What's the worst-tasting game animal you've eaten?

My dear departed Mom had a talent for converting a carefully plucked Canada goose into an NFL football replica.

A friend's grandmother put one in a blue enameled oval roasting pan with vegetables like a pot roast...excellent.

Once,someone gave me a "freezer cleanout" goose,a couple of years old.

We had a cat.I'm not a cat guy,but I figured I'd boil this goose for the cat.

I did not lovingly season and prepare this goose.It went in the pasta boiler pot with water.After a whle,my nose told me that goose was worth tasting.

The cat got nothing!

As a 16 yr old I "hung" an antelope a while in warm conditions.I also had to nose-sort a batch of elk after a freezer failure once.In both cases,I experienced the "livery" taste.I'm thinking that may be what buzzards taste when the eat carrion.
I have eaten enough elk and antelope that did not taste "livery" to believe "warm aging" has something to do with the livery taste.

I do not doubt some animals may be just rank.I have heard caribou may be questionable,at least some season.

But for the most part,near any game animal can be good on the table if we just do not ruin it.

Love great Sashimi. Skipper and I once decided out on the ocean to try it REALLY fresh. Bled it and loined it on the hatch cover.

OMG it was bad!!!! Fortunately we didn't get sick.

Have since learned that icing the fish is very important. Chilling to darn near freezing "cooks" the meat.........who knew?

Well we do now. In retrospect a foolish thing to do.
Years ago, an antelope hunter gave me a small piece of an antelope he shot on the sage brush plains in Colorado. I had never eaten antelope. He said he marinated it so I took it home to cook it in a simple way. I began munching on it and was pleasantly surprised until I bit into a part that must not have been in the marinade. I thought I would friggin' die. I guess if I shoot one this year, I'll have it ground up with beef or pork to the ration of 99 percent beef and 1 percent antelope. In other words, it's not for me. Don't eat antelope that have been eating sage brush.
Pahoo, I'm just giving you and hard time about the black church.

I expect pigeon tastes something like dove but how do crows taste?
Pogybait said:
Don't eat antelope that have been eating sage brush.

Sage has nothing to do with the flavor of Pronghorn.

Care after the kill has everything to do with the taste of Pronghorn.

Western antelope is some of the most flavorful and delicious eating to come out of this great country.

It MUST be skinned, washed and placed out of the sun in the field and iced immediately.

Pronghorn antelope can be aged for weeks if the temp isn't above 42*. A rind of mold indicates tenderness.
When the mountain men talked of eating beaver tail they were not talking about the flat thing he whacks on the water. The end of the loins where the tail starts is what they meant. That is actually pretty delicious. Fatty meat, which is what they were after. Mom cooked up a porcupine once. Now that was some bad tasting victuals right there.
Many years ago, we lived in an area full of rattlesnakes.
I would shoot them in the head and take 'em home. Skin them.
My wife used the "Shake & Bake" bags for a lot of different meats.
That's how we ate the snake meat.

I even took cooked rattlers to work and some guys would eat it.

Don't care for mutton no matter how it is prepared.
Wyoredman, I disagree. I think there is a huge difference between a prairie goat and one thats been living on alfalfa all summer. Same with elk and deer, though. Thats Why most people prefer cornfed whitetails over mountain mulies. If they are eating in the same place, they taste alike.

My worst bird is canada goose. Had it cooked 3 or 4 different ways and they are all BAD.
Worst animal was an elk at my uncles house. NASTY. If that was the first time I'd ate it, I would never have tried it again. But I knew better. He hunts in the Bighorns and those idiots that hunt there do nothing but shoot at running elk from the bottom of the mountain to the top. Talk about GAMEY, yuck.
Reloader,I do not doubt your experience.
My experience is different than yours.That is OK.

I have had Canada goose that was ruined in the kitchen.I have enjoyed Canada goose on several occasions that was properly,simply prepared.

I have eaten a lot of antelope from places that had no alfalfa.I have fed it to folks who do not eat game.They enjoyed it,could not tell it was wild game.No weird gamy taste.Just excellent meat.

You don't like elk?

I just don't know what to tell you.
I thought I read where the Frountiersmen would cure the fatty Beaver tail in salt like a salt prok chunk and use it to make a pot of pinto beans and such .

I killed a Ground Hog one time and Bar B Que'd it pulled and shreaded off the bone and everyone was saying this is good BBQ . What is it Pork or Goat ?
I was kinda surprised to see the posts saying groundhog was the worst. I've eaten quite a few parboiled them and finished them on the grill.Good eating.I've never eaten an old one just the young ones.They only eat the best stuff in your garden or field.