What kind of work do you do?

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I am a golf course superintendent. Everyone who plays golf tells me I have the perfect job. BTW I have the perfect job.
I'm retired opened a Billiard Pro Shop.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
inkslinger(tattoo artist)
nra instructor
glock armorer
dabbler (there is always a better way to build a mouse trap!) well sometimes
CH-53 Crew Chief for USMC, College Student, then Chemical Engineer for Chemical Plant in So Cal.

Wanna be pro surfer or snowboarder. Pro shooter would also be nice.
Semi-retired farm equipment dealer. If you think farmers got it rough, you ought to try selling stuff to them for a living.
Ex-Navy river boat engineer/gunner, 13 years as a part time EMT (56 hrs./week), 31 years security/firefighting, part time firearms salesperson for 8 years, father of two (one an ex-Navy medic during Desert Storm now a police officer), ex-IPSC shooter, current IDPA competitior, student of defensive tactics, shotgun/steel afficianado, reloader
I work full on an armored car ( 3 and a half days a week, 45 hours a week ) and part time as a "Fugitive Recovery Agent"( Not the title that I would have used). The rest of the time I shoot and reload and get to deduct it all on taxes...

I am a mechanic at a major air carrier(airline) and part time machinist which sort of came about due to my interest in firearms and firearms accesories. Ive recently been making stand up machine gun mounts with T&E mechanisms for 30 CAL. 1919 med. M.G. My main inspiration for any of my products Ive ever made was the fact that the real thing costs way too much or that it just couldnt be found, so Ive made these items(of which there are way too many to list!)but aint that what makes us AMERICANS!!!!

[This message has been edited by WEAPONSPC (edited July 03, 1999).]
First & Foremost: God's servant(admittedly not his best employee).
2nd PUBLIC SAFETY:Police, Fire, E.M.S.(Yep, I work in all three fields).

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
High School Government and Pyschology teacher. Also have a small cow and calf operantion. About 150 head.

Rescuer of damsels in distress, slayer of dragons, tilter of windmills and other assorted acts of chivalry.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
As the handle implies I'm an accountant... got you on that one... bet you thought I was the other kind of bookkie.. :) I'm the Chief Grape counter for a public winery in No. CA. as oppossed to a bean counter. Don't have beans to count so count grapes instead. I'm also part cowboy, got into my roots from my upbringin'. Part allagator, part bull roarer and I can outfight, outshoot, outhunt, outdrink and outbull**** anyone in Northern California. As a jack of all trades, am good at everything, but expert in nothing. Have done a little bit of everything in my life, from shoveling out the chicken coup to pulling green chain in a lumber mill to hauling hay to punchin cattle.

In the military I was an investigator for Communication Security/Signal Security. It carried over into civilian life only for corporation and then back to government assignments. I'm now retired and enjoying life.
Formerly retail furniture sales, collections and repossession agent, now a psychiatric and emergency department nurse.
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