What's in your Bug Out Bag?

Do you have a BUG out Bag

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 25 16.6%
  • No, But I am going to put one together soon

    Votes: 44 29.1%
  • No, and you are paranoid for having one at all :)

    Votes: 21 13.9%

  • Total voters
Bug out Mini van

6" hunting knife
50 foot parashoot cord
1 mylar thermal blanket
misc. repair tools
First aid Kit Johnson and johnson in a steel water proof case.
200-300 round of .40 SW and .45 ACP
two heave knit sweaters
two nylon ponchoes
1 army entrenching tool
extra heavy knit socks
two knit stocking caps
leather work gloves
leather insulated mittens
1 big commercal dry chem fire exten.
and other as the season changes.
leather work boots
felt lined winter boots
3 cell mag light with extra batteries and bulbs
2 wool army blankets.
I have other thing in the house that may be needed and are ready to go.
such as colemen lantern multi fuel
coleman stones (2) a one burner and a two burner.
5 gallons on coleman gas in a suitable metal storage container.
2 12 volt to 120 vac inverters 400 watts.

well any way the list goes on some of the stuff is just good since in cold winter WX.

I think I'll look over your list and maybe add to mine
As far as the trolls are concerned...They make fun of you for preparing for the possibility of problems, then when the "sh** hits the fan" they'll be right there asking you if you have any extra...fill in the blank. :rolleyes:
When the SHTF, so will conventional thinking. You will ratchet up to survival mode, and not what normal everday life has been.
My father, who spent some time as a Green Beret took me survival camping starting at about 8.
Everything I needed or was allowed to take was packed into a sleeping bag/bed roll and strung across my shoulder ala that Kung Fu guy
I've slept comfortably in 25 degree weather in this setup
So this naturally will be what I revert to when planning a survival bag.
Minimalism to the extreme.

To paraphrase Mel Gibson's Sergent Major.

If I need a warm coat to move up north, there'll be plenty laying around.

My SHTF scenario/beliefs have always centered around a believable natural disaster causing civil unrest and temporary societal dysfunction. If forced to leave my home I'm heading 10 miles into the forests around here. An extreme case would see me trying to make my way to the Glades
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We will play nice here.
But we did play nice, we just played hard.

I mean come on, trolls around here are like snowballs in Fla.
They're not gonna last long so you gotta have fun with them while they last.

I recognize the style from a short lived troll over at THR
PM #19
Junior Member

Join Date: 08-10-2005
Posts: 14

LOL, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my entire life. I bet half of you idiots don't even wear your seat belt when you drive, which has a thousand times greater chance of killing you than a terrorist attack or whatever the hell you're preparing for.

Even if there was a terrorst attack, how would any **** in that bag, or passwords help you at all? Unless you carry that back pack on your back 24 hours a day it's pretty much useless if it's in your car-unless terroists decided to attack your truck

The dollar bill ripped in half was even more hilarious. You people act like your all secret agents in another country and you do spy work. Get over it, you're a normal person-this isn't a james bond movie-sorry to tell you.
Hahnb is offline Report Bad Post


Marco!.....<waits for countersign>

Damn! I have been made! You guys use a dollar??? Damn, all this time I thought it was supposed to be a $100. I am going to have to E-raticate this guy with my lasertag phaser and then head for the nearest Pay-n-spray to get rid of the heat.

I AM a secret agent. I love secrets whether in this country or whatever country you claim to be from. I deal in secrets. Ya wanna hear one? I was dating your sister last night and she called me by her boyfriends name.

Ok, seriously now. I have just one fat blanket big enough for two :cool: , some 'OFF' , ammo for the shotgun, some toilet paper that comes in very useful on quad rides which last all day, um.....a couple of lighters,some firecrackers and a cheap stogie to light them with. And a 'club'. Sometimes I bring my dog too.
Actually, I have torn up a dollar and my buddy carries half. In the event of an emergency, we can add the numbers from the dollar to a GPS co-ordinate which makes it impossible for someone to intercept our meeting place. This in the event that the jar/note book in the desert is still there!

Also, you can use a calculator to encrypt information...example

1234 X 16 = 1974
1974 X 16 = 31584
3158 X 16 = 50534
to encode the word cat:

1977, 3159, 5073
-1974, 3158, 5053
3. 1, 20

So by using a preset code you can have some secure communication...plus a palm pilot can be sent via the mail with your information being somewhat secure...Paranoid, probably, but the gov't today is warning us about "gas" tankers blowing up on the freeways:
bug out

When hurricane season approaches here in Fl, I start buying a little more of all the non-perishable staple items each week. Bottled water, canned goods etc. I keep all the vehicles fueled and top off my gas cans. In case of evacuation, my family comes with me to the secure facility I work at, or they go to the family farm with some supplies for two weeks. People can laugh if they want to but last year's hurricane season proved you have to be prepared. A weapon for self defense, enough food and water for a few weeks and reliable transportation.
Keep a bug out bag and GOOD boots in my unmarked car at work. Seattle comes crashing down I plan on a less than 2 day walk home. Next earth quake is a sure thing just a matter of when.... :)
Good one, because out of the millions of movies ever made only 1 of them has the words they're back in succession.

Other movies may have had the words, but only one made them famous. Sort of like:

"You are the weakest link. Good bye."