exquisite. 100% agreement on the crock-pot of the neck, slow simmered all day in a cream of mushroom/vegetable base served over egg noodles with a bit o grated cheese and you'll have an empty pot at your next dinner party. : )
A "cat" that smelled like dead fish. we've all tried it once or twice.
OldmanFCSA = "Oldman" at www.fcsa.org
FCSA Member, SCSA Member, NRA Member, & AMA Member
"Oldage & Treachery will overcome Youth & Skill"
The price you pay when hunting for the elusive honey-dripper. :D
a limit of.....

Buffleheads. I worked hard one time to get into a backwater to duck hunt and ended up only seeing, and finally shooting buffleheads. Did some good shooting and not wanting to waste, took 'em home and cooked'em like I did all other ducks, broiled, wrapped in bacon.

Absolutely awful.
worst tasting game

have to disagree on grilled rattlesnake. have grilled a few and everyone went back for seconds. soak over nite in salt water, dip in milk and egg, salt and pepper to taste, wave it over the grill:rolleyes: cook till flaky which is a very short time