What is your Preferred Martial Art and Why?

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Mjolnir, you are tiresome. You also fail to crasp the subtle arts of syllables, phonetic distinguants, and silence.

Onebum, the bestway to find more about 'which is best for you' is to simply become involved in it.
Grab a phone book; look up all the martial arts with really cool names. Note; if you don't think the names cool, you probably wont stick with it too long ;) Call a bunch of them and find out when you can head down there. The best time to 'head down there' is right then, procrastination is boring. Become involved in something that looks cool. It is extremely unlikely that you will stumble on anything truly PRACTICAL immediately, and anything you find initially you probably won't stick with... So 'looking cool' is a good enough characteristic to judge by.
Converse with your newfound contacts concerning what you find interesting, or would be interested in, what you need in a martial art, what you don't want, et cetera. After all, you can get a bit out of magazines and such, but it's easier (and more fun) to pick the brains of the sorts who have been doing it for decades. You'll be much more likely to find something that meets your preferential balance of practicality and athleticism.

You'll also quickly learn to distinguish a MARTIAL ART with a COMBAT SYSTEM. This is probably something you should know well enough. Some people are unhappy with their martial arts for years and years, because what they were looking for was a combat system and didn't know it. I've never heard of this working the other way, probably because combat systems are so rarely taught nowadays, and are inherently outside the public's eye, thus fairly difficult to locate in the first place.
have found no sub-forums specific to CCW. Is this purposeful? Is it something that's going to be remedied? Or am I simply being daft in my inability to find it?
There is no CCW-specific forum here at TFL. That's really all of your question that I can answer, and if you want more info than that, you should talk to a mod.
...martial art no work on animal cause human too weak. So, martial art only work on other human if you faster, stronger. So, just use gun. Still, martial art plenty fun.

Depends on the animal. But martial arts have rarely been developed to combat animals. The self defense aspect is almost always assumed to be self defense against humans. To bring fighting against animals into this is...pointless?

Martial arts do not only work when you're faster and stronger. In fact much of the point of martial arts is the same as guns; it provides an equalizer for those with less physical prowess to use technique and skill against superior strength and speed. Anyone who believes that the stronger and faster guy always wins has never heard of the Gracie family.

As far as just using a gun...not everyone can carry a gun wherever they go. In my state I can't carry at all. Even if you're the best shot in the world it won't mean jack if your attacker kicks the crap out of you before you can even think to draw. Correct me if I'm wrong but the average man can traverse 15-20 feet in the time it takes the average man to draw his gun. I can't remember the name of the guy who's website explained that...I believe he's a former cop, teaches combat techniques and such.

Anyways, to only rely on your gun is, in my opinion, as stupid as only relying on martial arts. You never know what's going to happen and you can't count on that piece of metal in your waistband any more than you can count on yourself to have access to it.
[icy voice]

Let's keep things cool here. Personal attacks of any kind from anybody are not welcome here at TFL. Lets get this one back on track.

[/icy voice]
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[even icier voice]

Happy to. Let's get one thing straight...nobody insults me without a response from me...if a poster disagrees with something I've said, address my point; you'll get the same measure of respect you've given.

[even icier voice]
Before things get even more icey (or is that dicey?), icey voices aren't nice.

Icey voices result in locked threads.

Feel free to start a new one on this,..... minus the icey voices ;) .
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