What to do when you see someone pulling a NFA "dumbass"?

Mighta been a store bought Charger?

Well look at that - that's not a bad looking piece. I was picturing a hack job with part of the stock sawed off and part of the barrel sawed off.
I just had one. There was someone posting on AR15.com. He had an HK94 pistol clone. He wanted to consign it with all of the accessories. Only problem was one of the accessories was a stock. I at first just let it go. However later in the thread he said it could be used for a sear or a SBR project.

I sent him an E-mail asking if it was already registered as a SBR. I also sent him a link to the story about Jesus Amador. The photos were gone from the thread within hours if that says anything.
I am a supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Although I myself adhear to all firearms laws, I consider the NFA unconstitutional. If I want to work for BATFE, I'd send in my application, go through the interview process and collect my paycheck for the services you seem to think I need to do for them for free.


You win. If I was wearing a hat, it would be off to you.
Wasn't one of the newer Ruger Chargers, this was close to ten years ago. It was just hacked off like you'd see on a cut down shotgun from the days of Bonnie and Clyde.
I haven't seen a person violating NFA laws but if I did I would probably say something like "Hey man, you need to be careful who you're showing that too it is not legal to the ATF and they are serious about it." This does 2 things, I have either just educated someone who didn't know any better or have just informed someone doing it intentionally doing it that they shouldn't be doing it. I have done both in a nice way, the first guy knows to fix his unintentional problem and I have avoided a possible ugly confrontation with the second guy by not appearing as the enemy.
You're not breaking any law just because you don't want to play BATFE-agent.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case; If you have knowledge of a felony and fail to report it, you are guilty of "misprision," which is also a felony. See how it gets trumped up?
Are bad laws meant to be broken? It hasn't gotten to the point where I'm willing to break any. But, at what point would even a police officer (which I'm not) declare that a "law" is so oppressive that he would refuse to enforce it?

If you are a police officer, or to any police officers out there - would you be a party to rounding up all of the legally purchased semi-auto "assault weapons" if your Congress and President pass a law making them illegal?

I think you may have misunderstood me. There are a plethora of laws I do not agree with, but that does not mean I think they should be broken.

I am not a police officer, but I am an active duty member of the military. While I do not think I will be asked to round up legally purchased firearms in the near future, I would not be a party to such action. I would rather be court martialed than to trample on the rights of my fellow Americans. THAT BEING SAID, There would be several steps in between now and then, and I firmly believe that if Congress or the President ordered such action, there would be very few members of the military(or the LE community for that matter) who would blindly obey such orders.

My opinions are my own and I have thick skin, two things that appear to be in short supply on this and other forums.
You're not breaking any law just because you don't want to play BATFE-agent.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case; If you have knowledge of a felony and fail to report it, you are guilty of "misprision," which is also a felony. See how it gets trumped up?

Misprision requires active concealment of a known felony rather than merely failing to report it.

United States v. Johnson 546 F.2d 1225: "The mere failure to report a felony is not sufficient to constitute a violation of 18 U.S.C.A. § 4."

In all reality, if I were to find some thugs farting around with illegal machineguns, I'd report this. Most of us probably would. But, in my mind, this is different than running across a friend or acquaintence who might have a forward grip where he shouldn't, have an AK with too few US parts (I know, not NFA, but still...) have a barrel cut down a little too short, etc.
Misprision requires active concealment of a known felony rather than merely failing to report it.

United States v. Johnson 546 F.2d 1225: "The mere failure to report a felony is not sufficient to constitute a violation of 18 U.S.C.A. § 4."

Interesting. In that case, if you have knowledge of a felony and don't report it, are you then merely an accessory or "aiding and abetting?"

Are you sure about that 18" barrel rule on shotguns. I thought that was rifles and shotguns were 16". I actually bought a new .410 stainless "Snake Charmer",which was a single shot, that had a 16 1/8" barrel. I think I bought it in the mid 1980s, but am not sure. I do remember the measurements because I made a regular stock and grip for it. The original stock was a plastic weird pistol grip and the forearm was plastic.