What's the most overrated handgun in your opinion?

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"However, if I'm proficient with a platform that happens to have a higher capacity, I'm not downloading my magazine to fewer rounds."

Please tell me, or better yet show me, where I ever either said or suggested that should be the case.

This is exactly what I said...

"It should be on gun proficiency.

It you want to add a carry gun with capacity? That's fine."

I'll say it again... far too many people believe overall capacity somehow either equals, or trumps, proficiency.
"However, we prepare for worst case."

So... you're carrying a high capacity handgun.

At least 5 reloads?

A backup handgun with an equal number of reloads?

A rifle? A shotgun? A full trauma pack?

No? Then are you truly prepared for the worst case?

"It ins't about being John Wick. It's about being reasonably armed for the worst case scenario."

Ah, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. Define REASONABLY ARMED.

Based on the way the discussion has been trending, someone with a 5-shot .38 isn't reasonably armed.

Someone with an 8 shot .45 isn't reasonably armed.

It would appear that someone who carries the aforementioned firearms isn't, in your mind, reasonably armed. Just why is that?

Given that even the average police gun fight (and some studies of civilian gun fights) indicate that fewer than, IIRC, 5 rounds total are fired, reasonably armed only kicks in when the magazine holds 10+ rounds?
"What kind of idiot manufacturer makes a combat gun with a serrated trigger?"

Smith & Wesson and Colt... apparently three of the biggest idiots to ever manufacture firearms...
So... you're carrying a high capacity handgun.

At least 5 reloads?

A backup handgun with an equal number of reloads?

A rifle? A shotgun? A full trauma pack?

No? Then are you truly prepared for the worst case?


Obviously, your worst case is a little worse than mine.

I'll stick with mine. I'm 77 years old and can only carry so much.

(I do also carry a pretty formidable knife.)

So what's reasonably armed?

I really depends on location and the person. First location. Where I live there have been six firearm related homicide deaths over the past four years. But that was a significant increase; four more than in the prior four years, a 200% increase.

In the town I lived in before moving here there were twelve fatal shootings but that was a 100% increase from the prior four year period.

In both cases the trend is worrying but the absolute number still relatively low. The two towns are very similar, about the same population and both with a large minority population, one Hispanic and the other Black. How ever one was rated as Low Gun Homicide Rate and the other as High Gun Homicide Rate primarily because the percentage of people living near a gun homicide stayed the same in one city and rose by 12% in the other.

In both cases the chances of being in a sustained gunfight or actually any gunfight are really really low.

The other factor is the individual. It's amazing how often I see folk out and about with earbuds lost in whatever they are listening to rather than the sounds around them or looking at a phone or tablet while walking and totally oblivious to anything else or juggling some mammoth cup of so called coffee or slushy or smoothie. For this group it is irrelevant how many rounds of ammo or what caliber ammo or how reliable their handgun might be, they are unprepared.
To me it is the CZ P-01. I bought it because of the overwhelming good reviews and the fact that it is on the NATO approved list.

This handgun fits my hand like a glove. However, the good story ends there. In my experience, it is very hard to reliably chamber a bullet into the barrel. The bullets will get stuck in all sorts of ways. It seems like it has a very tight throat. In comparison, I tried all sorts of ways to jam my HK VP9 even by riding the slide, but that thing just never fails.

I took the P-01 to the range and was surprised to see that it cycled ok in live rounds, as long as I could chamber the first bullet successfully. However, I also found something I really dislike about this gun. All the bullet shells would either fall on my head or hit my face. In a few cases, it nearly hit my eyes.

I also find lots of scratches on the slide where it contacts the lower half of the gun. I tried to reach out to CZ about these issues and they never bothered to get back to me.
Am still using a cz 75 compact for plunk testing any handloaded 9mm round. As previously indicated, they can have very short throats. If using handloads in yours, might consider doing plunk test, if you aren't already. Haven't had trouble with any factory rounds, but don't use many of em.
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