What kind of work do you do?

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Technical trainer for the network monitoring center of a paging company located here in Dallas. We have to constantly monitor our equipment for failures, and there's a lot of it. You have no idea what all it takes to make a pager go "beep".

It's more complicated than you thought. Ours is a TCP/IP network, as well as some other stuff, so I have to know Radio/RF engineering, Radio transmitters, computers, Ethernet LANs, DS-1/DS-3 circuits, Frame Relay, VSAT satellite dishes, Windows 95 & NT, Over-the-air paging protocols, etc. ad nauseum. But, wait, there's more! I have to know all this so that I can help the guys who do the actual monitoring know how it all works and how to fix it. I used to be one of those guys 'til I moved up in the world. (Sigh) I miss the good 'ol days....

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"
I work in "Operations" for an investment bank. But that's a long ways off from my true desire to be "Marc; The Conqueror" feared around the world.
Farmer; ex- biochemist/molecular biologist, or as my collegues used to call me "Dr. Mother Nature in a Waring blendor"; the local accelerant of ground squirrel Darwinian selection, pain in the butt to whomever my eyes fall upon and mom to your future leader

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Well, actually I am the tech support dude for Bushmaster Firearms, if you've sent mail to techsupport@busmaster.com, I answered it. I'm also a volunteer EMT in my small town. I build timber frame buildings on the side for fun. Keeps me off the streets, anyway.

[This message has been edited by bushmaster (edited July 02, 1999).]
i have been, scooter trash, chopped cotton, drove a tractor, work at a tennis ball factory, been management for a small discount retail co., sold suits, picked up garbage, operated dozers, backhoes, cherry pickers, managed a auto parts house, owned my own body shop, traveled the S.E. part of the country following construction working on equipment, as of right now i'm in forced retirement!!!!
and hell no it ain't fun!!!

what me worry?
Retired "paid liar", AKA, meteorlogical technician, AKA weatherman. Regarding first remark, boss constantly gave me bad write-ups on my atitude for using that remark.
Let's face it. In what other job can you be wrong, fly big balloons, and get paid for it?
And not fired when wrong.(Not that I was ever wrong LOL)
Seriously, it was a demanding job at time, especially during severe weather. It was almost like being in a war during thunderstorm season. 59 minutess of boredom, and 60 sconds of sheer terror. I loved it.
Paul B.
Three years retired from 30+ years in fornsic mental health, now work 2-3 days week in the staff education dept. And I play a lot. And shoot a lot. And sometimes I work more to help support some deserving custom gunsmiths in the style they've become accustomed to ... :) :) ;)

Shoot carefully... swifter...
As of right now I work for my parents condominium management company doing everything from webmaster to processing invoices. Im also going to school to hopefully get into the field of computer aided drafting/design. But then again who knows what they want to do for the rest of their lives when your only 19 years old.
I'm unemployed right now and looking for another job. Just finished a contract job with working as a lab technician for a semiconductor company. It was weird working in the cleanrooms.I worked as a CAD designer for two years. I'm also a part-time Mechanical Engineering student.
Consultant. This is an excellent career choice for me, as I have an opinion on almost everything, and getting paid to share is most gratifying. However, I'm actually worth listening to when it comes to IT strategy, management, and exploitation, as well as certain areas of high tech product marketing. And remember -
Adam was the firsst man.
Eve was the first woman.
The snake was the first consultant.
I also belive it's never too late to have a happy childhoood.
"Computer Internetworking Consultant."
"Idea Man."

All of which makes me about 32 G a year with very little free time.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Knife/gun dealer: Lower Kalifornica.

USN, Ret.


"That no free man should ever be disarmed". (Thomas Jefferson)

Help manage the donated oil and gas properties at a childrens' orthopedic hospital. Title is: Audit Manager.
Baby sitter. I watch over college student, that are to work for the University and me. I watch over research cattle, bull test,moma cows, horses and the dreaded sheep(hate sheep).A southren engineer expert(gray tape and balingwire). Also a crazy man.Working for and with PHd's will drive you crazy.(This is for Big Dog who is a member of this board,who's handle I don't know but I will find it.)
Stay safe.
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