What will you do when Ron Paul drops out?

Well, seriously, who WOULD be a good candidate? I won't hold my breath on an answer; I can't think of a single one except for Duncan Hunter, maybe....
What will you do when Ron Paul drops out?

Go to garage sales and flea markets to buy up discarded Ron Paul campaign buttons and bumper stickers......might be worth something in twenty years on the Antiques Road Show. :D

Guess I'll have the memories of how passionate some of you folks were.....

Obama wants us out too along with the MAJORITY of the people.

Then vote for Obama.
Seems as if the majority of the people wanted out the majority of Republicans wouldn't be voting for McCain.
Probably vote for Obama to get him the heck out of Illinois so we can get a PRO GUN SENATOR. The Senate is where the real power is at anyway. We need to control the senate for he who controls the senate controls the lawmaking in this country.
Probably vote for Obama to get him the heck out of Illinois so we can get a PRO GUN SENATOR.

That would be one way to get rid of him. But could you elect a pro gun senator with all the sheep voting straight democrat? Another plus for Obama: he would probably funnel lots of money back to Illinois where our politicians really know how to spend it.
he would probably funnel lots of money back to Illinois where our politicians really know how to spend it.

I don't think so. What I've seen is when a politician leaves Illinois for the greener pastures , they leave for good and never return nor do they send money back while in office. They'd rather keep it for themselves . Such is the political training they receive while residing as a representative in Illinois. Also tell me where Obama originally came from and how long he has resided in Illinois. Also where did George W and Jeb live before residing in Tx and Fl respectively ? If you can answer these questions, then we can determine how much they will send "home".
Alex45acp, he did say it.. I heard it too.

America is not ready for someone as radical as Ron. Maybe in another 20 years... but not today. Not to mention, Ron has a hard time hearing... He screws up in the debates too often. He simply is not 'presidential' nor have the aura of confidence.
Snakebuster: Good question. The truth is that anyone with the honor and brains to be president these days is smart enough not to get into the business of politics. You simply can not stay 'clean' in today's political battlefield.

As of right now, unless something really unexpected happens at the GOP convention, I will prolly be voting democrat... Why? One step closer to the revolution this country so desperately needs. McCain or Huckleberry will just delay the inevitable.
4sarge said:
I'll reserve the final decision until November. But most likely I'll vote for the republican nominee. The failure of 3rd parties is well documented. The Supreme Court nominees are crucial factor in my decision

You aren't a Whig by any chance, are you? ;)

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you were President of the US and you appointed a Supreme Court Justice who then found your signature legislation (McCain-Feingold) unconstitutional? No wonder McCain claimed Alito was too conservative for the Court. Look at the bewildering array of rulings and opinions when McCain's law came before the Court.

Is Souter fundamentally different from Ginsburg?
Ross Perot factor

When November comes down to either Obama/Clinton vs. McCain, voting for anyone other than McCain is voting for the Democrats and thus voting against your gun rights.

Volunteer, write on blogs, whatever.........but when it comes to the actual vote, if you vote for Paul or whomever, you might as well be voting for Clinton or Obama. That's not acceptable to me and it's not the time to make a voice...it's too late at this point. I like Ron Paul, especially on domestic issues. But voting for him in November will result in the same thing that Ross Perot voters did-ensure a Democrat in the white house!

McCain is not perfect, but he is a much better choice than Clinton/Obama. Quite frankly, I believe that it will be very hard for a Republican to win at all in Nov. Meanwhile, sending money to NRA-ILA-writing my represenatives 3 to 4 times a year, and recruiting as many as I can into the NRA. Doing what I can.

Above is JMO. Please think about it.......
Hope all is well with everyone!:)
The rest of the Perot history...

When Bill Clinton was elected, the Dems also controlled Congress, and they handled things so well that in two years, the sitting Speaker lost his reelection bid and 4 decades of Dem control over the Congress ended with Speaker Newt installed.

During the rest of his time in office, Bill Clinton did manage to expand annual government spending by almost 400 billion. What a piker! The number has grown by over 1.1 trillion under Bush. Triple the growth, triple the fun! :rolleyes:
McCain doesn't believe in killing unborn children.

McCain voted for the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

There's two reasons, anyway.
In addition to what Fremmer said, McCain has consistently voted against Assault Weapons Bans.

He has his problems, for certain, but in November he will be a much better choice than Hillary/Obama... at least that's how this Ron Paul supporter feels.
He has his problems, for certain, but in November he will be a much better choice than Hillary/Obama... at least that's how this Ron Paul supporter feels.

C'mon brother. It isn't no time to get weak. Stick to your guns. McCain is a %#@$ sandwich and even though he can lose very well all by himself they are going to swift boat him ta boot. When he loses you will have a bad taste in your mouth.:barf:

Better to fight for what is right and lose than compromise and still lose.
A vote for McCain is a vote for the continuance of the war. Reducing the ability of the US to respond to first world threats. Increasing the size of the police powers of the federal government. Increasing the US dependence on foreign borrowing. Increasing the cheap labor flood.
I received a unique perspective on the upcoming election and finance today. I had been contacted a few weeks ago by an expanding bread/sandwich restaurant chain, and over the past few days I taken on some individual assignments. Because of the good "corporate fit," that work is increasing and I am talking to more managers of that chain.

So, here's a company that's expanding in a recession. Here's their view.

They don't care one ddamn bit. They have their own corporate plan, they have their individual store goals and the people and clients like them.

The first store hired me simply because four of the staff were bikers. We schmoozed over cappuccino as I worked, and it was clear that they had no respect for the current administration, scant interest in the posturing of current candidates, and almost total lack of concern on who wins the White House.

Their view is my view. I don't think anyone is going to help me, and I doubt any of them can hurt my business unless I'm stupid enough to let them. I know how to maximize my work/profit formula better than Hilbama. If needed, I can find better looking women than Slick Willie.

Here among a mulit-store chain of success is one galvanized opinion on business and the government. We don't need them, chances are they are over-promising or outright lying, and I have to work tomorrow anyway.

So how does this correlate to RP doing anything.

Clearly he is being sold as a candidate who is 180 degrees opposite of Hilbama. To this business, neither candidate appears to have any impact.

I believe RP may be a spoiler, or he may hold McCains feet to the fire on holding to conservative standards. It's kind of a "who cares" proposition.

I did learn one thing about my core beliefs when faced with the realities of new challenges and rewards. I don't care either. I thought I did because I have rather laissez-faire attitudes on business vs. government.

None of the current crop of pretenders will hurt or help me--perhaps with taxes, but that is now unknown. RP will descend to just another voice crying in the wind. Nothing will really get done--as usual.