What's in your Bug Out Bag?

Do you have a BUG out Bag

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 25 16.6%
  • No, But I am going to put one together soon

    Votes: 44 29.1%
  • No, and you are paranoid for having one at all :)

    Votes: 21 13.9%

  • Total voters
Hahnb... you must be a total idiot. Before you write anything more stupid then read the whole thread and its replys. I dont feel stupid carrying this gear when i go hunting far away from people and have to depend on myself and what i can and cant do. I sure dont feel stupid when i drive over the mountains in Norway knowing that the weather can change instantly which in return can cause me or others trouble and we might get stuck in bad weather. I sure dont feel like a mall ninja or whatever you call it knowing that i have gear in my truck than can save lives. I have been involved in traffic accidents (not my fault) and seen accidents where this gear has been of use. To end it all, i allways use my seatbelt when driving.
If you honestly think you would need that kind of gear to go somewhere you probably shoudn't go there in the first place, genius.
Hey genius..... I live in a country where you have to drive to get to places, this means driving over mountainranges that kids like you have never seen. I do my hunting and fishing in remote areas of this country. There is a lot of accidents due to ice and snow 6 months of the year and a lot of moose and deer that also causes accidents. I do not worry about terrorist attacks, but i do worry about people with an attitude like yours.
Maybe YOU should read the title of the thread. It says, what's in your BUG OUT BAG, not your hunting or fishing bag.
I still carry it wherever i go (in my car or in my backpack) even if i dont worry about terrorists or Bgs at every corner or dark alley. It all about beeing prepared for things that might happen. At home i have enough.
Hey TFLers...while I do think that the first post from Hahnb may have been his most intelligent one and one that truley shows his age and IQ level, I think that as you all keep responding to it...the caustic replys will just keep coming. Ignore it.
As for me, I do not have a Bug Out Bag, but after reading this post and being in a possible Earthquake zone, I am going to start putting things away. My sister lives in Florida and was caught in the Hurricanes a year ago...no water, power, gas etc. for days...and she was one of the more fortunate ones!!
Don't forget a piece of paper that says I'm a ****ing moron.
Would that be to pin on those that felt no need to prepare for emergencies that you find begging for your help.
Then you could say
"Here's your sign"

I would replace the shop/trauma towels with feminine napkins or even an extra small diaper or two.
If nothing else you could use it on some of the 12 year olds here.
And I prefer Bics to matches

Being in Fla water is plentiful if I have a good filter, which I don't yet. Living off the land is even easier

Shelter is not of the utmost importance so a good poncho would do during the summer hurricane months.
In the winter I would only have to add a good coat or heavy jacket

Every thing else that I would consider crucial would fit into a small Alice pack, including a Rossi take down pump .22

So far I don't see anything tactical in your bag just a bunch of commonly needed emergency gear for the type of disasters that can happen everyday
Maybe YOU should read the title of the thread. It says, what's in your BUG OUT BAG, not your hunting or fishing bag.
BOB can still be applied to emergency kits, fishing/hunting possibles bags and car kits just as dialing a phone still applies in the push button world
Well, I don't have a bug-out bag but if it came down to it, and I had to get out of dodge for some unforseen reason I have enough survivalist skills and stuff in my home to put a very effective one together in about 5 - 10 minutes. But If I don't have that much time and I'm at home, well I'm probably a dead man, bag or no bag... It might be a good idea to have something like that in case of fire, but odds are good if my house burns down I'd be at work when it happens. Only time I really need something like that is when I'm not at home I guess. Might be good just to keep one in the car trunk all the time. Couldn't really have a weapon in there though--we park on site and it's against company policy. With our security I wouldn't even risk it. They're just a bit too good and too zealous.

What I'd probably do starting from upstairs bedroom:
*1 military douffle bag
*2 changes of clothes and a handfull or two of socks
*A few MREs
*WWII style belt (has canteen, iodine tabs, hunting knife
*leatherman tool
*22 rifle and 1 brick or 308 with 1000rds can (heavier if I'm on foot)
*WWII style dinner set: has pot with foldable handle, silverware, tray and metal cup for boiling water
At the bottom of the stairs:
*3 garbage bags
*1 pair of boots and 1 pair of shoes not counting the ones I'd have on.
*2 bottles of water
*white towels, washcloths, 1 roll of gauze, 1 bottle of iodine or bentadine
*1 large bottle of advil
*1 fishing rod and small tackle box
*2 lighters
*1 pack shovel
We're out the door in under 10 minutes, and while all that was happening my wife would have packed a back of clothes for her and kids...

What I don't understand is what another person had to say:
Bravo: ...If my wife, and I can make contact for 1 hour she goes to a relative. If we can't make contact for eight hours she goes to another location, If not for 24 hours she starts making her way to the farm 2 states away...

No flames, I'm curious. Unless you're running from the law, why do that?
One other thing to consider: the bible tells us of a real chance of needing such a bag in you're lifetime. Jesus talks about it in the book of Matthew. Also if you're around post rapture when all that stuff in Revalations comes to pass... :eek:
Whoooooowhheeeee, this one if fun! For some reason this thread seems to have attracted a few kiddie trolls eh?

I started my bug out bag after realizing I needed a first aid kit in my truck, and getting a suggestion to go ahead and add a few other emergency essentials. What are the odds that I will ever need the bag? Who knows, but it cost almost nothing, and it takes up a small corner of the back seat area of my truck, so why not?

After reading the intelligent comments on this thread I realized that bug out bags have some specific themes. Mine is based on what very basic primary necessities would I like to have with me for a 3 day emergency. So, I built it around that idea - 3 days of stuff.

Don't chase the trolls off, they provide way too much entertainment value. :)
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I'm still waiting for someone to show me a real life situation where any of that stuff would come in handy, a situation that actually has a reasonable mathmatical possibility of happening. Note I said resonable mathmatical possibility.
I keep some supplies in the trunk of the car. In the event of an earthquake, civil unrest, etc. Mainly a sleeping bag, some food, water, a cold steel machete, and on occasion I might put in a S&W 422 and a couple hundred rounds of .22 ammo....as for water, what I do is take the empty 2 liter soda jugs. Fill with water, put 2 drops of bleach in the lid, screw lid onto the jug and shake...a cheap solution to having some emergency water on hand.

I always carry a lighter and a knife, but do have these items in the trunk of the car. Usually carry a zippo or zippo type lighter, if necessary it can be filled with a few drops of gasoline. However, if you carry extra flints under the felt pad, you have to remove the flints when using gasoline, or it will dissolve them...On my property in the desert, we have placed a jar and a notebook and pencile in the event that we have to flee the city on foot. This way we can let each other know we are alright and where to meet. I have also tucked a few goodies away in the desert in a 50 gal. drum...so if the need were great, could take just what is on my person and resupply up in the desert!

Now, is civil unrest a remote possibily? Is an earthquake, perhaps one like in China, Turkey which left 1,000's homeless...what is the harm is tucking a few "goodies" back in the event of an emergency..I feel it is better to have something tucked away and not need it, than to suddenly find myself is dire straights wishing I had some equipment!

Wrong! That is most definitely not what you are waiting for! :D

Come on, fess up, be a man, tell us what you are really waiting for!
Originally Posted by chemist308:
What I don't understand is what another person had to say:

Bravo: ...If my wife, and I can make contact for 1 hour she goes to a relative. If we can't make contact for eight hours she goes to another location, If not for 24 hours she starts making her way to the farm 2 states away...
No flames, I'm curious. Unless you're running from the law, why do that?

Lets assume the worst. Global effects mutiple tornados destroy communications, travel, food supplies, people going nuts scavenging. Civil disobediance on a scale that local LEO can't handle because everyone is now scared, and deperate.

Or Nukes=EMP's. No communications, No travel, No civil authority with enough infrastructure to handle the situation. Civil disobediance on a scale that local LEO can't handle because everyone is now scared, and deperate.

Chemical Spill on a mass scale. We have close to here a chemical plant that produces some of the most dangerous chemicals known to man.

Military invasion. There are people, and troops that cross our southern borders that people never hear about.

Medical, or biological outbreak.

Most of these scenarios would involve 2 things. Getting to a safe area quickly, and knowing what the other is doing. The other is Martial Law. I have been through that one, and trust me the military does not have the best interest of me or my family in mind. Only containment.

So it is imperative to just know how to react, and what to do if you can't get ahold of the other. If things get that bad, be prepared to survive. Forget laws, civil obediance, helping your fellow man (at least until your own security is established). Forget liability, protocol, and the wait, and see attitude. Nothing is worse than a hundred thousand people all being extremely deperate, and going nuts with no leadership or infrastructure to caontain the violence, and destruction they will be capable of.
How would any of those supplies help you during an earthquake lol. Everyone seems to claim all these things but doesn't actually think how these supplies are going to help. Why the **** would you need a sleeping bag if there was an earthquake? If your house is crushed are you going to sleep on your ****ing front lawn? I would opt for a hotel or a friends.
I know I should leave him alone, and maybe he'll go away but,

How would any of those supplies help you during an earthquake lol. Everyone seems to claim all these things but doesn't actually think how these supplies are going to help. Why the **** would you need a sleeping bag if there was an earthquake? If your house is crushed are you going to sleep on your ****ing front lawn? I would opt for a hotel or a friends.

Has anyone told you your IQ is somewhere around refrigerator temperature?
If we take up a collection for you would you go and buy a clue, and leave the intellegent discussions to the adults.
And how many degrees do you have, sir?

You all have seen way too many movies. The chances of any of that happening are so mathmatically slim that it's basically impossible. Half of those scenarios wouldn't even require all the bull**** in those bags.