What kind of work do you do?

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New member
The "Firearm-Hating Company" thread made me think of all the different occupations TFLers must have. So what's yours?

I work in a precision-machined engine components plant. Most of the plant is dedicated to turbocharger production, but I work in a smaller, louder, dirtier, heavier department, making the dreaded

65 lb Torsional Vibration Damper!!!

of recent fame, and others not so famous.

A torsional vibration damper mounts on a crankshaft and reduces vibrations. Most of what we make is for diesel heavy equipment, but we make one or two versions for automobiles, mostly Saab (they weigh about 3 lbs. I like those :))

The 65 lb deal goes onto a combine harvester or something similarly huge made by John Deere. Caterpillar is another big customer. Anyone buy a BIG diesel Ford truck in the last few years? You probably have one of my company's dampers on your engine.

And probably one of our fan drives, too. I used to run the electro-coating machine for fan drive rotors, but that department was sold last year.

Now I run different machines in the assembly department: coating the damper components with industrial adhesive, smushing them together in a 20-ton hydraulic press, running them through a 60 foot long oven to cure the adhesive, balancing the assemblies by drilling holes in them when they're too heavy on one side, and running them through the paint booth conveyor so they look special for the customer, who re-paints them anyway. I love it. NO CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! I will never ring a cash register again!

The company was known as Schwitzer until a few months ago, when we were bought out by the Borg-Warner Automotive corporation. Yes, there were endless "We have been assimilated", "Resistance is futile", and "We are Borg" jokes.

So that's what I do every night until 11:00 and I run home to TFL. Your turn...


PS- I wasn't going to include any obligatory firearms content (it is general discussion, y'know), but I just realized: most of the older machines in my area made US shell casings in WWII. Every time someone complains about them not being "precision" enough I say, "Hey man, don't 'dis' the New Britain machines! Those things won The War for us!" :D
Structural Engineer. We design and build test facilities for the aerospace and automotive industries.
Watch out, Boing, here comes the Great Pontificator! In direct answer to your question, I'm retired from being a Civil Engineer. And, Dennis, I've always been pretty civil. More accurately, I dropped out of formal work in 1979 after 20 years of 8 to 5. Been a penny-ante entrepreneur since then, although my "night job" of hobbies became a sort of day job situation.

Now: Ever notice how we define ourselves in terms of our work? Go to a party: "Hi! I'm Joes*** the Ragman. What do you do?" "Hi! I'm Dorothy Doofus, and I make widgets for GiantThing, Inc. And you?" Gotta put those square pegs in square holes, don't we?

So, away from "work", the things I have done or am doing: coin collector/dealer; gun trader; handloader, hunter, target-shooter; Cessna 172 pilot; sports car racer, engine builder, pit-crew fella; night club owner/manager; backhoe operator and gravel hauler; rancher (which taught me electrical, carpentry, fence-building, plumbing, roofing, and oh, yes, cows.) and husband and father.

On any given day I spent as much time on "some of the above" as I did working. So how do I define myself by "work"?

Why did I do all that crap? Well, it sure looked like fun at the time! And a lot of it still is...My wrinkles come from grinnin'.

:) :)Regards, Art :) :)
"Audio Engineer"
"Sound Guy"
"Sound Geek"
"Sound Recordist"
You pick.
It means I'm the guy who tweeks the knobs on those (sometimes) huge mixing boards and plays with all those flashing LED's.

First I did it for music, then I got side-tracked and did 10yrs for location filming (yes, I've met 100's of movie stars UGH), and now I'm back to music again.

Needless to say, I'm very picky about my hearing protectors even though it is my day job that's making me deaf. :)

Same Shot, Different Day
Well, I started out as a cabinetmaker, then got a job building exhibits for a museum. From there I became a CAD operator and parlayed that into the design field.

I am currently a Designer/Project Manager/Engineer for a company that builds custom trade show exhibits. My specialty is big double-deck structures. I am currently working on multiple units for the Hardware Show in Chicago this August.

Unfortunately I'm not going to Chicago this time. I won't miss the work, but I will miss the great Blues that Chicago is famous for.
Bankrupcty lawyer (and private investigator mainly as hobby).

ASPIRE TO BE: writer, country music star (pipe dream), inventor (have some inventions but so far no capital to get them off the ground), snowboard bum, rancher, and expert dog trainer & breeder - I've got a ways to go.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited July 02, 1999).]
Software engineer.

I work for a company that does GPS tracking of offenders on house arrest. Mostly do application programming, but occasionally do some coding inside the tracking "box".

For the paranoids, don't worry, we have no plans of building tracking "implants" ;)

Software Developer. All phases of requirements, design, implementation, of distributed enterprise-level systems based on (<BLINK>no laughing!</BLINK>) Windows NT.

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited July 02, 1999).]
I used to work in the Cardiac Cath Lab as a Cath Lab Tech. Got tired of all the politics/shmolitics and 60+ work weeks and on-call time.

Now I'm a "full-time" mom and a teacher. I homeschool my 6 year old daughter.
(Hubby and I couldn't bear to have her brainwashed by the Public School System...with all their liberal propaganda)

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
I spy on people who live in remote locations to make sure they are not collecting or dealing in illegal coins or guns; playing with explosives; shooting Bambi (or quail!) or illegal human-shaped paper targets; flying aircraft without flight plans or otherwise in an illegal manner; recklessly driving automobiles with abandon; performing unlicensed engine repairs or maintenance; operating pubs or heavy equipment in an environmentally improper manner; engaging in bovine buffoonery; unlicensed home repair scams; spanking their children; (?spanking their wives???); or otherwise disturbing the peace of our legislators.

Okay, Art. So I lied. But that was more interesting than teaching First Aid, CPR, Defensive Driving (ME! of all people!); Concealed Handgun License classes; and some other little private (but legal) endeavors.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 02, 1999).]
I'm a Landscape Architect (or will be as soon as my apprenticeship is over and I pass the national exam). We do lots more than everyone thinks, and our firm Ownby Associates is licensed in AZ, OK, KS, TX, MO, AR, and all other reciprocal states.

If anyone's interested give us an e-mail at:
sownby@netfocus.net (no web page yet... but still working on the boss). :)

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
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