What's the worst-tasting game animal you've eaten?

It's all protein, right ???

The worst meat that I had was dog,
I've eaten Dog as well as cat, unknowingly and dog wasn't bad at all. I have also eaten crows and pigeons. Was offered some cooked possum one time, took a look and passed. ..... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
Our perceptions are all our own. I have only killed 4 antelope in my life but my father and I both thought they were tastier than white tail deer. On the other hand a friend cooked some that was freezer burned, by flouring in and simply frying, the smell alone told you it was gonna be bad. I have had good and bad venison roasts, wonderful and terrible duck. Heck I have had drum and carp that were delicious. Preparation is an awful lot of the bad flavor.
I agree that preparation is extremely important. I cant tell you how many people ive had tell me they dont like venison until i cook some up for them. Wow its like they can see for the first time :).
Squid. Like spoiled fish flavored latex.

All those who dislike deer neck roasts: the answer is "Slow cooked in a Crock Pot submerged in tomato juice." The acid in the tomato juce and extended (8 hours or so) low heat will tenderize the very toughest rutting buck. Add carrots, potatoes, some onion and your favorite seasonings with about 3 hours to go ....... Make a rich gravy of butter, flour, beef stock and ladle or two from the pot (Liquified in a blender) ....... mmmmmmmmmm!
Snow Geese, rats on a wing.

Just FYI, in North America, we have "Pronghorn". Africa has "Antelope" which are different animals.
Maybe just me, but I've never had a bad tasting Pronghorn. Cooked rare they're great.

Worst I've had was a rotten black bear.
Goose was the worst and one of the best. I treated my first wild goose like it was farm raised and it ended up dry and nasty. Later I had a friend show me how to cook them right and they've been great since.

Jigging for squid is fairly popular out here.
Squid is another thing that you have to know how to cook. If you do its like very mild clams. Cook them either very very fast or very very slow.

An example of fast is to cut them into rings, put them in a colander and pour a pot full of boiling water over them. Toss them in pasta and cream sauce and you're done.
Slow would be simmered for two hours with tomato and eggplant.

Now pickled jellyfish skin, that's something to avoid
My mother had never cooked duck before I brought my first ones home. So tough, they were inedible. It was the only bad meal she ever cooked. Even the squirrels I brought home came out better. In the early 1980's, in the jungles of Peru, I shared a meal of some type of stew with the locals. All was well until I saw what looked like a small hand in the pot. Turned out to be monkey.
I have to admit that I once considered eating a coyote, but I could imagine no circumstance in which they'd taste good. Maybe wrapped in tinfoil and smoked... When finished, throw the coyote away and eat the foil
OPossum tastes pretty nasty.

Having seen the back half of what had to have been a very hungry 'possom sticking out of the business end of a roadkilled skunk that had bloated in the sun all day...... I would never even consider eating one.

"It's a 'possum: don't touch it: you don't even want to know where it's been."
I almost forgot the field mouse,,,

I almost forgot the field mouse.

When we were kids we roamed the open fields south of Oklahoma City.

Our code was to cook anything we killed.

I popped a field mouse one time,,,
Gutted it, stuck it on a stick, roasted it and ate it.

I don't remember it tasting especially bad,,,
But it sure wasn't good.

In ancient Rome,,,
Dormouse was a delicacy.


Pictures of it cooking and you eating it or it did not happen.

I assure you I tried it, twice. Same coyote, two different meals. The first time got a 2 day heavy marinade and it was actually palatable but not what I'd consider good. The second time I didn't bother with the marinade... wow. I don't know how to adequately describe the flavor but chemically, kerosine, funk all come to mind. Really weird and disgusting. I won't do it again, and I eat some weird stuff. I'll try anything twice. For example, bobcat is very good eating.

Maybe wrapped in tinfoil and smoked... When finished, throw the coyote away and eat the foil

Rick, don't do that. It'd just make the foil taste worse :p Seriously though, it was not food meant for human consumption. Coyote I mean. You can eat a ball of tin foil if you had to.

HuntinAZ, did you try any mountain lion?

PF: Yeah and it is excellent. It's as good as deer, I'm not kidding. I'm going to make it my business to get more lions.