What's keeping you protected?

1. Do you carry every day?
2. Do you keep a night table gun or rifle nearby?
3. Do you keep other loaded guns, rifles, or shotguns throughout the house?
4. Do you have a 4 legged early warning system and/or house alarm?

1. Yes. Work allows it. And I carry at home.
2. Yes, both my wife and I keep our carry guns within arms reach while we sleep, along with an AR under the bed. We have no kids yet.
3. We also keep one other gun within quick access as we have issues with coyotes and...
4. We have two dogs, a boxer and a miniature dachshund. While the boxer is big and threatening looking enough she is a giant teddy bear. The dachshund is all of 10 pounds and will roll over for a belly rub before she ever hurts a fly. We have a monitored security system. We also have reinforced locks and dead bolts on all three entry doors.

We live in a quite neighborhood (0 murders in the last 15 years, an average of 1 rape a year, an average of 1 robbery a year, and about 10 burglaries a year). Yet, we realize that WE are the best defense we have. Stay vigilant, pay attention to your surroundings, and be prepared for all that you can. Just because crime is 1/4 of the national average in my city, does not mean it can not happen here.
Mostly common sense and good judgement. Sounds like many of you live in a combat zone or have been watching too many movies.....good grief! After being on the job for 25 years its my experience that random home invasions and violent crime generally finds those who court it. I am by no means opposed to common sense security, but I can honestly say that I have never seen a random home invasion where the owner was not involved in something illicit. :eek:
After being on the job for 25 years its my experience that random home invasions and violent crime generally finds those who court it. I am by no means opposed to common sense security, but I can honestly say that I have never seen a random home invasion where the owner was not involved in something illicit.

Sure wish I lived where you do.

When I fell victim to a home invasion robbery and got shot, I was living on the 14th floor of a high rise building located in one of the most exclusive and affluent areas of South Florida. I was an Airline Captain and on my off days an avid boater and art collector. The detectives theorize that the BG's were staking out the art gallery where I did my dealings and followed me home on more that one occasion. On the day of this dastardly deed, my boat was at a marina instead of my dock having some maintenance performed. They most likely thought I was not at home. To say something illicit was happening at my residence couldn't be further from the truth.

After this incident, I moved from the "security" of a high rise and into a small, gated community. Right after 9/11, I became a Federal Agent dealing with counter terrorism. I carried a gun everywhere, including airplanes. Try getting that kind of a clearance if one were involved in illicit dealings.

So, my friend, your hip shot observation has just been blown out of the water.
Like some of the others have pointed out, self protection is a combination of making good choices about where you live, where you go on a daily basis and about layering your defenses with alarms, dogs, neighbors, readily available guns, concealed carry, etc.

So, my friend, your hip shot observation has just been blown out of the water.

Of course there are exceptions, innocent citizens are the victims of crime quite frequently. I think the point was that being involved in illicit activity puts you in closer proximity to and at much greater risk of such situations, and is a very valid point.
1. Do you carry every day?
2. Do you keep a night table gun or rifle nearby?
3. Do you keep other loaded guns, rifles, or shotguns throughout the house?
4. Do you have a 4 legged early warning system and/or house alarm?

1. yes
2. yes
3. no
4. yes
1. Do you carry every day?
2. Do you keep a night table gun or rifle nearby?
3. Do you keep other loaded guns, rifles, or shotguns throughout the house?
4. Do you have a 4 legged early warning system and/or house alarm?

1. Yes, either a S&W Shield 9mm or a S&W BG380
2. Yes, Beretta M9A1 in nightstand draw and Mossberg 500 a few feet away
3. Unless the gun is on me the Beretta and Mossberg stay in the bedroom
4. No

After being on the job for 25 years its my experience that random home invasions and violent crime generally finds those who court it. I am by no means opposed to common sense security, but I can honestly say that I have never seen a random home invasion where the owner was not involved in something illicit.

Wow, this makes me hard to believe you were an LEO for 25 years, no offense but that is the most ridiculous statement I have heard in a while.
Mostly common sense and good judgement. Sounds like many of you live in a combat zone or have been watching too many movies.....good grief! After being on the job for 25 years its my experience that random home invasions and violent crime generally finds those who court it. I am by no means opposed to common sense security, but I can honestly say that I have never seen a random home invasion where the owner was not involved in something illicit.

I would have to disagree with you 110%. I grew up in Chicago and I can assure you that really bad things happen to decent people who are not involved in anything illicit. I've had cars follow my then wife home and tried to abduct her until she pulled a gun on them. I've had people tried to break into my apartment while I was at home sleeping at 2 AM. I've been burglarized a couple of times. We've had bad people try to rob us (or worst) with dozens of people around.

I currently live in a semi-affluent community and we have thugs going around ringing doorbells to see if homeowners are home. When confronted, they come up with some lame excuse about looking for their lost pet. BTW, a home invasion took place about 1,000 yards away from my house last year.

So, do you mean that because I am a God-fearing honest family man who is also an executive of a legitimate billion dollar organization that I should not have to worry about home invasions or worry about being attacked? :rolleyes:
1. All day, every day.
2. When I go to bed, yes. The rest of the time I body carry.
3. A rifle in the safe room as a fallback position weapon. I body carry at home rather than stage weapons.
4. Yes and yes, as well as reinforced exterior doorways and gates mounted inside (they keep the dogs out of the kitchen, but serve double duty as choke points between the exterior doors and the bedrooms.)
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I carry nearly everywhere I go. My Kimber UCDP is on me right now as I type, as is usual. It comes off to go on the nightstand when I sleep. If I change into loungewear before bed, I bring it out to the family room and it sits next to me. Loaded AR and shotgun in safe. I live in an area where crime is generally not expected, but some are simply nonchalant about their surroundings and are therefore shocked when it happens to them. All my doors are double-locked and I have 3 sets of security lights and an alarm. Looking into improving the system with video.

After being on the job for 25 years its my experience that random home invasions and violent crime generally finds those who court it. I am by no means opposed to common sense security, but I can honestly say that I have never seen a random home invasion where the owner was not involved in something illicit.
Wouldn't exactly be random then, would it?
Wireless 2000 annunciator system, dogs, cameras, alarm, brains, last but not least 1911 and several other types of delivery systems
I carry 90% of the time and have a loaded gun near me in house or in car 99%. Also have a dog that has chose us as it's owner outside, security cameras all around the house & barn with monitors on different levels in three locations as well as smart phone/PC viewing. In addition there's optex wireless 2000 sensors in three locations that emit different tones on two levels of house. There's always a gun & flashlight on nightstand at night with shotgun "000" buck nearby too. Almost forgot there's also a full perimeter alarm system, glass breaks & motions & strobe lights connected to radio transmitter for monitoring. . We are kind of in the boonies, but I think I've got it pretty well covered.
1. Yes, where and when I can. I'm in the military so can't carry on base. Makes sense huh? Yeah me neither.

2. Yes. I keep a Ruger GP100 loaded right next to me bed on the kitchen counter, I live in a studio apartment! I keep Speer Gold Dot 125 grain .357 magnums in it, and in a speedloader next to the gun.

3. I keep a Winchester model 12 riot shotgun loaded with Winchester 12 gauge 2 3/4" #1 buckshot 15 pellet loads. 6 in the tube, safety OFF, chamber empty. The gun resides in my large walk in closet about 5 big steps away from my bed. I also keep my carry gun, a S&W 642 loaded for ancillary backup use, stored in my closet with the shotgun.

4. No. I plan on getting a cat sometime soon. An adorable loving companion, but not very useful as an alarm system.
I plan on getting a cat sometime soon. An adorable loving companion, but not very useful as an alarm system.

Don't totally discount the warning capabilities of your cat. They tend to be more active at night than dogs and although they aren't nearly as loud, their nervous reaction to an intruder can be enough to rouse you.
1. Do you carry every day?
2. Do you keep a night table gun or rifle nearby?
3. Do you keep other loaded guns, rifles, or shotguns throughout the house?
4. Do you have a 4 legged early warning system and/or house alarm?

1: Yes, a Ruger SP101 .357 2.25"
2: At night, the SP101 goes into a quick-access nightstand Safe next to my bed.
3: I do not keep guns throughout the house due to my children. I do keep loaded guns (shotgun and a few pistols) in my Safe. I do carry my gun all day 95% of the time though, even in the house.
4: House alarm, motion lights, motion detectors, driveway alert and dog in the near future (I will come home to one, one day.. my kids will talk my wife into it and she is a sucker, lol).
Don't totally discount the warning capabilities of your cat. They tend to be more active at night than dogs and although they aren't nearly as loud, their nervous reaction to an intruder can be enough to rouse you.
Very true. They're quiet for sure, but their absence alone can alert you to danger. We have 3 that sleep on our bed. When they're off the bed and running around, we know it and it's usually something going on outside. For the most part it's animals, but there has been a couple times when somebody was stopped outside on the highway, i.e. car trouble, etc. Our cats are quite nosy, and though I don't consider them an alert system, they've had me up and checking quite a few times.
1. Do you carry every day?
2. Do you keep a night table gun or rifle nearby?
3. Do you keep other loaded guns, rifles, or shotguns throughout the house?
4. Do you have a 4 legged early warning system and/or house alarm?

1. No. I am going to my first CCW class Saturday, but still won't/can't carry everyday.
2. I have the Glock 19 and the Mossberg 500 with 00 buck ready to roll. I don't live in a terrible neighborhood; but armed home invasions do occur.
3. Absolutely not. I have a two-year old. Even if I didn't though this seems like a really bad idea. What if someone breaks in and finds a loaded shotgun? I have no desire to be shot by my own firearm and consequently every one of them is either on me, locked up and unloaded, or in a state of disassembly.
4. No. I live in a small house with really tight doors that sound like a freaking explosion when you open them. I am a very light sleeper and small sounds will wake me up. I don't have much worth stealing; so I won't be confronting anyone over property. Just defending in place.
1. yes
2. yes, my carry gun becomes the nightstand gun when I take my pants off.
3. no, I always have a carry gun with me.
4. Sort of. I have a 20lb dog, but I usually have to tell her when someone is at the door. She is partially deaf. She only hears the frequencies of an ice cream bar wrapper or goodie bag opening.