What will you do when Ron Paul drops out?

I'm still going to vote for him. I'm not throwing my vote away on Mccain.

I will do the same

Because I'm just not interested in rearranging chairs on the titanic.
Now if you like the titanic's situation...... this would seem that I am throwing away my vote.

(But hey I'm just a middle-class guy thinking I can hand off more freedom and liberty to my kids than what was handed to me.)
All you fellers that are inclined to write in Paul and/or vote Libertarian might as well just stay home and watch the results.
No one will pay any attention to your feeble attempt to make yourself heard... :rolleyes:
cohoskip said:
stay home and watch the results

His supporters backed RP because of his message. Now they have become so entangled with the man that they are wasting a vote that might effectively deliver that message.

Speaking in broad generalities I believe it's safe to say that your average TFL member has no use for socialism. In the next breath they say they are going to divide our votes (helping Hilbama to a possible win) because their guy is being snubbed.

One of the things you have to learn in life is that sometimes you have to work along side of the guys you hate for a common objective.

I'm not a McCain man because I think of him as an angry liberal in the guise of a conservative. However, if elected he's either going to have to openly change his party affiliation, expose himself to the criticism of flip-flopping (a major re-election faux pas) or get smacked around behind closed doors by the real conservatives.

Either that or Hilbama wins.
Stick to plan.....

Vote for Obama (who'll be a one-term failure at best) in the Texas primary, then vote for a conservative third-party candidate in the general election.....

...which will probably be Ron Paul.....
In response to the original question:
If the election isn't projected to be close: Libertarian candidate.
Close election between Obama and McCain: Obama
Close election between Clinton and McCain: McCain
I still think Ron Paul is still the best man for changing America. He is a true conservative, not a right wing authoritarian like so many Repubicans. He will still get my vote. To people who hate Ron Paul, I'm sorry you feel that way.

McCain, as a longtime politician, is partially responsible for the current mess we are in. He will not get my support. Huckabee is a right wing authoritarian. No thanks!

President Bush is the best thing to happen to the Democratic party. Look at his current approval ratings over the last year or two. Republicans, we should be thinking about 2012, not 2008. Let's put this one behind us and get ready for the next presidental election.