What will you do when Ron Paul drops out?


McCain has the nomination. For good or ill, that's the way it is. Ron Paul can't win either the nomination or the presidency. So after the months and months of talking about Ron Paul, peopl making him out to be the savior of America, and some ignoring any other candidates, what will you when he is out of the race? Write him in? Be bitter and just not vote? Hold your nose and vote McCain, or dare I say, vote for HilBama just to show the GOP they aren't getting away with running a lib like McCain?

The past months of debate and ideals about RP have been a blast, but reality will soon rear it's ugly head. What is your plan to deal with it?
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I plan to sleep late, have a latte' from a strong Italian blend, scratch myself and go on not carrying about his candidacy at all.

In other words, treat his run for office as a "Thursday."
I doubt he'll drop out. I doubt he'll get the nomination but he seems like the kind of guy that will stick with the race until the convention. He says he won't accept the Libertarian nomination but by September he may have enough support that he'll take it.

I'll probably vote for whoever the Libertarian candidate is. Although I might vote for Obama instead.
I'll reserve the final decision until November. But most likely I'll vote for the republican nominee. The failure of 3rd parties is well documented. The Supreme Court nominees are crucial factor in my decision since congress has allowed these non elected lifers to become the de facto lawmakers they were never intended to be.
I'll reserve the final decision until November. But most likely I'll vote for the republican nominee. The failure of 3rd parties is well documented. The Supreme Court nominees are crucial factor in my decision since congress has allowed these non elected lifers to become the de facto lawmakers they were never intended to be.

I agree wholeheartedly. The SCOTUS has far more power than they should, and it's power they gave themselves without our consent. The appointing of SC justices is one of the most important if not the most important powers the President has. Case and point, here in Michigan, we voted last year to make Affirmitive Action illegal. The proposal had one of the highest voter turnouts on record, and the ban on AA passed with nearly 70% in favor. Of course the Afirmitive Action lobby is contesting the vote and is planning on taking it to the SC. Following the legal channels, the case has the chance of being tried by the SC in 2009 or 2010. The SC has the power to completely toss aside the will on the Citizens of Michigan. We made our voices and desires heard and the SC can simply ignore it if 5 out of the 9 are libs. And not only will the SC's decision possibly ignore Michigans will, it could effect the will of the People of other states as well. So one lobby of lawyers with a stacked deck of SC judges can simply toss aside any decision made and voted on by the actual Citizens of the US and it's States.

The nomination of sensible originalist judges who acually care about what the Framers had in mind instead of their own liberal agenda is of the utmost importance.
Although I might vote for Obama instead.

I wish I had the eye twitching "disbelief" smiley face on this forum... Just don't understand how anyone who is a part of the firearm life can support a candidate who runs on the premise of banning hi cap mags, all semi auto firearms, and all pistols.
Well ... let's see .... with McCain as the Republican Nominee ???

I'll get ready for the death of America's Constitution , an all out assault on the 2nd Amendment , and try to learn to speak Spanish , because with or without McCain as the president , those things are part of every candidate's agenda that are left.

How quickly we forget McCain's stance on Illegal Immigration when he's selling himself and lies to gain office.

Ask Ted Kennedy what McCain wants to do about Illegals , as if it matters anyway because , giving McCain the nomination is basically handing the presidency to the Dems of which McCain is simply hiding in the closet.

It's so true that American's have such short memories , seemingly controlled by the latest propaganda on the TV :(
It's so true that American's have such short memories , seemingly controlled by the latest propaganda on the TV

Agreed, I simply will not vote for McCain our current president hurt the Republican party and McCain will only finish the job, anyone but McCain at the least the GOP may regroup in 4 years and put forth a real candidate.
I wish I had the eye twitching "disbelief" smiley face on this forum... Just don't understand how anyone who is a part of the firearm life can support a candidate who runs on the premise of banning hi cap mags, all semi auto firearms, and all pistols.
Because I can hide my guns. I can't "hide" some of the other freedoms that the GOP strives to take away in the name of "family values" or fighting "the war on :eek:"
How quickly we forget McCain's stance on Illegal Immigration when he's selling himself and lies to gain office.

His issue on illegal immigration follows every president for the past fifty years and every president before the the great depression, be it Republican or Democrat. Even Reagan signed the amnesty bill. Really it becomes a non issue after the election, where we see border guard numbers slashed and checks removed and almost a big as scam as playing on the abortion issue, let alone gunrights.
February 8, 2008

Whoa! What a year this has been. And what achievements we have had. If I may quote Trotsky of all people, this Revolution is permanent. It will not end at the Republican convention. It will not end in November. It will not end until we have won the great battle on which we have embarked. Not because of me, but because of you. Millions of Americans -- and friends in many other countries -- have dedicated themselves to the principles of liberty: to free enterprise, limited government, sound money, no income tax, and peace. We will not falter so long as there is one restriction on our persons, our property, our civil liberties. How much I owe you. I can never possibly repay your generous donations, hard work, whole-hearted dedication and love of freedom. How blessed I am to be associated with you. Carol, of course, sends her love as well.

Let me tell you my thoughts. With Romney gone, the chances of a brokered convention are nearly zero. But that does not affect my determination to fight on, in every caucus and primary remaining, and at the convention for our ideas, with just as many delegates as I can get. But with so many primaries and caucuses now over, we do not now need so big a national campaign staff, and so I am making it leaner and tighter. Of course, I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run. I do not denigrate third parties -- just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican.

whatever I can do to put the fear of Anarchy in people, RP independent run.
na j/k
just write in Ronald E Paul or go Libertarian.
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What else can I do but support the Republican who gets the nod and hope for the best as I could never vote for Klinton or Obama.
Be truthful now, even if your name's really Don Quixote, did anybody hear EVER believe that Ron Paul was going to be nominated? Gimme a break! The choice is between McCain and one of two abhorrent alternatives, one a chain-smoking, African-Nationalist addict, the other the female Antichrist.
PetreTG: It's so true that American's have such short memories , seemingly controlled by the latest propaganda on the TV

Right on, and don't forget 5 second attention spans! Much can change in a few months. How healthy is McCain? Another fit of rage...then the big one!

Hope you're canvassing for RP up there in Wisconsin.

You folks are about as whacked as paul is if you think he has a remote chance of being President. Our fault that the extremists attacked us???? paul is zipped!!!!!!!!! He thinks it is OUR fault that they have been attacking us!!!!!!!! GET A GRIP, PEOPLE!