What will you do when Ron Paul drops out?

Got Twisted

Forgot to say that there is NO good candidate for us OR 2nd rights this time(when was there?) REMEMBER: All civilizations have fallen, some faster than others. Too bad we are on the nascar track to it............
Can anyone stay on TOPIC??

You folks are about as whacked as paul is if you think he has a remote chance of being President.

Snake: Have you voted yet? Is your candidate still in the race? Good lord we're whacked because our candidate is still in? There's still primaries and a whole lot of water to flow under the bridge before November. Go back to the discussions here a few months back see how the landscape changes.

How about staying on
There's another thread up to bash Ron Paul and his supporters.
I am glad that Ron Paul has said that he will not make a third party run. When the republicans lose in the fall it will be their own fault. I would hate to see these cockroaches using this honorable man as their excuse.
I can't stop wringing my hands! I can't sleep! I'm so depressed about Ron Paul that I've quit my job, stopped eating, and now I just hang out on the internet and ponder what I'll do now that Ron Paul won't be the nominee. Oh, the humanity! :(

I'm starting a Ron Paul commune in Canada. For all of us disenfranchised Ron Paul supporters. To heck with the United States! We'll elect Ron Paul as the Prime Minister of Canada! What do you say, Ron Paul supporters? Will you join me in the Ron Paul commune, and continue the Ron Paul revolution? I've already booked a flight to Canada on the Ron Paul blimp. It'll hold 15 other passengers, so be sure and reserve your spot right away!
Our fault that the extremists attacked us???? paul is zipped!!!!!!!!! He thinks it is OUR fault that they have been attacking us!!!!!!!! GET A GRIP, PEOPLE!
you need to take a closer look at both what he has actually said and what the extremists have actually said
Fremmer, Canada is no solution! The only thing for you to do short of committing hara kiri is to sign up a shipload of unhappy souls to settle the vast uncharted Martian wilderness! Such is the stuff that epic poems are made of! The Scottish Covenent! Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock! Saints crossing the desert to Salt Lake City! I'll be at the spaceport weeping and waving my handkerchief but I wish you farewell and Godspeed! :(:(:(
When Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination, I will either vote Libertarian or write Paul in, depending on who the Libertarian candidate is. I haven't investigated the latter yet.

I simply cannot in good conscience vote for the warmonger McCain. A lot of Americans, being sheltered from the effects of war, don't mind perpetuating it and then watching it on TV. This is wrong. No one should support a war unless it's a war of necessity rather than a war of choice -- meaning that you are so certain that our nation's future depends on it that would be willing to die yourself in that war or even have your family members die in it, if necessary.

I also don't like McCain on a number of domestic issues. He would be better on that score than a Democrat, of course, but probably not much better.

Am I worried about losing my guns under Hillary? No. It's not up to her, Congress, or anyone else whether I keep my guns. As I keep saying, if people comply new gun bans, then they deserve to lose their freedom. You will retain the freedom that YOUR courage merits.

You folks are about as whacked as paul is if you think he has a remote chance of being President. Our fault that the extremists attacked us???? paul is zipped!!!!!!!!! He thinks it is OUR fault that they have been attacking us!!!!!!!! GET A GRIP, PEOPLE!
I think you might be the one who should get a grip, my friend. No need to yell like that. :eek: ;)

US foreign policy absolutely was the reason why extremists attacked us. They don't "hate us for our freedom." They've told us why they hate us: because of our one-sided support for Israel apartheid, our propping up of Arab puppet dictatorships, and our military presence in places like Saudi Arabia.

Experts on Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, most notably Michael Scheuer, have concurred with this assessment. And traditional conservatives such as Pat Buchanan predicted prior to 9/11 that our foreign policy would lead to a catastrophic attack on our soil.

This isn't rocket science. There's a reason why Muslim extremists hate the US rather than, say, Mexico. It's because Israel-first groups like AIPAC and JINSA have a stranglehold on our foreign policy.

None of this justifies the 9/11 attacks or other attacks on civilians, mind you. It merely explains them. At the same time, the US government should change its foreign policy -- not out of fear, but because it's often immoral and hypocritical.
Do a little dance. This nonsense has gone on long enough.

You do not gain people's(remember, you do have to have 50%+) hearts and minds by talking about burning executive orders and legalizing machine guns. Do most Americans know what an executive order or a machine gun is? No, but they are not sure if burning one is a good idea and are sure that the other is the root of all evil.

Doomed from the start, it makes this Republican cry at the money wasted on his candidacy.:eek:

SteelCore, what do you propose we do, let the Arabs destroy Israe? I am pretty sure after WWII the entire civilized world vowed, "NEVER AGAIN".
Bush was just over in Saudi Arabia a couple of weeks ago courting the sheiks with another 22 billion in military technology. Who are the Saudis aiming it at? Israel? Bush also asked that more oil be pumped, they essentially said: stuff it. So lets see here, send money and aid to Israel then keep giving military technology to the Saudis and then we Americans can all just act dumbfounded at the endgame!

Afghanistan helped to bankrupt the USSR. US aided Bin Laden there. Now our open ended "war on terrorists" and finding Bin Laden in Iraq is bankrupting the US. Next stop.....Pakistan!

Ending the war is a "no-brainer" and thus will also lead to McCain's demise in the election.

Unless one of McCain's multiple personalities emerges and he claims to have "heard the people and will work to end the war."
"I can't stop wringing my hands! I can't sleep! I'm so depressed about Ron Paul that I've quit my job, stopped eating, and now I just hang out on the internet and ponder what I'll do now that Ron Paul won't be the nominee. Oh, the humanity!

I'm starting a Ron Paul commune in Canada. For all of us disenfranchised Ron Paul supporters. To heck with the United States! We'll elect Ron Paul as the Prime Minister of Canada! What do you say, Ron Paul supporters? Will you join me in the Ron Paul commune, and continue the Ron Paul revolution? I've already booked a flight to Canada on the Ron Paul blimp. It'll hold 15 other passengers, so be sure and reserve your spot right away!"


I want to buy a Ron Paul concession. Want to start a Ron Paul commune on southern Cyprus. Everyone in the commune will give up all worldy treasures in order to support Ron Paul in the 2012 election. The climate and diet of southern Cyprus is conducive to preserving Mr. Paul for the 2012 elections.

Mr. Paul can dress in a toga and parade around his world class villa like a Roman emperor. We will worship Mr. Paul like the folks in Antelope Valley worshipped The Baghwan.
Very funny Fremmer, but Canada is Unconstitutional.

Because I can hide my guns....

I am truly at a loss to understand this logic.
Under what circumstances is a hidden gun better than not having a gun? The fact that you need to hide it means you live in a police state.

If Barack (the name of mohamud's mythical horse) gets elected, it will prove that ignorance is not bliss. I just hope that it will be reversable.
Under the most extreme circumstance in which I may actually put it to use. And you're right, the fact that I need to hide it means I live in a police state. But at least it's something I can hide, unlike my right to a fair trial or my equal protection under the law.

Now do you mind explaining why the origin of his name should mean a thing to anyone at all?
Ending the war is a "no-brainer" and thus will also lead to McCain's demise in the election.

Pulling out of the war will do more to bring this country down than Obama ever thought about.
I will vote third party or write in Ron Paul - I am through with the Republican and Democratic parties as they are now constituted.

The national republican party is bent on suicide just like the illinois republican party has committed suicide. In Illinois the republican party has consistently for the last two decades worked to undermine every conservative candidate that has run for state wide office, because only moderate rino candidates could in the thinking of the party elite appeal to independents and moderates and thus ganner enough support to win, given the liberal leaning of the state due to the grow of Chicago and the collar counties around Chicago. The net result has been that Democrats control the house, senate, governorship, and virtually all the state wide offices, and though the capital is legally in Springfield - the state government is essentially run out of Chicago - where the governor has chosen to live instead of the capital.

Now the national republican party run by the neo-con elites, has a candidate who fits the bill - a moderate rino - in McCain. When McCain loses big time - see losing 40 to 50 states with losses in the house and senate, the moderate rino neocon elites - and those who actually support McCain will scream bloody murder that the conservatives betrayed them and didn't turn out to support the parties candidate.

Sorry, you don't denegrate people and their core values and then later belittle them because they saw fit not to support you. Parties are built and grow from their base, from the people that have the passion of their convictions and are thus motivated to act. Eviserating the heart of the party, its base, and then being surprised that the base didn't turn out is idioitic. The republican base will not turn out for McCain. The moderates and independents will vote for "change" and that is Obama or Clinton.
Pulling out of the war will do more to bring this country down than Obama ever thought about.

Just like Vietnam.
PS: Obama wants us out too along with the MAJORITY of the people.
PSS: Hawg, we just can't be the BULLY anymore using Chinese financing.

The net result has been that Democrats control the house, senate, governorship, and virtually all the state wide offices, and though the capital is legally in Springfield - the state government is essentially run out of Chicago - where the governor has chosen to live instead of the capital.

++1 Been there and lived it.