What is your ideal EDC setup?

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want as my EDC set up. I do have an idea of what it will look like in the end.

Cell phone holster on left hip with a Kimber Pepper Blaster. Keys in left front pocket with cell phone. Kel Tec P-11 (or small .38spl) in right pocket holster. Wallet in a back pocket.

I know some people say pepper spray is a waste of money. However, the pepper blaster minimizes blow back. Plus, even if it only buys a few seconds that is extra time to get my gun and a proper aim. If I'm carrying my kid, it will give me time to get her in to a safer position. Not all situations call for lethal force, and buying enough time to retreat to safety may be the best option.

I keep a flashlight in my car and I'm thinking of replacing it with a flashlight/stun gun combination unit. I'm also pondering a knife that can cut a seat belt and has a glass breaking point on it.
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Fellas (and ladies), the cell-phone holster has got to go. Do yourself a favor and don't wear that thing on your belt, please. :)
the cell-phone holster

Mine is saddle leather and looks like a, well, a saddle, cowboys can wear stuff like this, it is OK. :) I lost a few cell phones until I started using this one.

EDC? I got a small titanium blade gerber, 1.5 in blade, some keys and myself. Havent had a problem yet, the 1911 is at home safe. Cant have a gun here at work, but am surrounded by guys that do and they know how to use them being cops and all. :)
Sitting here with a Beretta 9mm on my hip, folding knife, leatherman, and flashlight. Also have reloads for the 9mm next to me. Also have a full auto M4 and 7 reloads in the room too... :D And my individual 'kit' - body armor with first aid kit, Gerber prodigy knife, and kevlar, etc.

But I'm in Iraq...
I tend to take relatively higher weights pretty well. I carry my cz p01, a streamlight stylus pro in my left pocket, a juice s2 in my right with my keys, a droid ii in my left pocket with the light, wallet in back pocket. I train shooting with a handheld light for 2 reasons: for one, many weapons have trouble with weapon lights attached after a while and although rare I don't want to take the chance, plus carrying with a light attached doesn't allow me to use just the light freely and I would rather not have to carry the exra weight of an extra light.

What id like to add to my setup is a larger multitool with a pocket clip and a spare mag setup.
Lets see...
Jolly Ranchers
Cough Drops
Ziploc bag of WetWipes
Surefire (seldom carried)
Batteries (seldom carried)
Kimber (seldom carried)
Sitting here with a Beretta 9mm on my hip, folding knife, leatherman, and flashlight. Also have reloads for the 9mm next to me. Also have a full auto M4 and 7 reloads in the room too... And my individual 'kit' - body armor with first aid kit, Gerber prodigy knife, and kevlar, etc.

But I'm in Iraq...

Thanks for being there, my nephew is returning from Afgan he was also in Iraq for about a year. You guys are the best.
On belt @ 9:00 - cellphone, @ 3:00 - Kimber Ultra CDP in a Don Hume JIT Slide.
Rt front pocket - keys
Lft front pocket - couple bucks in change, Leatherman Micra, NRA pocketknife, reading glasses
Rt rear pocket - KelTec P32 in Uncle Mike's size 1
Lft rear pocket - wallet
Sometimes - Buck Mantis in watch pocket

Dress is generally jeans or cargo pants and sweatshirt untucked in winter or jean or cargo shorts and t-shirt untucked in summer.
Here's my everyday. I also have a Motorola Droid which I love, but it was being a camera in this pic:D

I have been known to carry, as a plainclothes LEO investigator, a .357 mag revo on the strong side belt, and a full size semi auto in a shoulder holster covered nicely by a sleeveless kahki vest. in the vest was a spare mag, a leatherman, cell phone, walkie talkie and various other police gear. On occasion mind u not everyday, the job dictated the gear.
My EDC is neither fancy or "tactical", but these are the items I find most functional day to day. If I were to add a carry gun to the picture, it would be either a G26 or a S&W 642.

Today it was two key wallets and car keys in jeans front pockets with cell phone, a tiny Gerber folder in one back pocket and wallet in another, CZ75 Compact in an FBI cant OWB holster made for the P22 on an old Hellweg basketweave belt, spare mag in a Victorinox Swisstool holster (perfect fit), Fenix TK11 and OC foam spray in coat pockets. Untucked t-shirt for cover.

More usually it's modified to cell phone in Nite-Ize holster or several in cargo pants thigh pockets, Ruger SP101 in a DeSantis pocket holster, another Langwitz speedloader in a cargo pocket, a bigger Cold Steel folder with seat belt cutter and glassbreaker in yet another cargo pocket, and maybe the Victorinox Swisstool in its holster on the belt. No cover garment needed, so one can go bare-chested too :p

Oh, and since 90% of the time I have a computer backpack with me on a business day, I have a pretty elaborate first aid kit there at all times.
wow, you guys seem to carry a ton of stuff on a daily basis. i only have my weapon (5 o'clock ss), wallet, keys and phone. on occasion i will have a spare mag with me.
I only wish I could carry here at work. Just today as we were getting back from lunch, another shooting, victem died bad guy caught. All this just 2 or 3 blocks away :(
I do not leave my home each day with anything I would consider "gear". I have a wallet, keys (tiny crkt knife as a fob), phone and a SmithWesson 5shot J-Frame. My desire is to go through my normal life as normal as possible without feeling like I am on a mission. If 5-shots cant get it done, I can run a mile at a good pace.