What is your Preferred Martial Art and Why?

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1). Welcome to TFL! :)

2). I can't let this one go:

Someone earlier in the thread said this:

"of course martial arts are not a substitute for a gun"

That statement is CRAP. Any true combat art (note I didn't say 'martial art') integrates a gun;
I believe you are referring to kungfucowboy's post (#38). You have taken his statement out of context. It was part of a refutation of a poor analogy, and in the context of fighting animals.
I like Mexican Judo.......

Judo no know if I gotta Knife....
Judo no know if I gotta gun....
Judo no if I gotta chain....
most effective in my openion

i have studdied 3 types of the arts and the most effective in my openion is hopkido ofcoures being in a wheelchair i had to study something that delbt with being on the ground since most likely that's where i would have ended up anyway but in my openion it really depends on your situation as to which you should study

My preferred martial art...hmm...pablo picasso was great at it, and i'm into oil on canvas...though I do love a nice pen and ink, and sea scapes are my favorite.

does this post make me a twit? I think it does.
whichever one helps me pull my gun quickly, engage my gun on target, hang onto my gun, shoot my gun, and failing that, pull my knife, use my knife, hang onto my knife .... I don't fight fair. I guess that's "Gun Fu", like they said. :) Being in good shape is important, too however.
I take Krav Maga, haven't been doing it all that long but I can say without hesitation that it is a very practical Fighting Art. It covers but stand-up and groundwork. The groundwork puts an emphasis on getting back to your feet quickly and affectively. The stand-up emphasizes ending the fight quickly and affectively. As for a studio in the DFW area (which BTW, I don't think I saw a single person mention) check here:
martial arts are just a waste of time...for defensive purposes.
:confused: Then why does the United States Marine Corps require that every Marine qualify the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program?

To think that carrying a gun is good enough as self defense is as silly as thinking martial arts alone is good enough for self defense. Your gun will be completely useless if you're snuck up on and can't draw it or even worse if it's taken from you.

To the original poster: http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/info/schoolguide.php

Couple of good tips there in choosing a school once you've picked out a style. I don't know about your area but some are saturated with McDojos and Bullshido studios. Be wary of any instructor that touts his system as "the most effective in the world". Even the Gracies haven't won every fight they've ever been in.

I'm currently thinking of signing up with www.ohanama.com which seems like a good mix of useful styles. In the 16 years I've been studying martial arts, the one I studied in Florida which combined four systems of kung fu seemed like by far the most effective. Sample as many as you can. Even Tae Kwon Do can be useful; not as a combat art but it certainly works the cardiovascular system and keeps one in shape.

I'd like to try out silat, krav maga, and capoeira sometime in the future.

I'm surprised no one has quoted that lethal style known as "Ching-chang-Bang"...
I prefer the deadly and mysterious Pha Kew Upp :cool:
I like to throw up on people who have me in a choke hold... after that I get down on all fours and bite their achilles tendon...

Keep it up folks, this is a great thread that is both funny and educational...basically its a good after school movie. Of course i don't think there ever was a good after school movie...anyway.

After having 40+ surgeries, and i'm only 26, I'm limited of course but i've been looking into martial arts classes ever since I got kicked out of my interpretive dance class. Ya'll have given me good info, thanks. Even more important ya'll have given me a few new one liners, and I am a man that loves his one liners.

I gotta tell ya, ya'll are some funny folks. I love puns and witty comments and it's awfully rare to see them in the gun forums...but there's plenty in this thread. I'm gonna copy some of them too, of course I won't give credit.
If anyone can, please let me know a source that I can compare forms of martial arts to see whats best for me. I'm looking into the link posted for kung pu magazine, but if anyone has any other links please let me know.

Actually, several of you seem very knowledgeable, perhaps a few of you could discuss the goods and bads with me in another thread, in another forum of course. Lemmie know if any of ya'll are willing to help a fella out, either PM or on here.
I understand the initial use of that statement earlier in the thread. I also agree that Mjolnir made an unrelated, and seemingly pointless statement, and that it was appropriate to rebuttle it. I haven't mentioned anything from Mjolnir (I think that's his name) because I couldn't get my finger on a pointed and intellectual theme in his post.

I'll make it easier for you:

...martial art no work on animal cause human too weak. So, martial art only work on other human if you faster, stronger. So, just use gun. Still, martial art plenty fun.

I believe you are referring to kungfucowboy's post (#38). You have taken his statement out of context. It was part of a refutation of a poor analogy, and in the context of fighting animals.

Main Entry: anal·o·gy
Pronunciation: &-'na-l&-jE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -gies
1 : inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects they will prob. agree in others
2 a : resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike : SIMILARITY b : comparison based on such resemblance

That wasn't an analogy.
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