What is your ideal EDC setup?


New member
So since my setup isnt complete yet here is what im shooting for.

Belt- 5.11 Trainer
-Sig P226 9mm W/18rd mecgar, TLR2. Raven Concealment
-2 spare 18rd mecgar mags. Raven Concealment

Front Right pocket
-Leatherman C2 Juice

Front Left Pocket

Either back pocket

Attire is either cargo shorts or jeans and a dress shirt, untucked.

Did I cover all the bases?
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By my standards, you're a little heavy. I'm a LEO assigned to a plainclothes detail, and I don't even carry that much stuff.

I carry a Glock 23 w/ mounted TLR1 in a Trojan Tactical holster, (like a Raven but cheaper and faster delivery), 1x spare 15 rd mag also in Trojan Tactical carrier, handcuffs over the belt in the small of my back, a small Pelican flashlight, and a SOG Trident. Wallet goes into front left pocket where the Pelican hangs. Occasionally I'll add a Kel Tec PF 9 in an ankle holster or SOB carry with a Trojan Tactical "Bandito". And I almost forgot, but there is an iPhone in the mix as well!
My usual attire to cover all of that up is a t-shirt and jeans.
Leatherman Charge TTi
2 pencils for class
2 pens for class
cell phone

If I am going in the woods add a flashlight and lighter (I start the bonfires)

no handgun till I'm 21 :( I want a CZ P-07
Strong side 3 o'clock-Glock 21 IWB in a black Tagua cruiser holster.

Front left pocket- Swiss Army Knife.

Front right pocket- Keys(secured with snap link on pocket lip) and cell phone

Back left pocket- wallet

Back right pocket- ink pen and Skoal can

And occassionally when I'm feeling especially paranoid spare mag will ride in a back pocket.

Cover garment is usually an untucked polo shirt or fishing shirt.
My regular set-up consists of:

Rossi 462 in a Don Hume belt slide worn crossdraw at 10:00
2 Bianchi speed strips in a acumold pouch worn at 3:00
Kershaw O-so-sweet folder clipped on right front pocket
Sheffield multi-tool in right hip pocket
cell phone on right side
wallet in left hip pocket, watch, keys, all on a amish made belt from RW Leather. An untucked shirt usually works for a warm weather cover garment. Now that cooler weather is here, it's acedemic...I'll cover with a vest or jacket.
By my standards, you're a little heavy.

I tend to agree with you on the gun, but I really like the 226 so I think it will be worth the weight increase over my glocks.

The other stuff is not really all that heavy. I have an gerber multi tool that im about to replace with that new leatherman which is fairly light weight. I am replacing my Recon 1 with the ESEE which weighs half as much. I have always since I was 16 carried a phone, wallet and keys.

I feel with my good belt and holster the gun weight wont really be an issue.
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Pf-9 in Nemesis strong side front pocket
money clip, small swiss army pocketknife, and a handful of change in weak side front pocket
folding thumb-open knife clipped on weak side front pocket
Keys clipped to strong side beltloop behind front pocket
Sturdy belt cinched tight!
Blackberry at 2 o'clock weak side

Jeans and a t-shirt on most days
Cargo shorts and t-shirt on hot days
Switch to larger nine on paddle or belt holster on cold days when wearing a coat.
Sometimes it all goes in a Maxpedition Jumbo or Fatboy pack with camera and other assorted necessities.
Ok spare mags are good ways to clear malfunctions. They balance my carry and offer me piece of mind that I can stay in a fight for a much longer period of time. The more rounds you carry the more likely you will have the tactical advantage going into a gunfight

As a minor point, as a civilian, you really shouldn't be "going into a gunfight". Once a gunfight is imminent, you've really "found yourself in" a gunfight and are defending yourself.

Personally, if someone wants to carry an extra magazine, that's perfectly reasonable. Especially if you've ever experienced a malfunction with your particular weapon/magazine setup. However 54 rounds is a S-load of brass, coupled with a 32+oz pistol/lan setup; and you've got quite a load. I've got a hunch that you are either 6'6" and 250lbs, or you're average sized and haven't actually spent more than a couple of months with this loadout.

Personally, my ideal carry for the current weather is my Glock 19 +1 with 15rd mag of 124gr +P Speed Gold Dot HP's in an IWB at 5 o'clock, a streamlight stylus pro, my leatherman folder clipped to right front pocket in front of a pen. Keys in my jacket, iPhone in left front pocket. Wallet in right rear pocket; handkerchief in left rear with folded piece of blank 8.5x11" paper. And if I feel like it, a spare 15rd mag loaded with HP's in an el-cheapo horizontal belt holster at 8 o'clock; or my 5" boot knife in the right boot. Jeans and an untucked shirt do the trick. A jacket helps.

I don't know how you guys can lugg all that stuff. If I do carry its all I can stand just to have the gun and holster. Everything else goes in the wifes purse.
I agree... Going into a gunfight was bad wording.

So I realize that I have an extremely high round count. Maybe I should trade the 9mm for a p226 in 357 sig or 40. That way I have a more potent round and like most of y'all have said, 55 rounds is a ton. The spares really don't bother me.
I keep it pretty simple. STI Shadow on right side in a Tucker IWB holster, sometimes with a spare mag on the left side IWB, & a Streamlight Microstream and SOG Flash clipped in the right pocket.
I agree... Going into a gunfight was bad wording.

I had a good feeling that you didn't really mean it that way. You sound like a reasonable fellow.

I tend to see that as gentlemen who've chosen to arm themselves carry their weapons and accessories over a couple of decades, the extra stuff tends to start dropping off of their EDC. I know a kid who started carrying a Glock 23 with a laser/light lan as soon as he got his LTCH. He also carried two extra magazines of hollowpoints, a mini-mag flashlight, two folding knives 1 3", 1 5", a leatherman multi-tool, and pepper mace. This was besides the stuff we regularaly carry (wallet, keys, phone, etc...) His father and I used to laugh when he walked into the house and disarmed on the table in their living room for Sunday Football; saying, "What no handcuffs? Rifle? Gotta flashbang in there?" (all in good fun)

His father happened to carry a NAA Guardian in .380 IWB at 4 o'clock with a 4 inch Buck knife on his left side at a forward kant. Only. He used to tell him that, "That is simply too much stuff." And, "One day you're going to realize that you're never going to need all that." As the next few years progressed, things started dropping off. The third magazine fell by the wayside pretty quickly. After taking a few martial arts classes at college, he decided the pepper mace was a bad idea if you were going to get into a grappel anyway. He traded both bulky folding knives and the Leatherman in for a small lightweight Boker Magnum and got an S2 Juice multitool to drop in his pocket. He traded in his mini-mag for a Stylus Pro, and ended up trading in his Glock 23 for a stock .45ACP Glock 36SF. He still carries an extra magazine in his pocket (it's all but destroyed his cell phone), but he's down to a smaller firearm, 1 utility knife with multi-tool, a small flashlight, and an extra mag (about 1/3 of the weight as before).

Its just something you get more comfortable with over time. You realize that your brain and your training are really the best assets you have, and that you can "make it work" with just about any tool that's put in your hands. Then you pick a tool that works well for you and train the Dickens out of it. Everything else is just gravy. And when you get a bit older, you'll realize how many people will be telling you to lay off the gravy;).

My edc

I carry either my sub-compact Springfield Armory XD 9mm or my Glock 23. I have magsafe ammo in the 23 and I forget whats in the 9mm.
So the gun weight is really the issue? The S2 Juice and the ESEE only add up to 6ish ounces. And the wallet, keys and phone are mandatory.

Dont some of yall carry a government 1911? If im not mistaken those weigh in the realm of 42 ounces.

I do have an LCP and a G27 for those days when carrying the big boy would just be awful. But Im really bad with the LCP relative to my other guns. I guess I expect one hole, but get an 8 inch group. :rolleyes:
It depends on the time of year and weather.

Warm weather
S&W Model 66-2 2 1/2" barrel
Remington Express 158grn SJHP
El Paso Saddlery #88 at about 3:30
Oklahoma Leather 1.75" belt
Bianchi speed strip in watch pocket
keys and Kershaw Tanto Blur in right front pocket
cigarette lighter, ink pen, and change in left front pocket
wallet in right rear pocket

Hot weather
S&W Model 36 1 7/8" barrel
Speer 135grn +P Short Barrel Gold Dot
Tagua pocket holster in right front pocket
Bianchi speed strip in watch pocket
keys, lighter, pen, change, and Kershaw Tanto Blur in left front pocket
wallet in right rear pocket

Cold weather
S&W 629 4" barrel
Speer 240grn Gold Dot
Kramer Horsehide Scabbard with FBI cant at about 3:30
Columbia 1.5" double layer belt
Cheap speedloader pouch, 2 HKS speedloaders immediately behind holster
Cold Steel Counter-Tac II on belt at about 5:00
keys and Kershaw in right front pocket
lighter, ink pen, and change in left front pocket
wallet in right rear pocket
I didn't mean "heavy" as in actual weight, I just meant that you carry too much stuff by my standard. I just can't seem to justify carrying two extra mags as a civilian. The knife is a given, and sometimes I'll have a Leatherman or something on me, but usually not.

When I'm not at work all I have is a pistol (G23 or PF 9) a flashlight, knife, wallet, and phone, and I never feel unprepared for any realistic scenario I can dream up.
I never carried a spare mag until I started frequenting this board and read some the "situation" threads and actually started to think back to my training in AIT and the fundamental rule in our Troop in the A-Stan of never going out of the wire without atleast ten magazines for your primary.

Now granted, I probably never will be in a situation in which I need more than 14 rounds of .45 ACP, heck, I hope to never need one, but I feel that in any situation you may need a gun, you may need a reload.

But that is about the extent of my prepardness for some Mumbai style attack.
5.11 Operator belt (1 3/4in.)
5"1911 in an IWB holster
Two mags in a fobus mag holder weak side
Custom waved Benchmade Griptillian front right pocket
Phone front left pocket
Wallet right rear pocket

It sounds like alot but it's really not that bad, the wide belt really helps alot. Call me paranoid if you want but I know for a fact if things go south I won't be wishing for LESS ammo or a SMALLER gun.
Glock 19 (or 26) Appendix inside the waistband (12:30-1:00) in a Dale Fricke ArchAngel holster. If I need covert carry, it's a PM9 in a bellyband under a tucked in shirt, same position.

Spare mag between the gun and belt buckle.

I have a Spyderco folder clipped to each pocket.

Flashlight in a pocket, cell phone on my belt, 11:00.

Wallet, keys.

Same carry winter or summer.

I've tried to make my set-up as ambi as possible, so there is weapon access with either hand. Based on classes I've taken, I know I can't guarantee I'll be able to draw and fire with my strong hand only, and the knives are for getting into a tangle on the ground.

Yeah, I know-that won't ever happen with 'situational awareness'...