What kind of work do you do?

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Retired U. S. Marine Gunnery Sergeant.

Currently in civilian empolyment as the Director of Operations (overseer, expediter, etc) of a small, family owned, Upholstery Weaving Company. Biggest customers (40% of company income) is La-Z-Boy, Broyhill and Thomasville. Hell, some of ya may be sitting on our fabric.

Part time gunscribe on the side.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Like Dan and WEAPONSPC I'm in aviation. Spent 25 years as a Ramp Rat (Line Mechanic) and supervisor for various companies overseas, mainly in Africa, Asia and the Middle-East.

Now I'm working indoors :) as a maintenace controller for a B-727 cargo outfit.

BTW, Dan, Great web site.


When the world is at peace, a gentleman keeps his sword by his side....... Sun-Tzu 400 B.C.
US Army (currently a Tactics Instructor), 19 years, getting ready to start my second career when I retire. Hopefully in Law Enforcement.

Now as to the other stuff I do: Avid shooter (pistol mainly), reloader, sometime bullet caster, gunhack (er...gunsmith), writer wanna be, Hunter, Fisherman, and a whole lot of other stuff that keep me from spending as much time with my wife and daughter as I should.

It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
Wrench twister (mechanic) for about 27 years now. Started in the Army, worked in the trucking biz for quite a while and retired to goverment service ten years ago. I work for a town of about 40,000. Interesting work as we are required to work on anything the city owns. Some of the things we work on include Police cars, Fire trucks, lots of pick-ups, lawnmowers, weedeaters, back-hoes, heavy equiptment and unfortunatly even garbage trucks (UGH!). If the City owns it, we gotta fix it!
We also do alot of fabrication work for special projects. The usual senario is for the City engineer to send us a set of plans, we look them over, see what it is they want, throw the plans away and build the thing so it will work. :)
No two days are ever the same, I like that.
A little long [insert your name here]. Go ahead and start another thread called "What kind of work do you do? II".
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